1 - Safe

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Percy was 7 years old and had been at Hydra for as long as he could remember. The only good thing was Bucky. Bucky would protect him to the best of his abilities even when both of them could hardly remember anything, they always knew they were supposed to look after each other. Bucky was more than a friend. Bucky was his Papa.

Percy was currently sitting in the corner of his cell waiting for one of two things. One was his Papa coming back, the other was for Hydra to come and take him for their play time. He hoped for his Papa.

The cell was dark and damp, the only light coming from the top of the 10 foot walls, where there were 3 bars about 10 centimetres long. There was some straw strewn about with a thin freying blanket on top. And in another corner was a tray, that once held less than have a stale baguette and half a glass of dirty water, but was now completely empty.

The steel door opened and a man shone a light into the cell. The light was so bright that it temporarily blinded Percy.

"Jesus! There's a kid in here." A voice that Percy didn't recognise said.

The man walked up to the small boy as he tried to shrink into the wall.

"Hey it's okay. I'm Steve and I'm not gonna hurt you. But we have to leave before they get here." The man said softly.

"You leave. You me trouble. I not  trouble again. You leave." Percy begged in broken English and a strong Russian accent. If he got in trouble again they were going to put him in the chair and make him forget Papa again.

"You won't get in trouble if you come with me. I'll protect you from them. You don't have to be scared." Steve said.

"No. They hurt him, I leave." Percy said confusing Steve.

"Steve we have multiple boogies incoming." A woman said through Steve's earpiece.

"Sorry kid but we gotta get out of here." Steve said to Percy before scoping the small boy up and running out of the cell.

"No! Papa! Bucky!" He screamed, wriggling in Steve's arms trying to get away.

Steve froze and the name of his old friend and the 7 year old got out of his grip, falling onto his arm and ran down the corridor with one goal in his mind. Find Papa.

Steve got over his shock and ran after the kid, but every time he was about to scoop him up, the kid led him to Hydra agents and he had to fight his way through.

Percy ran through the agents, who were confused as to why he was out of his cell, but then saw Steve and ignored him and Percy kept running, until he ran into the training room where he found his Papa training against 10 agents.

Percy ran straight to Bucky and everyone stopped to stare at the boy confused.

"Papa, man, kidnap me, zaid zafe, not leave you." Percy panted before passing out. Hydra barely gives him enough food and water to survive let alone run the amount he did.

After Percy passed out, Steve ran into the room and froze at the sight. In front of him was his childhood best friend, picking up an unconscious child with a metal arm and 10 agents surrounding him.

"Bucky?" Steve asked surprised.

"Who the hell are you?" Bucky demanded, not sure if he was to fight the Hydra agents and Steve or just the Hydra agents.

"It's me, Steve. We were friends when we were kids, up until I thought you died during the war. Let me help you and the kid get out of here. Please." Steve said.

The agents then realised that they were potentially going to lose their assets and started fighting and it wasn't long until they were all unconscious.

Bucky followed Steve out of the training room, Percy still out cold in his arms and they ran through the compound Steve taking the lead as they found their way out.

"Clint get the jet ready, Bruce get the medical kit." Steve yelled into his Coms as they got shot at.

They made it onto the Jet and Clint took off, seconds after they left the ground the compound exploded and Bucky watched it, a feeling he could not discribe running through his body.

"Steve, why did you want me to get the medical kit? Are you hurt?" Bruce asked the soldier.

"Not me." Steve said and Bucky turned around to reveal Percy in his arms.

"Lay him down here." Bruce ordered gesturing to the row of seats.

Bucky hesitated. He didn't know these people, at least he didn't think he did, but then again Steve seemed to know him, so maybe he does know them.

"It's okay Buck. He's gonna help. You can trust him." Steve reassured him and Bucky placed Percy on the seats and Bruce got to work.

Bruce was surprised the boy was still alive. He was severely malnourished, dehydrated, had a broken arm, a cracked rib, and loads of cuts along the front and back of his torso. He started running a line and cleaning wounds. He couldn't fix the arm until they were back at the tower.

"How old is he?" Bruce asked Bucky in surprise.

"About seven or eight."

"How long has he been there?" Steve asked.

"The majority of his life."

Steve and Bruce stared at him in surprise. How could anyone do that to a child was beyond them.  Bruce, not being able to do anything more to help Percy turned to Bucky and assessed him and found that he to was also malnourished and dehydrated, but no where near to the extent that Percy was.

"He called you Papa, I think, back in there before he called you by your name. Is he actually your kid?" Steve asked carefully.

"Blood no. But he is my kid." Bucky said putting emphasis on the is, making sure they all knew. "He started calling me that almost two years ago."

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