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 April, 1611.

We'd been residing in North America for nearly eight months. The Mikaelsons had compelled themselves a house near the place which would later be known as Mystic Falls. Not a lot had happened during these past few months. Niklaus and Rebekah had grown to be careful of how they treated their food supplies. They'd grab a couple locals, bring them hope, feed on them, then send them on their way after wiping away their memories. Kol did this as well, but his main supply of blood consisted of Eleanor's. It seemed that Kol had compelled her beyond the point of no return- telling her to accept the fact that she was living amongst vampires, then continuing to feed on her day after night, had caused her mind to break. She never even talked anymore... But having a familiar face around, at the very least, helped comfort me in a small way.

Elijah stepped into the role of eldest brother and cleaned up after his younger siblings' messes- such as making sure Kol didn't kill Eleanor, or preventing Rebekah from letting her heated emotions take over, causing her to rip out the throats of every man she saw.

Then one day, it happened. I was relaxing under the sunshine near the wide lake, when- "Oh dear god," I gasped. "Elijah!" I called out instinctively, for he had been the only person I had actually talked to during the past months. Two seconds later, Elijah was standing in front of me.

"Calm down, take in a deep breath," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. Soon, he had compelled the midwives from the nearby village to arrive at our doorstep. He helped me into my bedroom while Rebekah watched curiously from the hallway. Elijah soon left the room, and none of the midwives gave Rebekah a second look when she entered and stood beside me. I could see Kol with Eleanor at his side outside my room door. It was clear he was trying not to show much care to the matter, but his acting skills were admittedly horrible.

And Niklaus? During the whole delivery process, I didn't even see him once.

As the hours passed by, as strange feeling settled into my heart. It wasn't fear, but it felt similar to it. My heart was pounding, my body was trembling... What was this newfound emotion? Nervousness? Curiosity? Hopelessness at the fact that this child might lead a life worse than mine?

"It's a girl," one of the midwives spoke. My eyes flew open. I couldn't keep my arms from shaking as I took the baby girl in my arms. "Oh, she's beautiful," I heard Rebekah say. Rebekah's fingers touched the baby's cheeks- and I immediately drew away from her. Rebekah stood up and backed away, looking more than slightly offended.

But I didn't care. This was my child now. And I made a promise to myself as I looked into the baby's bright brown eyes. I wasn't going to let the Mikaelsons scar up her life as they had done mine. She was going to grow up in a future where the word 'pain' didn't even exist. I didn't know how I would achieve this, but that's what I promised her.

"What's her name?" one of the midwives asked. "I..." I faltered. I had thought about this a lot- of course I had, since there was literally nothing else to do in this stupid house. I had already come up with several names... But then I stared out the window, and saw the warm April sun shining down upon the earth.

"April," I said. "Her name is April."

I was happy for about two whole minutes.

And then I realized I was dying.

"Her blood flow isn't stopping," I heard one of the midwives whisper. They were trying not to cause me panic, but I heard them loud and clear. "What?" I said.

"My dear, have you had enough to drink lately? Have you been feeling ill?" one of them asked me. "I..." I frowned, suddenly feeling lightheaded. "Bloody hell- Elijah!" I heard Rebekah yell. I groaned. Why was Rebekah's voice so faint? She usually loved shrieking out orders to her brothers at the top of her lungs... The world began to fade away.

I coughed and gasped as I felt something being poured into my mouth.

"What is that?" I yelled, gagging in disgust. As I regained my vision, I realized Elijah had been feeding me his blood. "Are you alright?" he asked me. I nodded vigorously, still feeling disgusted at having drunk his blood.

"Those bloody midwives say that accidents like this happen during childbirth," Rebekah said, walking inside. "Rebekah, where is the child?" Elijah asked her. "I handed her to one of the midwives," Rebekah replied. Elijah frowned. "But they all just left," he said. "What? No, they're still here," Rebekah said, beginning an argument with Elijah.

A cold, horrid emotion settled into my chest, the same feeling I had experienced back when I had first met Beatrice. An unsettling feeling that only I could feel.

I slowly got out of my bed and looked out the window. I could see one of the midwives down at the lake, holding my baby in her arms. Then the woman kneeled to the ground, and stretched her arms out towards the water-

"No!" I screamed. Both Elijah and Rebekah stood up at once. The second Elijah saw what I was seeing, he jumped out the window and raced over towards the edge of the lake, not even fazed by the three story drop. Rebekah followed in his example.

I leaned forward to see if they could make it in time before the midwife drowned my child. But before I could, strong hands grabbed my neck and head from behind. "Once again, my apologies," I heard Mikael say, right before he snapped my neck in two. The world turned black.

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