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 April, 1610.

"What is that?" I yelled, gagging in disgust. As I regained my vision, I realized Elijah had been feeding me his blood. "Are you alright?" he asked me. I nodded vigorously, still feeling disgusted at having drunk his blood.

"Those bloody midwives say that accidents like these happen during childbirth," Rebekah said, walking inside. "Rebekah, where is the baby?" Elijah asked her. 

"I handed her to one of the midwives," Rebekah replied. Elijah frowned. "But they all just left," he said. "What? No, they're still here," Rebekah said, beginning an argument with Elijah.

A cold, horrid emotion settled into my chest, the same feeling I had experienced back when I had first met Beatrice. An unsettling feeling that only I could feel.

I slowly got out of my bed and looked out the window. I could see one of the midwives down at the lake, holding my baby in her arms. Then the woman kneeled to the ground, and stretched her arms out towards the water-

"No!" I screamed. Both Elijah and Rebekah stood up at once. The second Elijah saw what I was seeing, he jumped out the window and raced over towards the edge of the lake, not even fazed by the three story drop. Rebekah followed in his example.

I leaned forward to see if they could make it in time before the midwife drowned my child. But before I could, strong hands grabbed my neck and head from behind. 

"Once again, my apologies," I heard Mikael say, right before he snapped my neck in two. The world turned black.....

I winced in pain as I opened my eyes. The sun shining in through the windows... Why was it so bright? And that sound... What on earth could make such a loud noise?

"Are you alright?" Elijah said. I looked up, and saw him standing over me. "Where..." I began, then clutched at my stomach. "I'm so hungry," I mumbled. The hunger was sickening, it felt so painful...

"We're many miles away from Virginia... Your child is safe," Elijah said. I nodded in relief. "When I came back into your room after realizing who it was that had compelled the midwife, he had already left, and you- you had died," Elijah said softly. I blinked. "What?" I said, struggling to sit up.

"Mikael killed you, and he believes you to be dead. He didn't know you had my blood in your system when he snapped your neck," Elijah said. "You have a choice to make, Helena," Elijah said, kneeling down next to me. "You're in the process of transitioning into a vampire. You can either choose to not feed on human blood and die, or you can choose to fully turn. It is up to you," Elijah said quietly.

I shook my head. "What?" I repeated, my voice cracking. Elijah opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. He stared at the ground, as if pondering how to word his thoughts.

"I know you may think dying is the easy way out of this- after all, you cannot return to your kingdom, for Mikael will only come for you there. Your family and your fiance already believes you to be dead. But..." Elijah sighs.

"There is much that an immortal life as a vampire can offer. Every single sense in your body is heightened. The world will be much more full of life than you would have ever thought possible. You can watch as time passes you by, you can observe the change of humanity... If you choose to turn, I will do everything in my power to help you adjust. I give you my word," Elijah said to me.

I didn't answer. How could I? All I could focus on was the pounding in my ears- the horrible noise that kept shattering against my skull-

"Here," Elijah said, placing something into my arms. I opened my eyes and gasped. My child- Ariel- she was smiling up at me. I didn't know if it was the heightened emotions or maternal instinct- all I knew was I would do anything to stay with this girl, to raise her, and give her everything she could ever wish for.

And so I turned. I fed on the blood of one of the humans in the village we had arrived in, the village which I later learned to be located in the Northwestern parts of America. Once I fed, I felt... Not necessarily better, but... I felt like a new person.

Elijah taught me how to control my bloodlust and my emotions. I vowed never to become like Kol or Nikaus, savage vampires who would slaughter entire villages were it not for the threat of Mikael looming over them.

"Mikael. Tell me about him," I said to Elijah one night, roughly a month after I had turned. We were staying on the coasts of Southern America now, a place Rebekah had deemed condescending for her to be in.

"He wishes Niklaus dead. My brother wishes the same of him. Mikael... After we turned, after we found out that Niklaus wasn't our father's son... Mikael killed our mother, and tried to kill Niklaus, too. We fled our village, running from country to country for centuries. Through all that time, my siblings and I stuck together. That is how we've been able to survive this long. We cannot kill Mikael permanently, but if we are together, we can keep him dead long enough to escape," Elijah said.

I nodded. "And you've never had the thought that you may be better off without him? Without Niklaus?" I asked, sitting down next to him. 

Elijah shook his head. "My brother is a difficult person to be around- he certainly doesn't try to make it easy. I've had periods of time when I loathe him beyond imagination- but I would never abandon him. We are family," Elijah said.

I tilted my head curiously. This made me see Niklaus in a new light. If Elijah could put up with him for so long... Was there a part of Niklaus I hadn't yet seen? Was there something more beneath the empty shell of the violent monster that I saw him as?

I'm not sure how long this book will be, I've already got like 160 pages written down... Hehe

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