Chapter 8

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The dad Looks at Alice and says," You are a bitch don't bring your sinful nature into my house."
The mom gets the note back . Hotch shouts," do you want to be in a jail cell for attempting to assault two federal agents?"
The dad visibly backs down from Hotch. He shakes his head viciously. Hotch says," then mind your manners when you are talking to us. I understand it's hard to hear but we are trying to stop a serial rapist who changed his victiumology."
Dad shuts up sending both agents on their way. Alice says," Thank you Aaron  "
Hotch says," Hotch and youre welcome ."
They walk back to the car. Reid calls Alice. Alice puts the phone on speaker and says," Yes Spence."
He says," I think the goal is to get them pregnant.  Maybe when the girl got pregnant on purpose. He thought the girl was going to keep it when she didn't keep he lost it harrased her until she killed herself."
Alice says," any connection to the other older women ?"
Reid says," Garcia said they were all trying to get pregnant through a service."
Hotch says," any young males work through that office?"
Reid says," we are here now the only males that come in out are from a freelance company that delivers the sperm from the bank. All women were seen at that office and all had appointments. The common things the rapist says are all on a patient card both the doctor and the company. "
Hotch says," send the address of the company. We might need Elle to go undercover. That's our best chance of catching him.".
Reid says," I'll tell her ," he hangs up the phone.
Alice says," you can't have her go undercover. She just got back from being shot. He literally put his hand in her chest."
Hotch driving takes the time to glare at her. He remarks," Did I tell you to question my authority or my give me suggestions."
Alice hits the door out of frustration. Hotch pulls in to the address fumming . Alice says," I can't fucking stand you."
Hotch says," you don't have to but you will listen to my authority."
Alice says," anytime anything happened you are always such a prick. No wonder Hayley goes back and forth breaking up with you."
Hotch looks at Alice with firece anger and says," No wonder daddy couldn't stay around for you. Now shut up and follow my lead slut."
Alice runs ahead of him talking to the guy at the company trying to flirt to get the names of all men that work there. He says," I don't know they do trust us when we work here." Aaron walks into the building pissed. She leans over to the guy and says," please it would really help me prove to my boss I am not useless." The guy runs and grabs the papers from her. Hotch scoffs," whore. "
She goes to hit him but he rough grabs her hands. All the works look up and he says," FBI I am waiting on paperwork." He lets go her wrist as the guy comes back . He hands the paperwork to Alice. Alice smiles widely and says," Thank you handsome."
Hotch pulls her out of the building. He says," is that any way to handle a federal investigation throwing yourself at people for information?"
Alice says," fuck off." She grabs her phone and says," Garcia I set you a bunch of names. Look for anyone with any stalking charges. Anyone suspicious please send back."
Penny says," Anything for you princess." They hang up.  Hotch looks at her with angry and says," you are out of line completely. No wonder Strauss went over my head to add you on this team."
Alice restorts," you can trust women is that from your mom or your dad being a sadistic fuck. He beat you Aaron?"
Aaron grabs her hair pulling her in ghost her with his lips.  He says," Shut your fucking mouth slut before I use it. It's been a rough week. Did you daddy tell you he loved you before he left your mom?"
Alice fights to get away from Aaron his eyes piercing her soul. He looks so hot like this completely pissed off hair all over the place. Aaron smirks viciously and says," you like this don't you slut? Like being at my mercy. I bet your dripping in your underwear.  You think you could replace me with Morgan. He's been around but no one can destroy you like I can. You understand? I need you to be my good little girl. That's what you are is a little girl."
Alice spits at him and he aggressive pulls her ever to closer. He says," dont fucking tempt me," he lets her fall back in her seat. He whispers," pathetic whore.".
Alice kept her mouth shut wiping her mouth as he began driving to the station. Hotch grabs the napkin wipping his pants where her spit landed.
They get out the car not speaking as Morgan walks up and says," Hey baby girl what do you got for me?"
Alice hands him the list and says," Garcia is looking for a man out of these 100s of men. I am not very confident we will find him."
A women walks up and says," I saw the news I think he might be coming for me ." Hotch says," I'll order a police car for the front of your house."
They talked as Morgan and Alice walk into the station.  Reid on the phone with Penny says," You have no related charges with any of the men."
Penny voice ring through and says," sadly no . He's lived under the radar. Hes smart," she hangs up.
Reid pushed his hair back frustrated. Him and Morgan go over the same maps to find something . Elle comes and says," I need to go undercover or this pervert walks free."
Alice says," I worried about you. You have been through alot love. "
Hotch says," shes going undercover. "
Gideon says," I got the appt card and the house is around the same areas as the others." Gideon says," I want everyone working in their hotels tonight. "
They all walk to the two cars piling into it taking the short drive to some motel 6. There was only enough room for some. Reid had to share with Morgan.  Alice says," Elle share with me?"
Hotch walks to his hotel room focused on his paperwork not caring.  Elle and Alice go into the room. Elle pulls out some shots from her bag. Elle offers one handing it to Alice. Alice says," yes this is why I missed you."
Elle says," everything's different know I can still feel his fingers in my blood . I couldn't even speak. This case triggers me so much." She downs the shot. Alice holds her until the morning after drinking a bunch together . Alice wakes up and grabs Elle some coffee. She shakes her and says," rise and shine beautiful. This is the day we nail this bastard."
A knock at the door frightens them. Gideon says," Elle your appointment is soon." Alice opens the door and says," Shes awake." Elle quickly gets dressed in the bathroom the follows Gideon.  Hotch runs over and says," the lady from last night got raped.  The cops went to her house and lights were off so they stayed out side."
Alice scoffs and says,"  I swear why would they not atleast knock."
Gideon leaves with Elle. The day quickly ends with Alice with Hotch in the back of the house instructing Elle what to do. Elle in 30 min completely screws the investigation by talking to unsub. Gideon had to pull her away from his vehicle. The cops release the man after not enough evidence was found. Alice grabs Elle as she's pissed off at the sheriff.  Alice says," Elle stop. We will get him ."
We leave the station feeling weird. I walk upstairs as Elle goes back for her bag. The rest of the team throughly frustrated with the fact that the whole case fell apart.
Alice climbs in the bed exhausted partly pissed at the fact Elle freaked out. Alice passes out to wake up to her phone. Morgan says," Elle shot the unsub in self defense. "
Alice jumps up and says," is she ok?"
Morgan says," Shes fine I stayed back for you I am outside your door."
They drive up to the other hotel. Elle looking visibly shaken. Alice says," El babe what happened?"
Hotch looking questionable at Elle. Alice glares at him and says," Elle did he hurt you?"
She whimpers ," He was following me . He came towards me and I shot him."
The cops cleaning up the seen. The lady cop says," Her story checks out completely. She's free to go."
Hotch looking disturbed says," Alice Elle you'll ride with me."
The ride to the hotel is completely silence. Elle out of no where says," I didn't shoot him for no reason. "
Hotch says," there's no evidence that you did. I am ordering you an evaluation when we are in Virgina . Your whole demeanor as changed. Your sweaty, completely acting on impulse. We need to be on our top game for every case. Sometimes we can't get them this time."
Elle looks at him and says," I am not an unsub you can profile Hotch."
The rest of ride Alice kept her head down. The ride was brief.  When Alice got to the hotel she fell asleep cuddled to Elle after she showered ofcourse. They wake up the next day. Alice cam sense the awkward between Hotch and Elle. Even Gideon seemed off put by the story Elle told. Alice loved Elle she knew her bestfriend won't have fired that gun with out purpose.

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