The World Needs To Be Set Free

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Hold that which you can keep, not that which you will leave. If it's nothing how would you hold it if it's something how would you take it
do you get it
If so why do you worry
Worry about all the things that shall be left behind where as they were and always were, you as you were when you were.
Nothing is for us to own, nothing is for us to make better
Life can not be made better externally we are vulnerable as most of what occurs there is not in our control but is in our reaction.To really feel control of the external world is to have control within one's own inner world.

Many have laid claim that something belongs to them
But neither have figured out to take along with them which they claim.once the time of transition from life to death.

But death is never the end of it either, many mourn those that have died in soft language "passed on". Why do they? Are they sad because the person whom they mourn would be. Or is it that their absence is merely the tragedy of it all. Mourning ones death is simply cruel, many lay devasted thinking of the worst about death but many have created tales about death
To soothe it down as it it were another side of life we've earned to see with good deeds and ethics

As intelligent as we are compared to other animals
We seem to have the most audacity.we build cities once we've destroyed the cities that were already there, ecosystems that flourished with success and bliss we consider them purposeless so we evict those who knew it as home but we ought to think twice for the consequences we will bring into fruition.

No land was owned and never will no water was owned and never can, every natural resource on Mother earth is that which has been abundantly given to us all, her children.

The idea of setting ourselves to own land and call it one's country is just a way humans to know share what they've found with others but others what others you mean walk on two legs, uses language and can hold objects just as you can.

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