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Third Person's POV

After school dismissal when everyone started to go home, Joshua asked SeungCheol to meet inside their class.

"What you wanna talk?" SeungCheol asked, standing straight and put one hand inside his pocket.

Joshua pause for a few seconds, gathering up his courage.

"As a friend i will ask you straightforward. Are you interested in Jia?" Joshua asked while the inside of him hoping it is not.

"Yes, I like her" SeungCheol replied shortly. He didn't lie, he was showing it to everyone.

"Why her? Why not anyone else?" Joshua yell, suddenly feeling frustrated hearing the answer.

"Then why can't it be her?" SeungCheol started, "Because you like her too?" he smirked.

"......" Joshua freeze at the sudden question.

He admitted that just by seeing her made him happy for some unknown reason but he is not sure if it was love.

SeungCheol walked slowly to him while putting his hand on Joshua's shoulder.

"See? You are not even sure with yourself!... I'm not sorry to say this but I'm not a kind of person to give up so easily, you do know that" SeungCheol said.

He begins to walk out of the class leaving Joshua there but before leaving he turned back to say one last word.

"If you sure that you want her too then i don't mind competing you." then he left.

Joshua inhaled, and let his clenched fist slide down the door. He was mad.


"Why do i have to be on period today?" Jia asked herself with irritating. "Oh god! I'm running out of pads!"

It is that time of the month. She rushing to get ready going buy pads at the mini mart around her neighbourhood.

On her way their she heard someone calling her name,

"Jia! Where are you going?" It was SeungCheol,

"Going to Mars" Jia replied while her feet keep walking in fast paced,

"Then i will be going to Jupiter" SeungCheol teased her back and follow her to the mart,

"Seriously, where are you going?" He asked again,

"Buying pads" she answered shortly without looking at him,

"No wonder why you so sensitive today, girls are always like that" he commented, wondering why all girls he had known always being sensitive during that time.

"We are not sensitive! You just don't know how to treat her right." she rolled her eyes.

"Where is your girlfriend? why are you alone?" she asked,

"Who told you i have a girlfriend?" he asked curiously,

"No one, but you? single?!" she starts, "haha, not funny!"

She doesn't believe that he was single since every girls are attracted to him and he was flirting back some times.

"Then wanna try being my girlfriend? maybe it will be fun." SeungCheol asked with an innocent face.

"Aww it was so kind of you, you pervert!" she joked.

After buying what she needed, they decided to eat ramen at the mart together.

"Thanks for paying, but you really don't have to do that next time, i just don't feel right " Jia told him,

He demanded to pays to all her stuff. She feels so embarrassed knowing that he saw those pads but since he acts normal, she has no choice.

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