Back to Mystic Falls

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 Nine days later.

"Get me another glass of whatever this is, will you, love?" I say, lifting my glass up to one of Klaus's hybrids as I lay on the rooftop, staring up at the cool blue sky.

This is the twelfth time I've ordered him around like my personal servant today, so obviously, the hybrid doesn't look too pleased when I ask him to be my drink server. Nevertheless, he takes my cocktail glass and walks away.

I hear something vibrating, so I glance over to my left. "Klaus! Your stupid phone is ringing!" I yell. He doesn't answer, so I lean forward and grab his phone myself. Stefan is calling.

"Klaus, it's Salvatore!" I shout once more. In the blink of an eye, Klaus is standing in front of me. He drops the human girl he was feeding on, and takes his phone from my hand.

"Portland is fantastic. Once you get over all the whiny music and healthy looking people, it is literally a breeding ground for werewolves," Klaus says as he answers the call.

"Your father is dead," I hear Stefan say with my vampire hearing. I sit up and stare at Klaus, who is staring back with the same expression that I'm wearing- a mixture of shock and doubt.

"What did you say to me?" Klaus says quietly. "Oh, my mistake," Stefan laughs. "Not your actual father and not dead. Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?" Stefan asks.

Klaus drops onto the seat next to me. "Well, first I want you to explain to me exactly what happened," he says.

"Mikael followed Elena into our house. He tried to grab her, so he could use her as bait," Stefan replies. 

"And you what? Vervained him?" I say, putting the phone on speaker. I don't believe for one single second that they've actually managed to somehow knock Mikael out, and judging from the look in his eye, Klaus doesn't believe it either... Even though he desperately wants to.

"No, Damon and I vervained him," Stefan replies. "That's when we discovered he had a dagger hidden in the folds of his coat. We think he was planning to use it on Rebekah, who's been living with us, by the way. Elena took the dagger and drove it through Mikael's heart."

"I wanna see him," Klaus says. "I want to see his rotting body for myself."

"Well, he's here. Come by whenever," Stefan answers in an almost careless manner.

I steal the phone away from Klaus. "If you are lying to us Stefan, Klaus's compulsion on you will expose you. So, answer with your life- Is what you are saying the truth?" I ask him.

A short pause. And then- "It's true. I saw it with my own eyes," Stefan says. Klaus takes the phone back from me, and says, "I want to talk to Rebekah."

"That's not a problem. She's right here," Stefan answers. My hearing picks up on Stefan's phone being passed around. 

"Hello, Nik," Rebekah says.

"Rebekah, love," Klaus says. What's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run in with the dagger?" 

"It's true," Rebekah says. "He's finally out of our lives for good. I miss you. I'm miserable here," she whines.

Klaus glances my way. I don't respond. "I'll be home soon," he replies.

"Good. I'll see you then, brother."

Klaus hangs up the phone, and I shake my head furiously. "We're not going back there," I tell him. 

"And why not?" Klaus asks me. I laugh in exasperation. "You can't seriously be trusting them, Klaus- from day one, they've wanted nothing more than you dead-" 

"The same can be said for a certain has-been queen I know, yet I trust you, don't I?" Klaus says to me. I throw my hands up in the air.

"They're lying. Stefan and Rebekah- they must have found some loophole out of your compulsion on him, they can't have managed to dagger Mikael, it's not possible," I yell. Klaus raises his eyebrows in surprise. "Are you saying this out of concern for me? And here I thought you would be content with letting me risk my life. What changed your mind?"

"It's not you I care about, Klaus, what I care about is the fact that if Rebekah is tricking you, if she's joined forces with Mikael, the first step the two of them will take is finding a way to use Elena as leverage," I say, though I don't actually mean it.

The main reason I'm reluctant to let Klaus return to Mystic Falls is that there's a very, very high risk that someone will let it slip that I was the one who let Mikael go free. I told Mikael to go to Mystic Falls, and for whatever stupid reason, it's only now that he has chosen to listen to me. Even if he doesn't reveal it to Klaus outright that I was the one who freed him, it'll be easy enough for Klaus to connect the dots once literally anyone mentions the fact that all Damon and Katherine found once they reached the Pickett Mausoleum was an empty casket.

"All the more reason to return and make sure Mikael truly is dead!" Klaus insists. I stomp down on the patio chair I had been relaxing in, and it breaks in two. "Send one of your stupid hybrids to check, then!" I shout. "You, get over here," I say. The hybrid I sent to fetch my drink earlier comes running over.

"Send this one to Mystic Falls, he's disposable," I say, shoving him towards Klaus. "Excuse my friend, please, she's not in her right mind," Klaus says to the hybrid.

"Klaus-" "I'm going. If you don't want to, then fine," Klaus says, marching away. I run after him, nearly ripping the roof door off its hinges as I follow him down the staircase.

"We'll be in and out of town in a day, what's the worst that can happen?" Klaus says.

You'd think that a millennium old hybrid would have learned by now that there are things called 'tempting fate'... 

But of course not. 

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