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Jia's POV

"Have fun at school Jia, make new friends too don't just always stick to your room." My mom told me.

She just hate the way that I'm being too introverted.

"I know mom." i replied with pouted lip.

"I will pick you up after school, don't be late." said mom before she starts the engine and get going.

My mom is a busy woman, she helps my dad with his business. Beside sending me to school every morning, i barely see them during the day.

Now it's time for me to deal alone again. I gives a long big sighed before start walking to the school gate.

"This school is big." i whispered to myself. "How can i know where is my classroom?"  I think I'll be lost here if I walk any further without knowing the direction.

"Are you new here?" asked by a girl with long straight hair and bright smile.

"Yes, it is my first day" i replied back with a smile, "can i ask where is room 273?" i asked the girl.

"Wait, are you in grade 11th?" she asked me very surprisingly.

"Yes, i am" i response, " but why did you know i am in 11th grade?"

"Because my classroom is also 273 and i am also in grade 11th, for your information" she laughed softly as if her life has nothing to worry about.

Istg! If i were a boy and seeing that smile of hers, i would hitting her up for sure.

"Should we walk together to class?" she asked me and i nodded.

We walked slowly to find my so-called new classroom.

"What is your name?" asked by her,

" Jia, Jeong Jia i mean." i replied nervously, "What about you?"

"Kim Sooya, call me Sooya." she turned her head toward me and again, give off her big smile.

What a beautiful face with a beautiful name. I thought to myself.

"You have such a beautiful name, does it have a meaning behind it?" I tend to always ask a stupid question whenever I'm nervous.

That's why they said curiosity kill the cat. And I am the cat that curious about literally everything but since Korean name usually have it owns meaning I hope she doesn't think I'm crazy.

"If I tell you please don't laugh" but she already laughing herself.

"It means an angel of love".

"Hmmm, I'm not wrong then. I knew it has a good meaning but i just can't remember what." i told her that I saw it once, somewhere on the internet.

"How about your name, Jia? what is the meaning behind it?" she asked as we are making our way to class.

" I'm not sure but from what my parents told me, Jia means good and beautiful." i shrugged feeling a bit embarrassed.

My parents love this name since before i was born that's why they decided to name me by that meaning.

"No wonder why you are pretty." she said.

What an honour to be called pretty by a pretty girl. I'm so insecure because what if it's a mock?

" Thank you, but you too Sooya. Angel of love" my joke makes her crakes out laughing.

"Okay! Here is our class" she told me and whispered something to the homeroom teacher. If I'm not wrong.

"Okay class so today we have a new student" he informed the class. " miss new student, may you introduce yourself to your classmates?" he suggested with his hand motioning me to start.

"Okay sir, Hello everyone, my name is Jeong Jia, you can call me Jia." i introduced myself with cold feet from all the attention I'm getting.

I keep smiling with an awkward expression.

Everyone starts whispering and some also shouting back their name. Wow this class is pretty much better than i thought .

"I am your homeroom teacher, Park Taeil." he introduced himself.

"Jia if you don't mind please go sit with SeungCheol. He has no seat mate yet." he pointing to the table, "SeungCheol, raise your hand please."

Still no sign of who the hell is SeungCheol.

"Choi SeungCheol! Wake up or get detention." our teacher or as known as mr park raised his voice but still no sign of that guy.

"S.coups, you wanna die? wake up! fast!" the guy with blonde hair whisper-shout to the guy that was sleeping next to the window, but loud enough for us to hear.

"Yes, I'm here!" the SeungCheol guy replied with annoyed face and prepared to go back to his dreamland.

Mr park motioned me to go to my seat and i nodded.

"Hi, I'm Jia. Nice to meet you" i put my backpack on the chair and decided to say hello first to not be rude.

No reply.

Still no reply,

I closed my eyes then smiled to myself, my blood are boiling, for your information.

"Hello Jia, I'm Joshua." the guy next to my table introduce himself and smiled to me.

He is really gentle not just the way he look but his smile and even his voice too.

"Hi Joshua." i smiled back

"I'm Joenghan. Hanniehae." said by the guy sit next to him.

He has a small face but he looks very playful, judge by the way he spoke.

Then we start talking a bit but not loud for mr park to hear us. I have a great time talking to them honestly, they seem nice.

The bell ring, "It is time for lunch!" said Joenghan.

"Do you have any friends here? If not you can join us for lunch." asked by Joshua.

"I don't know anyone here" i told him.

"Okay then come." said Joenghan, then he go and hit my rude deskmate's head.

"Huh?" he wake up with sleepy eyes but look mad and those brows never seem to relax at all.

"Lunchtime." told by Joshua.

"I know." SeungCheol replied while looking at me with concerns but didn't ask.

He stand up and get his Dior wallet from the backpack.

"Okay let's go!" Joenghan go first then me second.


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