So united yet so seperated part 2

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humans probably aren't greatful. greatful for a world that sustains life but to say it's a creation for our road to salvation and for the those unfortunate, 'to hell they go' why is that those who live not by sin are the blessed ones and those who live by sin are the ones to be dammed, so be it that hell exist but what's the purpose of living not more then a century filled with spontaneous happenings and experimental curiosity to spend eternity in flames because one chose to question the Bible if thy law is true as it may so say to be.Comes the others with a tale to speak, Similar for they are to foretale the message.The prophecy of change that human shall be.The change humanity shall experience.for they, Are messengers not from now but the change that has happened. we are better then what We are. But we'd never realize because we've put ourselves in the Illusion that lead us to more Illusions. In my experience of living life for 18 years I've never saw what everybody else saw. It all seemed too fake perhaps if I said it felt so unreal I might be getting on to how an illusion would be.what is it for?
all its many processes.filled with stages that go on, so many things,many hard that could be easy. so many challanges placed around and for us to actually have the audacity to say life is hard. Why does it have to be hard the question that everyone seems so bamboozled to answer perhaps even ask. But hold it to thought because a better question is yet to ask, after. "Why cant it be easy "the question asks and now you just sit there boggled thinking about everything that's wrong about life, can all that change, impossible!? Maybe but all that can change because you see my question of life and the approval of the philosophies that lead me to my self understanding was that humans have been left a hole, deep inside. the missing peace has never been outside of ourselves but what's outside was complementary to what's inside now hold this thought and read on to what i uncovered next. it's inside,it always has been perhaps I can say it is just waiting to be put in place, but are you to look else where, will the hole remain. I could give the world suggestions to a better outcome, but could I if they are those around to judge me apart from it being that some of us have been given the right to freedom of speech so shouldn't I be heard with an open mind a mind that is free and doesn't hold any concepts but yet from thinking out of analogy that remained the test for the ones we happened to know as prophets perhaps yes Jesus claimed that he was the son of the father and so did he say to the others who so also claim to say they are the sons of the father, they aren't to say so if they cant love his son who comes before them,you say you are human why do harm To another human, for your own benefit and temporary pleasure. Harm to another is unethical. this has placed us to the inconvenience of poverty to those who don't deserve it and that can't be a specified few but infact all of us as we seem to have sold our lives and now we are just living to debt.we have years of advancement that have prepelled us to a stage that needs crucial understand but it's either one is silent and the other is "agree-able"but I'm some how still feeling that my thoughts have led me to something that's not" agree-able" meaning there wouldn't be others to understand me is something I can perhaps now here I am thinking contemplating on the best ways to express how the feeling has got me inspired to perhaps decode what my eyes believe to see, perhaps it couldn't be, surely I've got to understand but how can I say I have when it may not be "agree-able" because this is how it has been, the only change that will formulate is done by people who realize that the earth isn't flat but how you choose to precieve it, as it is your eyes and your thoughts that structure the idea of your reality but enforcing concepts to others is expressing opnion to be received by individuals who perhaps think but not for the reasons of thinking and so forth comes "understanding" being it the substitute for agree-able and so on being in terms of understanding what was it about understanding that happened I mean I ask myself this timelessly that for me to be able to understand I'd have to be able to resonate with the knowledge, if your mind is capable of processing.if through your permission or the permission of tragic experiences that corner you. Which now forced you and perhaps left but only the option to look for a way out and thinking of so many ways to get out got you answers that weren't expected to occur at the time you wouldn't consider them but yet appreciated it. But what's fascinating about this is humans have the ability to think and i have acknowledged this ability so i do not allow myself to remain with concepts because concepts create the dead ends, which also means the end of possibilities when i began my days of questioning i could rather say the  answers had me curious as I had not known where they came from they became a question themselves, did school beguil me? Could I have accessed knowledge without having to forcefully memorize excess and mis-informed accounts of existence and living. I had myself confused but then i realized that the only reason i could be confused is because I too have gotten use to these concepts. Being a teenager has you experiencing expects of life that seem to be so natural like it's always alright to fall inlove young but at what cost. Does it really cost so much so fall inlove when you are young a girl immediately loses value once she loses her virginity because analogy states that a wife should offer it to her husband and only her husband so should this be like a tradition or a logical fact.i think im finding my way out, out of all this illusions of finding happiness elsewhere when I myself can just be happy but my happiness would also be everywhere and who would steal the feeling that belongs to my soul and is joyed by my heart and expressed through my being. What if all of us just stopped  like the wars that happened because well why did it happened or still are happening?... How can we defend ourselves from ourselves firstly what would be the need to defend ourselves and not for ourselves perhaps history has always said that it was the people that started the wars and it wasn't even the warriors either but empty vassels that belonged to souls, souls given away in exchange for  greed hate and lust for power something that seems to just not fill in the entire space that a soul was purposely doing thinking on about this greed is satisfied externally and false power is along satisfied externally which can be termed tyranny

So United Yet So Seperated:the Human ParadoxWhere stories live. Discover now