So united yet so seperated part 4

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I once was asked if I believe in God
And I had to say no, which most would agree is atheist but yet of i had to given a reason why my reasons would entirly be considered absurd by the deep believers but they do know God more then anyone  infact I think every single person out there does know God because they read his book along with it they chant his songs of Goodwill perhaps even raise money on Gods behalf to bless the unfortunate and yes my reasons to why not that I believe in God is absurd, firstly this is how I thought it out to be you see, God couldn't have left out different religions so we'd be literally up in each other's throats and dying he didn't say that white people are better then black people and neither did he ever say America is more blessed then any other country God never said he will save only you because you lived your life judging people for the mistakes they made because you wouldn't understand that nobody was at fault for anything but how we've been accustomed to think of ourselves aswell as humans in terms of us being a species. God never ever said that you should put borders up and have certain countries flourishing intensely with so many things that to go around for everybody and God never said that his creation would need to follow rules in order to live. I may be exercise my freedom of speech alot but what I've spoken is triggers for most because people tend to feel uncomfortable when their belief is confronted but if so then you are at a loss of faith more then you imagine to have, Alan watts being a philosopher of the 19th century he was beyond what we call normal human social capabilities i have reason to consider his intensely yet simple way of of explain that life is faith it is given to you from the time you come unto this world and being it that life gets you experience each experience is gone through by faith cause golly what might have happened so many things that are unknown yet we don't acknowledge that, we take every step by faith drink water by faith eat food by faith it's everything that we do that is done by faith not the calling of a future prophecy. They were all messengers from God but yet we keep on repeating the messages, haven't we got it yet that we cause our on suffering that the reason why people are able to first teach the lesson of  not trusting but learning to trust yourselves why can't we trust something that moves communicates and lives just like Me has mother and father just like me gi through the same process of growth just as me some age well and age not but the growth will always be there it's either physical or mental but everyone seems to always give themselves option, i gave myself an option and that option was to stray away from what I always saw the world as told to be, but to see the world from all angles not only it being my different stages of growth from toddler, adolescent then teen but to the characteristics of myself  along with traits and skills that make the individual i am which helped me realized that I can't be the only only who can realize perhaps there might be others who think probably just as close as I do, well atleast open minded would be a better way to say it, if we are didn't put walls upon walls of beliefs and analogical thinking we would all get along just like kingdom Jesus promised or just like the community of Islam like Mohammed. Let's take it All away the pain, the way we consider life and the way we consider ourselves let it be known that not only can a human create great things a human can also create itself to be a better well endowed version of existence on planet earth, why trade with ourselves they're probably other planets out there with aliens wanting want we have so why not charge them, why not prepare humanity wait i shouldn't say it as we are victims because it's what we probably are use to feeling like victims...of what exactly does the definition of victim really mean, being exposed to unfortunate circumstance what could make it more unfortunate then to say it you so hopefully think that your whole time existing you are meant to be saved? What's so special about you that you are able to send another him into isolation but yet still claim that God will judge those who do wrong, where is sense in what we've put out for ourselves to cope with life. It's understandable that money has allowed us to move somewhere with ourselves and the whole point of human existence perhaps it isn't likely to say that its all bad, because for some reason money suggests that once humanity totally believes in something they become so attached to it that it destroys them but that's the lesson everybody learns too late what's the point of attaching yourself when you were born into seeing existence and you shall die to seeing non existence just complete darkness perhaps its scary to think that but it isn't at all once you except the fact that the dark is where the light comes from after death there must certainly be something right? I mean it just can't end right there but actually I could say it doesn't because when there's an end there's always a beginning so if there's death there's most certainly birth so it would go together like yin and yang in order t have birth there must be death first in order to have death there must be birth and this was carefully illustrated by Alan watts well this would be in my own perception that I've picked up from what perception he tried to give but perhaps understanding that humanity has created its own good and bad has also created a seperation between people on deciding what is really good and what is really bad but why do you have to decide what's good and bad, aren't you experiencing both? Arent they both giving you a certain feeling like hey you are alive and this is the type of experiences you chose or are choosing for yourself so for you to say something is bad it like saying I shall have a mirror but it shall not reflect which is unlikely for a mirror as a mirrors purpose is to basically reflect are you beginning to understand my point or should I go on perhaps i should say that saying something good would be like screaming in the canyon and causing and echo but how did the echo start, where did it come from.if you want a better explanation then you should probably ask yourself what is it that i feel, that i know? What is it that i know, that I feel. And that's how you begin to talk to your heart by listenimg to what you feel and if are numb because you closed yourself off Due to what you call harmful experiences or i could just use the word detrimental. Why is it closed why are you scared of love if you've never experienced it because if you certainly did experience love why would you be closed up love opens and frees never does it Walter or close for it is everywhere and anyway if you're looking for it, it means you aren't feeling it. Feel it breathe like it was your first breath of life feel your lungs expand as you inhale and feel the freedom and space and you exhale, massive! Never ending totally Un-imaginable.
If something is never ending does it really start? This is probably a good question to give speculative answers to, but the answer is it was always there it never went forward nor backward just there see it as how you say the present where momentarily everything is happening to create and future while leaving behind a past but how is that it's building up a future and creating the past wouldn't that mean that both past and future are the same? Because how can they both happen at the same time just a few pages ago you weren't here but now guess whose here so what about this should have you thinking the fact that you begun to read the book or that you are reading the book, reading which sounds more present that begun because begun means you'd have to start from a certain point but rn you haven't begun you are neither beginning or finish this book you are just reading it..

So United Yet So Seperated:the Human ParadoxWhere stories live. Discover now