Family Reuinion

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 "That's right, love. All your pain and suffering comes down to this young woman right here," Klaus says, walking up from behind me and running his- or rather, Alaric Saltzman's- hand through my hair. I elbow him in the gut, and he lets out a groan, hobbling away as he mutters something about 'stupid human flesh'.

I kneel down next to the woman, and brush the hair out of her face. I definitely see the resemblance between her and myself. My nose is a little sharper, and her eyes are a bit bigger, but apart from that, we could pass as sisters.

"I'm sure you've heard my rants of what I would do when I finally caught her," Klaus says with a smile of satisfaction. "But, being the gentleman that I am, I'll let you have some private time with her. Talk with her, torture her, do whatever you wish," Klaus says. I roll my eyes. "Is this your way of trying to warm up to me? Because if so, you're four hundred years too late, love," I say, shouldering him as I head towards the door.

"I don't want anything to do with her. Do what you will, but leave me out of it," I snap at him. And I mean every word of it. I couldn't care less about what happens to Katherine Pierce... But I do care what happens to Elena Gilbert. I tried to protect her, I really did... But I failed.

'No,' a small voice in the back of my mind tells me. 'You can still save her. Go to Stefan and tell him what you know. He can get Elena to safety.'

But at the same time... All the anger I had stored up inside of me at Klaus once upon a time ago has now evaporated. It's been ninety years since I risked everything and sent Elena's grandmother, Marie Flemming, away secretly. Back then, I was willing to do whatever it took to make sure Klaus never succeeded in his life's goal. But now, I'm just tired. I've witnessed way too many deaths, way too many dreams being stranded behind in the dust. Four hundred years with the Mikaelsons tore away every bit of compassion left in me. Now, the only person I care about is myself.

Yet if that's true... Why am I standing in front of the Salvatore mansion? Why is my hand knocking on the door, while my mind desperately hopes that someone is there to answer it?

"Can I help you?"

I gasp involuntarily. His looks haven't changed one bit, but his tone... It's so much softer. So much kinder.

"Stefan," I smile. Then my gaze shifts to the eighteen year old girl standing next to him. "Oh my god," I say, clamping my hand to my mouth.

All the emotions come rushing back as I lay my eyes on this innocent young girl. I remember the pain I felt each time as my descendants left me and this world, one by one, as I continued to live...

First, my daughter, April. She lived for sixty seven years before dying. She wanted a free life, a normal life, far away from the Mikaelson family. It took me everything I had to convince Klaus to let April get married to a man she loved before giving birth to a child, the next in line of the Petrova bloodline... In retrospect, not the best decision.

April and her husband refused to give up their newborn son. I had to compel the husband to believe that his son had died during birth, and as for April... She had traveler witch blood in her veins. She couldn't be compelled. I couldn't even comfort her as the Mikaelsons took her child away. For twenty years, I was kept away from my daughter. I raised my grandson to be a young and healthy man... And on the day Klaus finally allowed me to go back and look for my daughter, the day I finally believed I would find happiness, even for but a moment, I found out she wanted nothing to do with me and the monstrous consequences that came with accepting me as her family.

I once asked Klaus why he didn't just let my descendants live as normal humans. Why not simply watch by, being the next door neighbor, as my family's bloodline grew? Why did he have to insist on ripping newborns away from their mothers and fathers? Why force me to follow them around the entire world as I cared for the babies as my own children?

He claimed it was because of Mikael. If Mikael ever found out about the Petrova bloodline, if he found out what it would mean to Klaus if the line abruptly ended, his 'father' wouldn't rest until the last remaining Petrova descendant had been killed. And that was why he had to keep moving, keeping only the most necessary people around him- his siblings, the latest of the Petrova bloodline, and a person to care for the Petrova descendants- me.

Perhaps there was some truth to that. But the reality was, Klaus simply liked being in control of everything. He felt at peace when everything was most convenient to him, even if it meant uprooting the lives of an entire dynasty.

"I'm sorry... Do I know you?" Stefan asks. I open my mouth to tell him everything, absolutely everything. Klaus needs to pay for what he did to me, to my child, to my descendants... But at that moment, a firm hand grasps my shoulder.

"She's a friend of mine," Alaric says. I look up with wide eyes. Klaus stared back at me. "She's one of Isobel's old colleagues. I thought she could help out with our Klaus problem," Alaric says with a smile.

Stefan nods slowly, and Elena smiles at me. "Come in," she says in a bright voice, allowing not only me to enter into the household, but allowing Klaus to enter as well. 

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