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 I could smell the smoke. My eyes began to water as I felt my flesh slowly burn away.

"Elijah- Elijah, this isn't you," I choke. "He's not here, sweetheart." The pain began to die down as Elijah's stupid witch casually closes the blinds on the windows. He stares at me from the opposite side of the room with a small smile. What I would do for the chance to rip that smug grin off that kid's face...

A blinding pain strikes me from the side as the witch pushes yet another knife into my gut. "Weak," I spit, trying to mask my shout of pain with a laugh. "You know, it's probably not the best idea to call the guy who can make your blood vessels pop 'weak'," the witch says. He snaps his fingers, and a horrible sense of excruciation erupts inside my brain. I can actually feel blood bursting throughout my skull as the witch performs the aneurysms, over and over again.

"Jealous, are we?" I laugh madly. "What?" the guy says, looking up so sharply I'm surprised his neck doesn't snap in two. "Please, it's written all over your face, love. You think Elijah's stupid for still caring for me, even after all these years. I don't deserve someone like him. That's what you're thinking, isn't it?" I ask him with a sneer.

"I- he's not- he doesn't care for you," the kid snaps at me. "Then why isn't it Elijah who's sticking knives into my gut like I'm some bloody pincushion? Why isn't he in this room with us? Simple- he can't bear to see me in pain," I spit.

I have no idea whether this is true or not, but I can see that I'm getting on the witch's nerves, and I like that. If I manage to annoy him enough, this situation will end up in one of two ways- either he'll grow too flustered that it'll give me the perfect chance to escape, or he'll just double the amount of pain he's inflicting on me. Hopefully fate will choose the first option.

"Just admit it, love. You're obsessed with Elijah. And honestly, who could blame you?" I say. "But let me give you some advice- don't get too close to Elijah Mikaelson. He's cared for very few people in his life, and those people either ended up as a corpse, a manipulative bitch who's been on the run for five centuries, or as a hostage tied up to a chair, being tortured by some pathetic fifteen year old kid who's been kicked out of his home by his own parents," I say harshly.

"I'm not fifteen," he says. The loss of blood is clearly messing with my mind, because I laugh. I laugh so hard that tears stream down my face. "An entire speech, and that's the only thing you have to say?" I say, my body shaking from the laughter.

The laughter turns into a muffled shout as the witch rakes a knife down my left arm. He does the same to my right, ripping open my flesh in a fit of anger. I begin to feel woozy- I can't think straight, the blood loss...

"I will tear your face off and force the sad bag of skin down your throat," I mumble into the witch's ear.

"Niklaus's choice of language has rubbed off on you, I see," Elijah says, finally entering the room. "Elijah," I laugh. Then I frown. Why is the room spinning around? Were the lights always a shade of deep purple?

"Leave us," Elijah says quietly. The kid immediately stands up and heads straight for the door.

"Come to kill me, my love?" I laugh hysterically. My mind is telling me to focus, but my body just can't seem to act on these orders.

"You know, I'm quite surprised- after centuries of watching Nik and Kol torture their victims for petty reasons, I really did think you would do more than have me burned and stabbed for a couple hours," I mumble. "I know for a fact that Kol would have made my death last for half a millennium if I had done to him what I did to you. And Klaus..." I laugh. "He would have searched the world for a revival spell, simply for the purpose of burning me to death over and over again, every single day..." I trail off.

Elijah frees me of my bonds, but that hardly makes a difference now. I can barely lift up my hand.

"What now for the noble Elijah Mikaelson, then, hm?" I ask. Elijah takes me by the back of the neck and gets me into a standing position. "Once you kill Klaus, you'll have no one left in the world," I laugh. Then I gasp as Elijah's fangs tear into my throat. He begins to suck the remaining blood out of me. My energy weakens with each sip that he takes.

Yet I continue talking.

"Once you kill Klaus..." I laugh. "You've planned for his death for eighty years, yet it might not even be you who takes his life in the end," I say. I smile. "What do you think, Elijah? I-" I groan as his teeth break open my carotid artery. "Would you care to make a bet? Who will it be that ends Niklaus Mikaelson's life, now that I have freed Mikael from his-" My words are cut off as I shout out in pain, for Elijah has suddenly yanked his fangs out of my neck.

"What did you just say?" he says, staring at me with wild eyes. I laugh. "You're funny, Elijah," I say. Then I double over, gag, then begin to giggle hysterically. "Helena, what did you just say?" Elijah yells at me. I stare up at him. His face is so blurry.

I smile. "Do you remember when we first landed in Louisiana, Elijah? When you promised our love would last for-" I stop talking. My eyes widen. Then the world turns black. 

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