Always and Forever

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 "For ninety years, I spent every single day of my life thinking, what would have happened if the woman I had loved, the woman I had poured my heart out to, hadn't betrayed us? Where would we be now? But I never managed to come up with an answer to that," he says, as he stands up.

I had loved. He just said I had loved. Meaning... What? He doesn't care for me at all anymore?

 "Why are you holding me captive, Elijah? I have nothing to offer you," I say, almost tiredly. I was literally inches away from finally having my own freedom for the first time in forever... But of course, the second I get away from one Mikaelson brother, another one comes and takes me hostage.

"Do you really believe that?" Elijah asks, trailing his hand against the back of my chair. "Do you really think there is nothing you can offer me?" he says.

"You think that, because you have known us for four centuries, that you know us better than anyone else in the world. And perhaps that is true," he says. "But that doesn't mean you know everything about us. You don't know of what we used to be like as humans, or what we used to be like right after Esther's spell... Right after we turned into the world's first vampires..."

"You don't know how we found it impossible to control our bloodlust, our heated emotions. You don't know how the fear mixed in with the hunger and created the worst possible versions of ourselves. But soon, as the morning sun arises, you will know," he says quietly. "You will know of the bloodthirsty savage I once was. And you will also learn that there is indeed something you can offer me before you die."

He leans down towards me so that his lips are almost brushing against my ear.

"Closure," he says.


1710, The Mississippi River.

"Where in hell is everyone?" the man said. "Deserted. Which makes everything in the hold legally forfeit. Take what suits you," his friend said with a greedy look in his eye. "What do you make of that?" the first man asked, pointing at the two coffins. "Open it up," his friend replied.

The man hesitated, then opened up the lid of the coffin, revealing Kol in his daggered state. "What the hell?"

A whoosh, a yell, then a high pitched scream.

"Hello," Rebekah said. Black veins were rippling across her face. She wiped the blood off her lips with her handkerchief as the veins disappeared.

"Lovely to see such a handsome face after a long journey. Can I eat him, brother?" she asked.

The ship creaked as Elijah stepped out of the shadows. "I'd rather you didn't," he said with a small smile on his face.

"There's no need to be afraid. And do exactly as I say. You will remember nothing," Elijah told the one remaining man. "I will remember nothing," the man repeated.

"We've had a very long journey, wherein which, unfortunately, we lost all of our crew. Therefore, I will ask you kindly to transport our belongings to the shore," Elijah said in a placid manner.

The man slowly nodded, with a horrified expression on his face. "What kind of hell demons are you?" he asked.

I stepped forward, running a finger along the streak of blood that had sprayed onto Kol's coffin. "We're vampires, darling," I told him, licking the blood off my finger. "I'm Helena. That's Rebekah, this is Elijah, and these are Kol and Finn, may they rest in peace," I said.

"Are we saving the best for last?" a voice drawled.

"That would be our half brother, Niklaus. Ignore him, he's a beast," Rebekah said.

I looked up as Klaus smiled down at us, the body of a dead man in his arms. Black veins were rippling across his face, and thick, red blood covered his mouth. He laughed at Rebekah's comment, before throwing the body onto the ground.

"We fled Europe yet again, and survived the seas. Would you rather I arrive hungry on the shores of our new homeland?" he said in reply to the look Elijah gave him.

"Niklaus, your manners are, as always, without equal. Sir, would you be so good as to tell us where it is that we have landed?" Elijah asked. The man nodded furiously. "The French colony of Louisiana, off the shores of a town they have named New Orleans," he replied.

Elijah smiled. "Thank you so much. Oh, I do recommend that you find yourself further assistance for the luggage. My sincere apologies," he said.

Then he turned to me, and stretched out his hand. "Shall we, my love?" he said. I accepted his hand with a gracious smile. "Let us go make history," I replied.

We stepped onto the shores of Louisiana. The stars shone above us across the calm river. Elijah held my hand and turned me so I could face him. "To a fresh start. A new beginning," I said. "One that will last forever," he said. I smiled and brushed my hand against his cheek.

"Always and forever," I whispered, right before our lips met. 

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