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Present Day 

"So," Alaric says, pushing me into the Salvatore house as he enters it himself, "What about this Klaus business, huh? Do we have a plan to take him down yet?" he asks. I glare at him. I want nothing more than to rip that smug smile off his face.

"Yeah, we got Bonnie to take in all that magic from the witch massacre, remember?" Stefan says, gesturing for Alaric to sit down. "Hi. Stefan," Stefan says to me, holding out a hand. I don't know how to respond, so I don't. Stefan awkwardly lets his hand fall to his side.

"Right. The witch massacre," Alaric says, clasping his hands together. It's clear he has no idea what's going on, and the same can be said for me. I don't know whether to scream out that Alaric is Klaus and run the hell out of here, or simply sit down on the couch and stay silent.

"Bonnie says she's prepared for him. The second Klaus shows his face, she'll be able to kill him single-handedly," Stefan says, as he sits down next to Elena. "Are you sure about that, though? I mean, this is Klaus we're talking about. The Original Vampire whose name brings terror to the entire supernatural world?" Alaric laughs nervously. I roll my eyes. Klaus's ego is too big for this earth to contain.

"Please, I couldn't care less about his reputation. No one can withstand the might of a hundred angry witches," Stefan says. Alaric blinks. "Okay, then," he says, leaning his back on the couch.

Stefan and Elena, along with Stefan's brother, Damon, and the witch, Bonnie, talk for a couple more minutes. Then Alaric stands up. "I just realized I have to be somewhere. I'll see you guys at the Decade Dance, then?" he says. They all nod. "Helena? Want to join me?" Alaric says.

Before I can respond, he's grabbed ahold of my hand, and is pulling me out the door. The second we're safely hidden from view, he turns towards me, and I can tell he's mad. I scoff. He can't have possibly believed I'd just watch by and let him carry out his plan of killing Elena.

"You're lucky I'm stuck in this stupid human body, or I would be feeding you your insides right now," he says to me. I smile. "Not really threatening when you're a middle aged history teacher dressed up in a sweater and khaki pants, now are you?" I snap at him.

He grabs my wrist, and I easily wrench it away. "I should have gotten you off vervain years ago. Then I wouldn't have to chase after you and your bloody, uncontrollable mind every other second," he spits. "True," I shrug. "But life wouldn't be half as fun without my bloody, uncontrollable mind, now would it, love?" I say to him. I stop walking and face him.

Alaric stares at me, then sighs. "Come. We're going back to this cursed teacher's apartment so that I can ask one of my witches what to do about that bloody Bennett witch," he says.


Kol and I were in a small house roughly one mile away from the village we had been staying in. I paced back and forth inside the small room worriedly. Who was that man, Mikael? Was he the Mikaelson siblings' father? Had he been the one who had burnt down an entire village simply for the sake of scaring his children before he killed them?

"Thank the bloody heavens," Kol said suddenly, as he stood up. Rebekah was standing at the door, her beautiful golden hair drenched in blood. "Rebekah," Kol said, rushing forward to catch her as she fell to the ground.

"Rebekah, tell me how this was possible- father shouldn't have been able to catch up with us. We covered our tracks perfectly, and the word of the French guards being massacred shouldn't have spread throughout the country until tomorrow, in the very least-" 

"We were betrayed," Rebekah murmured. "Betrayed? By whom?" Kol asked. Rebekah took in a shaky breath to answer, yet it was I who spoke.

"Beatrice," I whispered. Both Mikaelsons looked at me. "It's true, is it not?" I asked. Rebekah slowly nodded. "That cloaking spell she put up was fake. She basically alerted every supernatural being in the world of our presence by activating it," Rebekah coughed.

"Kol, I need blood..." Rebekah said weakly. Kol's eyes immediately traveled to me, the only human in the room.

"It's not going to kill you, darling," Kol said, when I stumbled backwards. "She needs it more than you do. Now come here," he said, his pupils dilating.

"C-Compulsion doesn't work on me," I stuttered. "No, I suppose not," Kol shrugged. "But this does," he said, rushing towards me. He grabbed my wrist and shoved it towards Rebekah's mouth. I shut my eyes in expectation of pain, but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes. There was a slight stinging sensation in my wrist, but that was it.

"Here," Kol said. I watched with wide eyes as he bit into his own wrist and offered it up to me. "Wh- What-" "It'll heal you," Kol explained. "God knows what Nik would do if he found a single scratch mark on you," he muttered.

I hesitantly allowed one drop of Kol's blood to drip into my mouth. I immediately recoiled at the bitter and salty taste, but... He was right. His blood started to heal me. All my wounds suddenly disappeared.

The front door of the house burst open. Elijah walked in first, carrying Eleanor in his arms. Then came Niklaus, who was dragging Beatrice's unconscious body behind him.

"What happened? Where are the others? The vampire soldiers?" Kol asked. "Half are dead, and the remaining half, we let go," Elijah replied. "Let go? Why would you-" "We can't trust them, and yes, Kol, I know that, unlike the witch, we can compel them," Elijah said, glancing at Beatrice's body when Kol opened his mouth, "But that doesn't mean they can't consume vervain. Besides, Mikael is an Original as well, and if he were to get inside one of their heads..." Elijah sighed and sat down.

Kol shook his head. "But why would Beatrice betray us in the first place?" he asked.

"I plan on asking her that very question," Niklaus said, biting into his wrist, "Right after I torture her for the next one hundred years or so," he said, as he force fed her his blood. I shut my eyes as he snapped her neck in two.

"A souvenir, brother," Niklaus said, tossing something small and red to Kol. "Your father's heart."

I threw up a little in my mouth after those words were spoken.

"We must leave," Elijah said. "Father's heart will grow back soon enough. We must go somewhere far, somewhere he won't expect us to go to." They were all silent for a few seconds. "How about home?" Rebekah said, breaking the silence.

All her siblings stared at her. Then Elijah slowly nodded. "That's not the worst idea," he said quietly. Just then, Beatrice awoke with a gasp. Niklaus glanced at Beatrice, who, judging from the conversation the Mikaelsons had just shared, was a witch of some sort. Then he turned to his sister and nodded his head. "Ladies first," he said. The second those words left her brother's mouth, Rebekah lunged at Beatrice. Unlike how she had fed on me, Rebekah tore into Beatrice's throat with such violence and hateful hunger that a terrible scream exited the girl's lungs and echoed into the dark night. 

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