Chapter 14

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    Thank you everyone for 1,000 reads. I am so happy. Please leave comments if you have any suggestions. Should I start a one shot book? Happy birthday baby boy I know its not it anymore I wrote this when it was then had to rewrite.

     We all pile on the plane. Gideon and Reid sitting across from each other. JJ and Prentiss sitting next to each other in the middle isle. Morgan taps the seat next to him. Alice walks to Morgan's seat sitting down next to him. Hotch sits in the front of the jet, case files scattered around the pull down tray.

     Thirty mins into the flight most of the cabin is asleep besides Hotch and Alice. Alice listening to her mp3 player starting out the window. She looks back checking her phone for missed texted. She texts everyone back beside for Alex hands shaking as she hovers over his name.  The texts reads," I'll be there tomorrow alone ."

      Emily looks over at her hands and says," Are you ok?" Alice smiles politely and says," I am fine. Just someone I don't want to talk to. " Emily says," since I am new here . How about everyone come out? After that terrorist and losing Reid we all need it."

   Alice says," I am down." Emily says," I knew when I first saw you we would be friends." Alice laughs and says," I need a night out away from this job and my life." Emily says," no wonder. Our boss is a total hard ass."

    Aaron says," Agents must I remind you to be respectful. " Emily smirks looking at Alice. Alice says," no need bossman we are just playing our night out tonight."

  Emily looks at him going back to work and says," We have about 20 mins before we land. When we lady come to mine and I got this perfect red dress for you to try on. Sir bring your wife."
    Alice rolls her eyes and says,"  I'll either bring my work hubby," staring at Reid sleeping adorably," or my bestie penny."

        Hotch firmly staring at the next case says," I'll bring my wife shes been dying to meet you Emily.  We will go to this Bar down the street."

   Reid yawns waking up as we landed. He says," What I miss ?" Morgan smiles waking up from the landing and says," Alice, we are going out tonight please."

   Alice pulls his shirt, grabbing Morgan closer and says," I swear Morgan if you leave me for some girls dancing on you." Hotch turns eyes widen from what he was seeing and says," Alice take your hands off his shirt." Alice brushes her lips against Morgan's.  Hotch glares getting his stuff up and as everyone else follows him out of the Jett.

  He growls ," Agent Walker? A word before you leave." Alice bites her lip and says," I don't know your office or Emily's aparentment behind closed doors?"
Emily winks and says," love obviously my apartment. You haven't even seen what I can do."

    Reid and Morgan talking up a head. Reids face is obviously blushes from the scene. JJ looks at Alice and Emily and says," girls knock it off."

      They walk into the headcourters briskly. Morgan and Reid grabbing their stuff and yell," Penelope come on." JJ says," Emily I'll drive you home." Once everyone has left , Alice grabs all her
Paper work walking up hotchs office.

      She knocks ," Sir ?" She hears him arguing on the phone with someone.
    He yells," Hayley I will be home as I can. I am just finishing some paperwork up." The other end she can't hear. She knocks again speaking louder," Sir ?"
The office seems quiet before he says," I am not at work cheating on you it's agent Walker.  I have to go I am going to continue to be later if you keep talking my ear off," he clicks the phone shut and says," Walker come in."

   Alice lays the paperwork on his desk and says," I am done with all my work . I am not going to do this bullshit drama with you ."

    Hotch chuckles darkly and says," you listen in my conversation with my wife. And you are free of drama? Please the first time I met you I saw the lust for me. Wonder how many professors know how you taste?"
     Alice throws her hands up and says," There you go again getting off on putting me down. I swear I don't know how you became the boss, you are the most insufferable person I have ever meet. Does it make you feel better calling me a slut because you are hiding from your circus of a marriage. If anyone even challenges you in a bit your huge ego makes you incapable of opening your stubborn mind. Note to Aaron you aren't always right," as the last part comes out of her mind she mentally slaps herself for buying herself at least a mental lashing from him.
     He gets up from his desk pissed looking as he runs through his hands through his hair says," We all knew what this was. A good fuck to keep my mind off breaking on and off with my wife. You think I could actually date you. I am your superior. It's my job to put you in your place." He walks to her closing the distance between them.

     Alice goes to push him back before being pushed up against his door.  She tries to move and says," Go fuck yourself. I am so tired of your better than anyone attitude. "

    He roughly moves his hands to her throat and laughs," Dont mind it when I a dominating you in bed. You push me to this limit. You want me to fuck you like the toy you are." He grabs her face as he ripped the white blouse open.

        Alice wiggling says," Hotch I.  We can't.  We can't just fight then sleep together. This is toxic." He growls in her ear and says," I need you ."

     She smiles and says," So needy." He attacks her neck then growls," fuck you. You are going to love how I treat you tonight slut."

       His phone rings in the background.  There is a couple of minutes before he pushes her hard against the door groaning as he walks away from the door. He looks at the phone and answers it. He looks at Alice motioning her to leave the office.

     She slams the door on the way out hoping to incite the anger in him. She goes down the stairs collecting all  her things . She notices he starts to walk down the stairs.

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