My Entire Life Is A Lie

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"So," Rebekah says, being the first to break the three minutes of agonizing silence, "Not only was Helena responsible for keeping Kol and me locked up in a box for an extra century, but it's also this bitch's fault Mikael was let loose?" she says with a laugh of disbelief.

"What? What do you mean, she was responsible for keeping me in a box for an extra century?" Kol says quickly.

"Bloody hell, Kol, you're utterly clueless! I had made plans to get you and me out of Klaus's reach back in 1926. We were finally going to be free. But then Helena went blabbing to Klaus all about my escape, and Nik daggered me. After that, he told Elijah that he had killed the two of us, which was why no one bothered to look for us for an entire bloody century!" Rebekah shouts.

Kol opens his mouth as if to start yelling, but immediately stops when he sees that Klaus is trembling.

He is trembling... Not in hate, not in loathing, but in fear. Fear of what Elijah just told him.

"Tell me this isn't true," Klaus says, his voice shaking and threatening to crack. "Tell me this isn't true!" he shouts at the top of his lungs, turning towards me.

My mouth opens, but no words come out. I can't move any of my body parts- I'm just stuck here, helpless, kneeling on the ground, as Klaus Mikaelson towers over me. He looks more afraid than I've ever seen him before.

"Klaus," I say, finally managing to pick myself up from the ground, "Nik, I'm so sorry-" my words are cut off when Klaus slaps me across the face so hard that I turn ninety degrees to the right before toppling over backwards. My hands grip the side of the nearest table as tears begin to flood my eyes.

"Klaus, I-"

"Get out," he says quietly.

"No- no, Niklaus, don't-"

"I said, get out!" he roars.

But even still, I persist. "Please, Klaus, you don't understand- I never would have done it if I- No, Klaus!" I say, grabbing onto his hand when he turns around to leave. "Klaus, you said you cared for me, you just said that you loved me!"

I'm speaking like a madwoman now, an insane being whose life's purpose rests on a tipping scale. "If any of what you said was true, please, just- just look at me!" I shout as my voice cracks in the middle of my sentence.

It's pathetic, really. It's been four centuries, and yet I've come full circle, stuck in the same situation from four hundred and one years ago. Worn down and panicking, desperate to grab onto the slightest bit of hope I can imagine myself finding. It's that room back in France all over again, in 1610. Niklaus Mikaelson's next actions are what will decide the fate between me and the man that I love. Only this time, it isn't the prince of France's life on the line. No... Something so much heavier than that is being weighed on the scales here.

Klaus must decide, he must decide now. Will he go against everything that his natural instinct is telling him to do, for the sake of the feelings he has for me? Or will he surrender to what he has believed all his life to be right? That any who dares betray the great Klaus Mikaelson must be tortured and punished, far beyond the point of death?

But before Klaus can take any further actions, Kol stomps forward.

"Are you," he says in a dangerously low voice, "Bloody kidding me?" he shouts to Klaus at the top of his lungs.

"Kol-" Rebekah says, struggling to hold her brother back.

"Are you telling me that she is the reason I just spent the past century locked up and daggered?" Kol shouts, fighting against Rebekah's grip. It's not that Kol can't read the dangerous emotions conflicting against each other in Klaus's mind. It's that he just doesn't care.

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