No, Bitch (y/n gets a crowbar)

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We raced out of the area, jumping over chairs and sliding across tables when needed. Our flashlights slashed light across the spacious building.

"Get the hell out here!" Tripped from Thomas's mouth as he did slightly before scrambling up to his feet.

I was the one to worry about. I was the burden holding them back. Being with two runners really put the pressure on when it came to my speed.

They were faster than me of course, but I could tell that they were holding back. Looking over their shoulders, making sure I wasn't too behind.

We stampeded our way up a broken escalator, the monsters dangerously close. Their screams curdled my blood, paranoia fed me the idea that I could feel their breath on me as I darted around.

Rounding a corner, our friends came in to view. All of them were chatting idly, unscathed from the creatures chasing us.

"Hey! Run! Go!" We all shouted, desperate to catch their attention. The last thing we'd need is for any of them to get hurt.

Awestruck looks made their faces go slack before they snapped back to reality. The group heeded our word, sprinting with us. Our herd scurried up another malfunctioned escalator, determined to find some sort of safety.

"What the hell are those things?!" Winston was on the verge of screaming. Animalistic sounds snarled from the monsters.

"I have no fucking clue!" My feet traded step for step, forcing myself not to look back.

"Keep up!" Chuck panted, near the front of the group. Even he was light years ahead of me. I blinked light out of my eye from the wild flashlight movements the others distributed as they ran.

"Move, move!" Minho bellowed, his body a quick passing image ahead of me. All of us cried out words of encouragement to each other. Snatches of words went in one ear and out the other.

I was too busy praying to focus on them. I prayed, that if there was any higher power, they would pass mercy on us.

Making it to the top of the escalator, we took a sharp turn, which disclosed one of the zombies untangling itself from a rack. I almost fell forward onto the crummy floor at how quickly we halted.

"Shit." I blurted, eyes glued onto the thing. The zombie like creature writhed around, bones jutting out unnaturally. How in the world was it possible for this thing to be human.

"Oh no, no, no."

It came loose, charging towards us with a mouth baring what it had left of it's teeth. Aris lifted the aluminum bat he'd been carrying with him and stepped forward. Nestling it onto the small between his neck and shoulder.

"Aris, no!" Thomas reached out to grab the boy, but was a little too late. Aris acted like a regular Babe Ruth. He swung the bat at the creature's knees, knocking it off it's feet.

The thing landed in rubble and plaster, moaning in pain. It recovered freakishly quick, snapping up to clutch onto Teresa's foot. While we focused on her, new company began to join us.

"Go!" Thomas urgently waved us off, his position midway on the next escalator made it difficult for him to leave. "Go around!"

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋//𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘𝐗𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora