Did I Mention How Much I Missed You?

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New Orleans, 1821

"I can't do it!" Marcel said angrily.

Elijah smiled. "Now, you once said the same thing of your reading, and now you devour everything from sonnets to scriptures. So, devote yourself to your music, and soon you shall be Johann Sebastian Bach," he said.

"But I want to play like you," Marcel said.

I stared at the two of them as they exchanged trusting smiles. That's when my vampire hearing picked up on footsteps.

"Well, isn't this nice? My older brother and my ward, getting along like two peas in a pod," Klaus said, as he stumbled into the room.

Elijah turned to Marcel. "We shall continue at another time. Why don't you resume your Hamlet? Act one, scene three today. Off you go," Elijah said.

I watched as Marcel leaved, then stood up. "Congratulations, you've been drinking," I said to Klaus sarcastically.

"Only to remedy the lifeless monotony that has overcome this household. You know, Rebekah's still pouting over the Governor's son," Klaus smiled.

I rolled my eyes.

"When you threw him to his death, did you imagine a different outcome?" Elijah asked.

Ignoring him, Klaus continued to talk. "You monopolize young Marcellus with schooling," Klaus said, as he sighed dramatically. "He and I used to have such fun. If only there was someone with whom I could share a bit of roguery." Klaus's eyes trailed over to me.

I stared back at him unflinchingly.

"I would have my fun with her, but you insist on keeping her on vervain like she's your little pet, don't you?" Klaus said to Elijah, nodding his head at me. "Why not just do it of your own free will, love? Turn off your humanity, and we'll go on a little trip around town together," Klaus said, stumbling over towards me.

"Over my dead body," I snapped at him.

Klaus raised an eyebrow. "Is that a request?" he asked, half amusedly, half threateningly.

Elijah stepped in front of me protectively. His hand found mine, and together, we walked out of the room.

"You didn't let me finish yet," Klaus laughed, chasing after us. He pulled something out from the folds of his cloak.

My eyes widened at the sight of one of his silver daggers.

"You didn't," Elijah said, clearly horrified.

Klaus shrugged and laughed madly before following Elijah down into the courtyard.

"Bloody hell," I muttered, staring at the sight of the ground littered with bodies.

Kol looked up from his last victim and smiled.

"Bravo," Kol said, as he began to clap. "That was delectable. But make no mistake, Nik- I'm still cross that you daggered me. But, as far as apologies go, it's a start," Kol said with a laugh.

"So, this is your idea of fun?" Elijah said, turning to Klaus.

Klaus shrugged. "Well, you and Marcellus have grown thick as thieves... Why should I be alone?"


"Forty six. An entire tenement. Forty six bodies drained!" Elijah shouted at his two brothers. "Two days, Kol! You have been awake two days, and you have already managed to kill off forty six-"

"Nonsense! It was at least sixty!" Kol said, as Klaus laughed loudly from next to him.

Elijah took in a deep, controlled breath. Then he frowned, as if having noticed something.

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