Damon Salvatore

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 "If you're waiting for me to offer you some, know that it's a lost cause. I'm planning on draining both of these tonight," I said, holding both bottles up in the air.

He flashed me a devilish smile that reminded me of Kol. "Keep the bourbon. I'm not saying no to that offer of a drink, though," he said, as he suddenly lunged forwards with his fangs bared. I smashed one of the bottles over his head, and he crumpled to the floor. I casually hopped off my chair, raised the mouth of the remaining bottle to my lips, and stomped down hard on the vampire's chest, causing the heel of my shoe to plunge into his flesh.

He let out a pained groan, and I poured the rest of the bourbon on top of his head, right before smashing that bottle on top of him as well.

"How stupid are you that you can't even recognize a fellow vampire?" I laughed. "Next time, don't pick a fight with someone who's more than two times your age," I said.

"Now," I said, plunging my hand into his heart, "Let's hear your reason as to why I shouldn't kill you," I said sweetly.

"He doesn't have one," a new voice said. I looked up, and saw a blonde woman, also a vampire, looking down at me. I guessed that she was roughly fifty to sixty years younger than me. She glanced down at the vampire whose heart I had my hand wrapped around carelessly.

"He's a psychotic idiot who spends his entire existence getting drunk and ripping out people's throats. But you still shouldn't kill him," the woman said to me.

I tilted my head to the side. "Why not?" I asked coolly. The woman shrugged. "Because there are still some stupid people out there who care for him," she replied.

The vampire struggled underneath me. "I don't need you or your rehabilitation program- tell Stefan to stay the hell away from-" the vampire let out a huge gasp as I yanked my hand out of his chest in surprise.

There's no way. Did he just say-

"Stefan," the woman said to the vampire angrily, "Is the only person in the world stopping me from tearing your heart out myself. So if I were you, I'd try sounding a little bit more grateful," the woman said.

Stefan. Rehabilitation program.

I was looking at at Damon Salvatore and Alexis Branson.

The first thought that erupted inside my mind were questions about Marie. Did she make it safely to Lexi's place in the 1920s? Did the Petrova line truly end with her? Was she happy? Was she even still alive?

But as much as I wanted to ask Lexi all these questions, I couldn't. Because the second I did, I'd be getting her involved in all of this. I'd been with Klaus long enough to know that he was the kind of man who would hunt down his enemy's second cousin's best friend's roommate's bus driver, all because he or she had the absolute smallest relation to the person who wronged him. If I started asking questions, word will undoubtedly get out, and I didn't want the one good vampire in the world to suffer for that.

And there was another reason, too, though I couldn't fully admit it- I was deadly scared of what the answer might be if I were to ask.

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Present Day

"My mom would seriously freak if she saw all these people here," Tyler says, as he comes up to us. 

"Your mother won't be a problem, I compelled her to go to church and pray for your friends," I smile at him. 

Tyler frowns. "What are you talking about?" he asks.

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