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 A horrible scream greets me when I enter the apartment. I rush inside, wondering where the sound is coming from.

"Bloody hell," I mutter at the sight.

Katherine Pierce is sitting on a chair in the living room, with blood streaming down her legs. She raises a knife into the air and brings it down upon her knee. Another muffled shout of pain. She then pulls out the knife- and repeats the cycle all over again.

It's a gruesome sight, but not one I haven't seen before. Compelling his victims to torture themselves is one of Klaus's favored torture methods- and was Kol's favorite as well. The idea seemed to amuse them.

Klaus walks into the other room and is soon joined by one of his trusted witches. The two of them head into the guest room, while I turn to Katherine.

She seems rather tired of stabbing herself now. Her screams have settled down to small, pained grunts. I sit down next to her on the floor.

"Katherine Pierce," I say. "The one and only," she replies, wincing as the knife is plunged into her knee yet again. "Sort of," she adds as an afterthought.

"Helena Gold," I say, outstretching a hand. Katherine scoffs. "Don't humor me. You witches are all the same," she spits. I raise an eyebrow. "You think I'm a witch?" I ask her. She glances at me. Then she rolls her eyes, as if talking to me is worse than having to stab herself over and over again.

"I was a witch once," I admit. "A traveler witch."

Katherine's eyes widen, but the movement is so subtle that I begin to think I had imagined it. "My father's name was Everett... Everett Petrova," I say, staring at her face for any reaction at all.

I realize why she's known as somewhat of a legend to the supernatural world. This information is supposed to shock her beyond imagination- yet her face remains calm and collected. She has her mind trained to stay in control in even the worst of situations.

"You heard that right. I'm your great granddaughter," I say to her. Still, no response. Frowning, I stand up and head over towards the couch. "Wait," Katherine says weakly. "Help me get out of here," she says.

I stare at her. "Are you serious?" I ask her in a cold voice. I know that none of this- the predicament that the both of us are in- isn't her fault, of course it isn't. But it's much easier to blame her for my misery than to blame an Original Vampire- a soon to be Original Hybrid- who can't be killed.

"Please," Katherine says to me, the calm confidence surrounding her slowly starting to break apart. "You have no idea what he'll do to me."

"I do, actually," I say to her. "He's been talking about it nonstop for the past four hundred years. I can recite his plans for you word for word, if you want me to. I think it started with him ripping out your insides and feeding them to you?" I trail off.

I can't busy myself with Katherine right now. Yes, I feel sorry for her- who wouldn't? But right now, my priority is to somehow find a way to save Elena.

"So it's every woman for herself, is it?" Katherine says in a sad yet spiteful kind of voice. Somehow, the sarcastic malice in her tone still exists. "You act like a true Petrova," she spits.

I stand up from the couch. "I am nothing like you," I say sharply. "I don't run away every time I run into a problem, I face it head on and beat it to the ground," I say. Katherine laughs. "Please, let's not pretend like you have time to think about anything other than yourself. If you've survived this long with Klaus right beside you, it means you knew how to play all the right cards. You're mind is constantly at work trying to manipulate people so that they can better serve you," she says.

"You don't know anything about me," I yell. "You have no idea what I had to go through- every single sacrifice I had to make to ensure everyone else's safety and happiness! For an entire lifetime, I've always put my family first!" I shout. Katherine smiles satisfyingly, as if it had been her plan to draw out a reaction like this from me the whole time.

Just then, the door opens, and Klaus walks back into the living room. Katherine's smug expression disappears within the blink of an eye, and suddenly, she's just a little girl, facing off against the big bad wolf.

"I see you two have gotten to know each other," Alaric nods. Then he turns towards me. "I've come up with an ingenious plan to get rid of the Bennett witch- now, will you be my date to the Decade Dance?" he asks me. I smile, and reply, "I'd rather kill myself."

Klaus laughs. "You should ask your great grandmother for tips, then, she's done that on several occasions," he says, moving his attention onto Katherine. I can see Katherine trying to swallow in her fear. I suddenly find myself thinking of what it would be like to be in her shoes. Running for five hundred years from the man who can't be killed, all for trying to escape the fate of being used as a human sacrifice. Being forced to turn into a manipulative monster for the sake of survival. Finally being caught by the man who haunted her nightmares for half a millenium, and soon after realizing that her own great granddaughter is in allegiance with him...

I chide myself on the last sentence. I'm not Klaus's ally, I'm his enemy. But it probably doesn't look that way from Katherine's perspective.

"No- no," Katherine says in a panicked voice. "No!" she screams, as Klaus grabs her shoulder and leads her into the guest room. I can see Klaus smiling- he's enjoying every second of this. He's loving the fear Katherine is feeling, the terror that is taking over her mind.

And I'm once again reminded of the hundred reasons why I hate him.

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