A Mistake

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 1919, a small inn a few hours away from New Orleans, Louisiana.

"It's alright, my love, I'm right here," I said, running my hand through Marie's hair. "I'm scared, Helena," the nine year old girl sobbed into my chest. "It's okay, everything will be alright." I repeated the same words I had been saying all night long, as if saying it over and over again could make it true.

"Two hours. After that, we move," Niklaus said, pushing open the door without so much as a knock. Marie shrieked and buried her face inside her hands. "Could you for once, have some sensitivity, Klaus?" I snapped. "I just watched the kingdom I built burn to the ground! So no, I don't think I can!" he yelled back. "Oh, for heaven's sakes! This isn't the first time Mikael has wrecked our lives by burning off an entire city off the map! Get over it!" I shouted. Klaus left the room after shutting the door with a slam.

Five minutes passed by. The door creaked open, and Rebekah and Elijah walked in, whilst in the middle of an argument.

"You cannot be serious, Rebekah, you cannot-" "Why not? I've just lost everything! Again!" Rebekah hissed at Elijah. "Why would it be so terrible if we were to leave? We could take Kol's body with us- father is after Nik, not us!" she said.

"Helena, please tell Rebekah to stop this nonsense," Elijah said, beginning to pace back and forth between the room. "No, Helena, tell Elijah that my proposition isn't nonsense," Rebekah said sharply. "Why can't we leave Niklaus behind and-" "Rebekah, you've just lost Marcellus, the emotions are getting to your mind-" "I need a life of my own, Elijah! A life where I am not controlled by Klaus and Mikael's choices, a life where I can live out my dreams in peace! Do you not wish that for me?" Rebekah said, tears forming at her eyes.

Elijah stared at her, then sighed. "Leave, if you must. But you are not taking me with you," he said. Rebekah blinked. "What? No, Elijah, if I leave, Klaus will dagger you-" "And let it be that way. I would rather stay by my brother's side in a coffin then away from him, letting him deal with his nightmares alone," Elijah said in a steady voice.

Rebekah and Elijah stared at each other without blinking for an entire minute. Then Rebekah turned to me. "Helena, we could free you and Marie from this wretched life. We could get you aboard a ship leaving this country- you could return to France, compel yourself a good life, a happy life. Marie would be able to experience a loving marriage, she could keep her child and you could watch your grandchildren and your great grandchildren grow into great people. Don't you want that?"

Rebekah did indeed have a way with words. How could anyone refuse such a tempting offer?

But I had known the Mikaelsons for more than three hundred years, and I knew such a feat would be impossible to accomplish without Klaus catching word of it.

"All we need is an opportunity. Something is bound to come along that will captivate Nik's attention- we'll just have to bide our time until then," Rebekah murmured. I didn't reply. Instead, I just sat there, wordlessly looking at the wall as I continued to run my finger through Marie's hair.


I open my eyes, and look around wildly. I'm still inside the penthouse. My wrists and ankles are bound to it the armrests and legs of the chair I'm sitting on.

My body is faced towards the huge window that overlooks the skyline of New York. The brilliant lights blinking throughout the city is a sight to behold.

"Elijah," I say, struggling to get free. "Elijah, let me go," I say, not even sure if he's still in the room or not. "You can't fool me, Elijah, we both know there's no point to keeping me tied up like this," I call out. "You're not like your siblings, you're not going to torture me," I say. For some reason, it comes out more like a dare.

There's no answer. I look down, and see that the stake in my gut has been removed. A huge, blood stained hole has been created in my shirt in its place.

I take in a shaky breath, and recall the night's events. I set Mikael free. He'll soon scare Klaus out of Mystic Falls. With the help of the Salvatores, Elena, the last in the long line of my descendants, will be safe. I've done everything I can now. I'm not like Katherine, my life's goal isn't simply to survive. It's to fulfill a purpose to the world. And now, finally, after four hundred years, I've done it. A teenage girl with many hopes and dreams in store will be able to live out the rest of her days freely, without me or anyone else to stop her from doing so.

"How are you awake?" I mutter, as I suddenly remember that, only mere hours ago, I had seen Elijah daggered and locked up underneath the Salvatore House.

"Apparently, young Bonnie nearly ended up killing herself last night while trying to take on my dear brother. Elena, not wanting her best friend to die for her, turned to the only other possible solution she had, and woke me up," Elijah finally replies.

The only other possible solution. I mentally shout a dozen different curses at the latest doppelganger. Did Elena really have to thank me by unleashing the one person in the world who wants me dead more than Klaus Mikaelson himself?

I stare at Elijah's reflection in the huge window. He closes his eyes, as if searching for a long lost memory.

"What you did to us that night in 1926... You made a mistake that can never be undone," he says softly. 

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