So united yet so seperated part 12

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A personality,a sort of state in which somebody is seen as the ultimate
Is this really about Christians, or people who think that they are Christians, is there a better religion or is there no religion, who is God and why is God, he loves, he cares
And in him is the inspiration to make humanity better yet it seems impossible, sin is fun and no sin is boring
Are we all to be devoted or are we all to be determined Devoted is not likely the same as determined but both the words have the same idea just as Christianity and Islam
.Islam says there is one and only one God and so does Christianity perhaps its most misunderstoood because we all want to give an Image of God and with the knowledge we've been left by those who first practiced this we aren't able to practice ourselves because it has been made easier the desclipine is harder to attain, humans don't love humans
Like how Adam's son had killed his brother even though he knew they were of the same blood, the reason he did it is the reason why we are like this, he was human and its what humans do
Its probably that we are all animals and we just can't face the fact that is, we kill because animals kill, if we are to be the children of God we would have it in us to know and fear taking another's life but we do anyway wether we say for defense or we were done wrong or angered perhaps envious or even jealous it is all the reason why unconditional love should start from your mother and your father but it clearly seems that the unconditional love that thrived in humans has died out families always turn amongst each other being it that material is much much more appealing then a emotional bond with your own flesh and blood the future of mankind is the future of no mankind for some reason this is what we are faced with the only truth we all seem to never understand we are the ones that cause ourselves pain but in order to justify what we cause to ourselves that is harmful we give ourselves certain ideas that comfort what is known as the ego mind
And the ego mind has made us believe that we are in a real world but infact we are the real world inside all of us, the reason many speculate that we live in a matrix is because we do
Civilization is not civilization well atleast the type that we think we have
We are entertained and given foods that even though we are told is unhealthy still go ahead to eat it because somehow it just makes the world inside us feel good it's tasty just as I mention earlier on dopamine bombs.but then how can you use fake things to make the real world a better place the real world needs real things such as love,Unconditional love.if I correctly remember when Id get happy or excited
The feeling of hunger or tiredness or even pain they all seem non existant like it's all made up because the real thing is much stronger, and just that humans don't know themselves because the first thing they were told was to know God, hence forth did they not know that they are God.
So how is a God to act if he does not know his God perhaps in the sense that he knows God but doesn't remember he is and so he becomes seperate in order to find out, a journey of perspective seeing from an angles and so be it that angles are what with geometry a factor and geometry is all about perspective for left to exist there has to be a right but for the line that goes both left and right is just a line, perhaps the best example of  God is a circle never ending and never starting but always being there just as is, circle. And so God is looking for himself in books texts and from others yet we not realizing how this adds to us trying to make us feel like we are being completed but in actual fact we are the circle all along
Trying to find out where we began and where we going to end being haunted by what we marked as the end and beginning. birth and death,considered opposites but as I seem to recall mentioning this in my earlier thought that death isn't the opposite of birth and so with this thought I've claimed a theory that can be considered by others as so.lets to refer to the circle as present  and you being born is how the circle starts but how does the the circle start if the circle has no end or beginning and so when you close your eyes you wake up not as you but as the circle that was always there, you were never born nor did you ever die
But how would you know you weren't alive unless you were dead perhaps the whole way I'm trying to understand or even understand humanity is that there are those who were never meant to be good and probably never can because they've fallen deep into the abyss and have disregard towards there soul and this is so because many fear death and so with this fear comes the clinging to life and grasp that you can live forever,is forever real, the present is real and so the reader in the present aswell im not writing this for future readers im writting it for the present in which everything happens at once and also happens not. Religion has been the cause of humanities seperation it has been the reason for hate amongst all perhaps i could be blind to what hate is but im not blind to what love is and love is not what we are right now.

So United Yet So Seperated:the Human ParadoxWhere stories live. Discover now