Chapter 1

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First month on the job has been tough for Alice. She loved most the agents on the team except for one who hasn't been taking her seriously. Her favorite people around the office were Spencer and Penelope who made sure she felt especially welcome. Today was going to complete her fourth week of working here. Shit ! That means a report. She sat there drinking her coffee wondering what her disapproving supervisor Hotch would put on there.
She had no clue what rubbed him the wrong about all she knew is if it wasn't for her best friends on the team Spencer and Penelope and Giedons and Morgan affirmation that he is just like that she would have quit by now. She finishes drinking her coffee putting the cup in sink.
She walks out of her floor apartment and heads the twenty mins to the BUA office. She finally gets to the parking lot quickly parking the car. She checks the time 7:00am. She scans her badge climbing the stairs to the office.

Penelope smiles and says," Goodmorning sweets. Ready for your monthly assessment?"
She sighs," So not ready seeing as the boss hates me."
Reid pops out of nowhere and says," Hates a strong word. Well it used to be now people use it to describe their dislike of orange juice or a noisy neighbor. "

She turns and looks at him saying," Well good morning to you genius."
He smirks sipping his coffee and says," Morning. You know bossman is already here right. "

Penelope says," well back to my cave of knowledge. "
Alice and Spencer approach the desk area. Morgan comes from the coffee area smiling. He says," Anyone watch anything new last night ?" He notices Alice's grim face. He laughs and says," Monthly report right ?"

She smacks his chest and says," Don't remind me." The rest the morning is filled with everyone looking over cases. Gideon and Hotch upstairs filing their paperwork.
Spencer comes over and says," I need a break from all this case work." She laughs and say," I am just buying time til Strauss comes. Thank God it's friday."

Hotch's door slams open around one in the afternoon. He clears his throat and says," We have a case wheels up in thirty minutes. Looks like everyone's gonna have a long weekend."
I glare at Reid. He explains," That was completely random the probability of me actually jinxing that is zero out 100."
Morgan says," Got you out of the report."
Hotch calls a meeting ten minutes before we have to head out.
He starts," unsub has already killed three women all ages twenty up to twenty five. All victims found different dumping grounds. We are headed off to Boston to get more details on the case. Morgan and Reid head to the jet after grabbing all the essentials. Gideon follows as he grabs the case file we are current working on.
Hotch says," Agent Walker a few minutes please." She look back to see the frown on my supervisors face. She smiles and say," Sir?"
He looks up from the case file and says," Your report is going to need to wait." She nods and follows as they both arrive on the jet 5 mins til take off. She finds a seat next to Reid and Morgan. Morgan nudges her and says," A cute little date before take off."
She laughs and says," jealous. Fuck off Morgan."
Hotch and Gideon pause talking at the front seats of the plane. Hotch looks back and scowls. He says," Agents we need to take this seriously. There are three different victims. "
The jet takes off. Gideon stays focused on his paper as Hotch continues to scan the case looking for some evidence in the pictures.
Morgan is focused on texting the new fling of the week. That's the thing about Morgan he is the hell of the ladies man. She couldn't blame the girls dude looks like he walked out of a photo shoot.
Reid is sitting reading some book about some random hobby. The hour flight ended quickly. Everyone gathers their stuff piling off the plane. Morgan , Reid , and Gideon grabbed a car together. Morgan looks back and mouths ," You're welcome," knowing he left you in a car with Hotch. Hotch rents a Black Suv and Alice sits in the front seat. Reid messages," you two getting along yet ?" She texts ," You did this on purpose."
Hotch says ," I am going to need everyone on this team extremely focused. This unsub has killed all three victims on a Friday night. We are pressed for time." I roll my eyes putting my phone back in my pocket. Hotch grabs the wheel tighter and says," rolling your eyes is unflattering." We finish driving the twenty minutes to the local pd. We rush inside to avoid the news journalists outside. Hotch looks at me and says," Dont say a word to any of these journalists." She simply nods as when they get inside a detective immediately greats them. Hotch says," Agent Hotch and Agent Walker. I assume you met the rest of team. We are short for time. I need all the evidence spread out between my agents. We need to correctly profile this unsub."
We pile in to the evidence room collecting all the files from fellow police officers.
Hotch looks at us after twenty mins stringing up pictures with Gideon. Gideon says," looks like our unsub is going after brown haired early twenties white women."
Hotchs says," Definitely looks like someone takes personal insult to these women based on the various stab wounds."
Reid says," Stabbing is such an interesting way to go about killing someone. The most intimate way to kill someone."
Morgan says," Looks like the killer wants to send a message to the women."
I look up from the file and say," I am thinking that our unsub is a guy. These girls are dressed like they just got back from the club."
Hotch responds," Maybe. Let's leave our minds open."
Reid says," I would have to agree with her. Women are more likely to become aggressive behind close doors these girls hands are stamped with some sort of letter as if they were at some sort of party. He place these women out in the open."
Morgan calls Penelope," Beautiful , I need you to zoom in on these pictures and find out if all these women have the same stamp and from what club."
She says," Give me one second ...... it's a local club called The cave."
Gideon says ," Reid let's go to the last place the body was found."
Morgan hangs up with Penelope and says," Walker and I will go talk to the person that found the last victims body."
Hotch says," I'll look through the toxicology and cause of deaths ."
Everyone heads out. Alice talks the person who found the body with Morgan. Morgan calls Hotch on speaker phone, " Hey Hotch. Witness confirmed they were at the club. Victim had been hit on and harassed by one guy who refused to quit after he bought her a drink."
Hotch says," all other witnesses say the same. The girls were out late. Left the club alone to walk home at 1230."
Morgan says," its gonna be hard to find the specific guy without going undercover. Would guess early or late 20s male. "
I say," short tempered. A coward. Probably mad from getting rejected or stressor getting being broken up with or humiliated by a girl this age."
Hotch says," we need to give this profile. Hurry back. Walker I might need you to go in undercover. You fit the criteria for the victims." Morgan hangs up and says," wow went from you thought you were going to lose your job to Hotch letting you go undercover."
Alice sighs," Only because I fit the criteria and age."
We both drive the 20 mins to the station in a hurry. Gideon pulls in the same time and says," Dude, early to late twenties, Shy blends into the crowd." We all pile out the cars and run into the station to find Hotch. Hotch says," no drugs in the system just alcohol . This guy definitely a coward waits til the girls walking home alone kills and heads on his way."
Hotch and Gideon go in to the room with all the detectives and explain who we are looking for.
Reid says," We are looking for a new school jack the ripper."
Morgan gives him a weird look and says," does your brain never shut off ?"
Reid says," fits the profile. Only Jack never got caught and was in England. Speculation says he was also a cannibal."
Hotch comes out and says," Walker, I need you undercover tonight."
Alice nods. He continues," Alone in a bar. Reid and Gideon will be in a van out the back. Morgan and I will somewhere in the club. I need you to be 100 percent focused." Alice says," I will be fine. I have been to plenty of clubs." Hotch plays with his wedding ring and says," just be vilgant."

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