Chapter 16

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          She was tired of going to work and seeing Aaron's smug face. She tired of being mistreated and with Jason gone. She lost so much when her best friend El gone and no communication from her was killing her. At least her pest of an ex boyfriend left the state or at least she thought. She wakes up to see a dreadful text.

       Alex texts," I have decided that Hannah and I will be moving to Virginia."

        The alarm blaring with the mixture of the pounding headache of being awake an hour before her alarm was too much.

       Alex texts," Alice. I will be moving there and no it hasn't nothing to do with us."

       Alice texts," Then why are you texting me? I already told you I don't want anything to do with you."

         Alice full wakes up and yawns quietly. She grabs the clothes deemed most appropriate for work. We will see what Mr. stick up his ass says. She knows it isn't right to pawn after a married let alone her own boss.

       She looked in the mirror mildly satisfied with the look she chose you wear. Her eyes wondered in the mirror at her naked lips daring to grab the red lipstick next to the mirror.

     She takes the chance on the lipstick smoothing on her pink lips. She grabs her fully charged phone to see four messages from Alex ignoring it. She goes in to the bathroom brushing through her hair and her teeth. Her phone buzzes again making her roll her eyes. She looks at the time,"6:15." 

      She thinks Fuck it I'll just go to work. She grabs her keys and bags quietly walking through the dark house noticing Dereks room was still pitch black. She really did want to talk to him about Alex, but she was tired of being a burden. Hotch made it clear how much of an immature little girl she was. She shakes the thoughts out her mind while turning on a hip hop channel on the radio. She decides to stop by a little coffee shop close the office.

    She parked her car in front of this cute little shop determined to be in and out to get to work to clear her mind. Her eye is caught by something that sparks her inquiry. She looks at Aaron sweaty in a cute little work out outfit. The shorts tight on his legs and the shirt stuffed with his muscular arms it took her everything in her mind not to drool by the sight. She rolls her eyes remembering the night Jason said he was going to quit and how he argued with her.

     Her worst nightmare came true when he saw her ogling him. The familiar but rare smirk of his showed light. The smile made her cheeks get pink as she waves walking into the shop hoping he would simply just walk past the shop.

     She groans as she watched as he walked over to the coffee shop she was in. She steps up to order. She noticed the glittery name tag of the teenage blonde cashier. She says," I will take a vanilla frap love."

     The cute cashier remarks," we are happy to get that for you sweetheart. It will be $4.50."
    Alice goes to grab her cash before Aaron's shoulder touch's her back. His deep voice says, " I'll take  a black coffee and it will be on me. My names Aaron."
     Alice steps aside not going to argue about him paying for her coffee. Probably the least her would owe for his douchebag behavior. His clone would be the death of her. The scent of that mixed with his deodorant would drive her crazy if she let it. Aaron smiles and says," miss me ?."
Alice says ," you wish. I am trying to get to work early to clear my mind."
He hands her the coffee and says," no meal today."
    Alice laughs and says," you know I would but my boss wants me early. He's kind of a hard ass. I should probably get going before he lectures me on something."
      Hotch curls up his right eyebrow and says," is that so ? I'll walk you to your car."
    Alice laughs and says, " yes you have no clue he's unbearable."
      Hotch pins her against her car and says," I am sure you can find something about him you like."
      Alice puts his fingers on his lips and says," I like him. There's something about him that does something to me."
     Hotch moves his mouth by her ear and says," well I am sure you have no idea what you do to him."
         Alice shivers and says," I got to get going it was nice seeing you Aaron. I'll see you at work Mr. boss man."
       He bites his lip and moves slowly away from her car as she drives off. Alice drives to work checking the clock only 7:00. The coffee was a burning reminder of the passion between her and her boss driving her crazy as she walks up to the BAU Building.  She walks into the building holding the coffee her boss just bought her like a secret that no one knows. He was already upstairs infront his desk dreading the next case. She sits down going through the files . The last case shook her and she knew Jason wasn't coming back which make her upset. 

     She felt awkward living with Morgan. She felt it was dangerous to live with a coworker. She couldn't trust herself to keep the that boundary she never thought she give herself to her boss. She grew up knowing better until she was smack into an abusive relationship with the son of the sheriffs son. Her whole life she has been underneath a man. The thought of Alex being in Virginia makes her skin crawl and she hasn't told anyone.
Hotch comes downstairs looking her like a predator. He walks up and says, Good morning agent. Do you have any paper work for me ? Today is my last day."
        Alice's face in shock says," Your last day ? Who will be the new boss? Aaron you can't be serious."
     Hotch says," I don't have a choice. My marriage depends on it."
       Alice snaps back and says," So in other words you are letting your wife tear you away from all your progress,"
      Hotch rubs his eyebrows and says,"  need I remind you that I am still your boss agent and you are out of line."
      Alice hand him papers and says," it was out of line to be inside of me but you didn't seem to mind."
   Hotch grabs the papers and walks upstairs leaving her speechless. The clock reads 7:35 as she notices all the other coworkers walking in to the office. Morgan says," Morning hot stuff." Reid says," morning." Penny says," morning love got to go check on something. Jj and Emily walk in together and they both greet everyone. Jj walks up to her office. Hotch comes out getting everyone's attention and says," I will be resigning as your boss."
      Morgan says," What are you talking about Hotch."
Jj comes out and says," We are heading out. Emergency case."
  Hotch says," Wheels up in 20 mins guys."
      Emily looks worried at JJ and says," Hotch is resigning."

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