As soon as those words left your lips, he casted his gaze down and stared at his hands. You still didn't leave since you made it your objective to figure out what's wrong.

"Why do you fear these things?" You asked, concerned.

"I- it's best if I don't tell you." He said, not looking up.

"Skell, look at me."

He looked up at you and saw the worry in your eyes.

"I won't leave you alone until you tell me what's wrong." You said.

Knowing you meant your words, he flexed his hands before speaking.

"It's better if I show you." He said. "In private."

"Of course, come, I'll take you to my personal quarters." You said and stood up.

He stood up after you and you walked in the direction of your quarters with Skell behind you. There was a silence but wasn't uncomfortable where one of you had to talk. Soon enough, you arrived outside of your room and stopped in front of the door. You typed in the code and the door opened with a small hiss. You stepped aside to let Skell in first and he complied by stepping in. You walked in and the door automatically shut as you sat on your bed.

"Come, sit down." You said and patted the spot next to you.

He took your suggestion and sat next to you, looking anywhere but you. The fear you sensed in him has gotten worse when you two arrived here.

"It's okay," you said and he finally looked at you. "We're away from unwanted eyes." You set a hand on his shoulder.

He took a few deep breaths before lifting his hands up to his helmet. He hesitated for a moment before pulling off his helmet. What you saw next almost made you gasp. The lower half of his face was burnt all the way to the bone. The bone that was exposed was terribly scorched and you nearly cried at the sight. Skell suddenly looked away from you, turning his body in the process.

"Now you can see what a monster I am." He said, emphasizing the word monster.

Now you sensed sadness instead of fear, sadness because you might push him away.

"Skell, look at me, please." You said softly.

He didn't answer or look at you when he heard his name and didn't intend on doing so. He was about to stand up until the next words you said stopped him.

"Cyar'ika, look at me."

You said it in the most gentlest tone you could speak in and this caused him to look at you. You placed your hands on both sides of his face and he leaned into your touch, placing his hands over yours. You gave him the most sincere smile you could give as he did this and he looked into your eyes.

"You are not a monster. You are a fighter, a survivor." You reassured.

He was on the brink of tears and you noticed this but continued.

"Whatever you experienced for this to happen, it shows that you are strong because you survived."

You looked into his eyes and sensed comfort and safety within him. You brought him in for a hug and wrapped your arms around his torso.

"What are you doing?" He asked, slightly confused.

"It's called a hug." You said and laughed a little. "You do it like this."

You pulled back and grabbed his arms and placed them around your waist then let go. You put your arms in their original position and leaned into him.

"This is nice, I like this a lot." He said and pulled you closer.

"Well, if you ever want to hangout or just want some hugs, I'll be here." You said before pulling back.

"If it's okay with you, can I come back later?"

"Of course, my door will be open for you."

He then let go of you and stood up, you already missed his embrace. He went to leave the room but stopped to glance back at you.

"I'll see you later, (Y/n)." He said and walked out.

You smiled because you were able to finally figure out his issue. You placed your hand next to you and felt a plastic like texture. You looked to see what it was and it was Skell's helmet. Fearing the worst, you grabbed and rushed out of your room towards the barracks. You saw Skell from a distance as he was with his brothers and you smiled at the sight. Some of them were fascinated while others were reassuring him with kind words. Your expression softened and turned around to walk back to your room.

You were glad he opened up to you, because he now has confidence instead of fear.

Phew! Did y'all like this oneshot? More importantly, did you like my OC clone trooper?

The other names you saw are also part of the 97th Battalion:

ARC Troopers Dyemind and Ficus
Edsel the Medic
Sunnie the Shiny

I drew each of them so if you haven't met them, be sure to check that out in my Meme Book

But overall I hope you enjoyed this oneshot and have a great day/afternoon/evening/night!

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