So United Yet So Seperated Part 10

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What are rights and what do they mean to humanity perhaps rights might not apply globally because some countries may have a list that is longer and some a list that is shorter but this in turn could just mean rights are a concept so concepts are just ideas that create a structure of belief and people believe that they have rights but rights are only used to defend ourselves from agendas or unfair treatment from government but it is them who give these rights so it probably means we playing a game perhaps monopoly was inspired by this game its all just agreements and agreements it almost feels like we are all tests just subjects of  an uncertain reality, certain i would be if we all as we say humans to be, we are like the human they say Jesus were or the human Mohammed was. But the funniest thing about all this it's all up to us but we still put it all away and say no its not we leave out the responsibility of ourselves to God who is in heaven and has made a plan for us to be saved perhaps some of us would be saved but hey more space on earth since it seems that overpopulation is a much discussed topic in our times well my time knowing that im the number that fills up to that scale make me feel like I'm considered worthless because I'm holding up space in the world for more factories more nuclear plants more industrialization and deforestation matters much more then i do ofcourse because that certainly isn't overpopulating the earth, which brings to my concern what if this reality is just a really sarcastic reality because they can't certainly say you have the right to drink water and that not sounding sarcastic i mean whats the water for? Animals drink it so I sure will drink it too but wait there's a fee but how is it a right if im to pay for it. Here's a better one
You have the right to education but you pay for it, how do you pay to get to know about information that's necessary for you to be a participant of the system oh yes it is because you are participant and so forth comes the duty of keeping it alive. So what does right intentionally mean well if i reconstruct the first right that im able to drink water it would be, it's right that I drink water but having a right to drink water is preposterous because it just seems to be like giving a biological factor an artificial trigger but once more we fail to understand so because once we are financially stable or financially okay we have access to these rights which fail to reach those struggling to be financially okay perhaps to just even consider a meal alone is too much but yet it's the ethics we have grounded on perhaps most can say that people on the streets deserve to be there cause they do drugs and steal and other countless reason that still don't seperate them from being human. Does it hurt for us to care does it pain to be kind does it burn to love. is it bad just to be there, all that is too much but yet it's not much to waste your life away chasing for something thats not outside you but in you perhaps we all judge each other to a considerable degree as we just do it only whence another is to choose to step out how are we to say serial killers are born serial killers and criminals born as criminals everybody is born a blank sheet it's the world around them that influences the person they are meant to be so if i allow my child to experience certain aspects of damage or cruelty let alone be it something that's tragic it is bound to have some effect on how he would see the world but it seems to be that we were meant to be doomed as most are far off into comfort of the reality they experience
But many still would ask what reality which in definition wouldn't come off as proper or accurate as reality in concept can be a certain perspective in which we view the world but how is human to view the world if are to only know everything is seperate, we are seperate we live in different countries and legions on earth so how are we to be the same how are we to be the same if we believe in different things aswell as having culturez and religions that are different and still yet to say skin makes us different just adds on but how are we to say all these of we live on a planet, the same planet to be exact. Perhaps different part but it's still the same floating with life distinguished from other rocks with it but can earth reallly be just a rock if we are able to be alive on earth we should realize that this planet is alive too but yet everything seems to be little to us its never the whole collective to see a perspective as such but individuals and so this just gives more reason to why we wouldn't have hope for ourselves i can say the reason being would be that we are at the pinnacle of our existence yet we let ourselves be held by trivial thinking an adult isn't capable of thinking critically compared to a pre schooler which of much of a concern because experience is equal to knowledge but yet it seems not to be the case for us as humans seem to potray what is likely to be the lowest level of consciousness, mankind should evaluate itself perhaps this would give out what is wrong cimlate change is supposedly a problem but how can it if not for capitalism if not for consumers if not for easier lifestyles so is climate change the problem or could it be a whole different sceneraio because the factors that add up to climate change might consist of much which is considered to be such as deforestation, development and consumption perhaps making capitalism the main reason  in order to make profit or more of a less an income.humans Considered currency to be its driving force for future and along with it brought about competition and other deviding events that took place and can still be. Maybe it's better to understand that we all just want a piece of a planet because with it we can make others life's harder to make ours easier its probably not the most authentic idea but people always think of ways to harm each other wether it be emotional or physical just so it be because of possession what is it about possession that can make man hurt its flesh. What is about possession that gives man "happiness"

So United Yet So Seperated:the Human ParadoxWhere stories live. Discover now