Once Upon A Time

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 I used to be a Queen. But that was before they came for me, claiming that I was their last hope for revival. That I was the last remaining heir of the Petrova bloodline. They stole me away from my home many centuries ago. It is a small miracle that I am still here, alive. My kingdom has no been reduced to ash... And I really couldn't care less.

Grand music played in the dining hall as the King of France and his guests gathered for the feast celebrating my engagement to the Crown Prince. I had arrived in France two months ago, and finally, the wedding had been made official. I would soon be married to the Prince... In less than a week's time, no doubt.

The king's advisors were seated at one side of the table. My ladies and I were seated on the opposite side. To my left sat the Prince, and beside him, at the head of the table, sat the King. He was talking to his Queen in an ecstatic voice, going on about the unition of our two kingdoms.

I glanced to my right, where the King's mistress was staring with a cold glare at the King and the Queen. Next to her sat her son, the bastard. He looked quite nervous, as if he felt he shouldn't be here.

"A toast!" The King called, raising his goblet filled with sparkling red wine. "To the marriage of my son and my soon to be daughter in law! To August and Helena!" Everyone raised their glasses, including myself.

In the beginning, I hadn't known what to think of the arranged marriage. It had all been so sudden. It had originally been said that I would marry a noble of another land. Yet the man I had been engaged to since I was seven had died during a hunting trip three years ago. Ever since, my mother, the Queen of a small country not known to many in Europe, had struggled to find me a match that would benefit our country. Not a lot of Kings were willing to wed their sons to a Princess of such a small country.

Then, exactly thirteen months ago, a flood of wealth had been discovered in the mining hills of our northern borders. Overnight, we had grown to be one of the richest kingdoms in all of Europe. Suddenly, marriage proposals were flying in from everywhere. My mother's advisors had urged her to accept one of the proposals quickly, yet she had stood her ground, waiting for the best opportunity to come her way.

And it had. The King of France sent a messenger to our country. Despite being one of the strongest countries in Europe, the French kingdom was on the verge of crumbling apart. All their wealth had been lost due to their latest war; They were offering to make me the next Queen of France in return for a large portion of our country's wealth.

I had arrived in France Court a month afterwards. Over the course of the next two months, I got to know the French Royals. I found myself making friends with the Crown Prince... And I realized last night, after the official wedding date was announced, that this might not be such a bad idea after all.

Of course, that was before they came for me. The monstrous beasts that feared nothing and no one. The demons that had crawled out of the deepest parts of hell itself. The family that I now have spent four hundred years living with... The Mikaelsons.

Just a reminder that I have a new TVD book out, called "We'll Go Down in History"! It's about Hope time traveling 400 years into the past and crossing paths with her father, Klaus Mikaelson himself.

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