Cutely Drunk ♡︎ Min Yoongi

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I'm so soft for this man :(



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'I promise I'm not going to drink a lot' he said. 'We are just going a few friends, I'm not going to get drunk' he said. 'I'll be back quickly and spend with you a chill evening' he said.
'I'm going to leave and then come back and everything will be just like how it's been before' he said.

That's what he said three hours ago before he left with his friends to a bar and entered through the front door of our apartment smelling like alcohol from his clothes and his mouth.
You sigh as you try to prepare yourself for the night ahead of you, because you know what they say, the moment you take that shot, your personality changes 360 degrees completely from who you are. So that's how Yoongi is right now.

Instead of a grandpa, you get a child.

"I'm so going to kill his friends later.." you mumble to yourself as you watch a smiley faced Yoongi throws himself on top of the couch. Sighing again, you close the front door and make your way towards him. You guess he saw you coming because he all of a sudden he jumps back up to a standing position and make his way to you. You start to say "C'mon baby let's get you to bed-"

"No." He says and throws his arms around you, pressing his face in the nape of your neck, scaring you. "I don't want to sleep I want to kiss you" he whines in your neck.

"What do you mean by no Yoongs, c'mon you need to sleep, kisses later." You say grabbing his hand from around your neck, before forcefully yet gently dragging him upstairs to your shared bedroom making Yoongi whine like a child.

"But baby I'm not tired~~" he whines and drags the last word while you keep dragging him up after you. "I feel like I can go out and dance for like hours and I'm still not going to get tired" he says and shakes his head cutely. "Here look." He says the second you walk inside your room and start dancing to their new comeback that hasn't been released yet. You were surprised he even managed to remember the dance while being wasted but that's a conversation for another day because right now you just wanted him to be in bed.

You shake your head and brush your hands through your hair. Clapping sarcastically for his drunk dancing skills, you take a step towards him and grab the both of his hands, trying to stop him from dancing this energetically. "Great love, I'm glad you're not tired, but right now you need to go to sleep so your head won't hurt tomorrow ok?" You ask softly, speaking to him exactly like how you would speak to a child. Yoongi stops and pout.

"I'll only stop if you'll let me kiss you hundreds and millions of times after." He says and you let out a small smile and nod, anything to just get him in bed. This confirmation calmed Yoongi down and he let you wrap your around on his and silently lead him to the bathroom.

𝔹𝕋𝕊  𝕀𝕄𝔸𝔾𝕀ℕ𝔼𝕊 & ℙℝ𝔼𝔽𝔼ℝ𝔼ℕℂ𝔼𝕊♥︎Where stories live. Discover now