Chapter 1

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Hotch remarks," pretty obvious." Alice smiles and says," times ticking. Might want to go by something because everything about you screams FBI Agent or cop." Morgan laughs and says," shes right. No ones gonna believe you were out clubbing." Hotch rolls his eyes and says," I am married FBI Agent with a toddler." Alice laughs and says," Rolling your eyes is not flattering Aaron. " Reid eyes open wide looking at me. Hotch frowns at me and says," I am your boss. Agent Hotch or sir." I look at him and say," I am going to get ready then sir. Come on Reid." Spencer grabs my arm as we go to the car. Spencer drives us 15 mins to the hotel. We walk to the room . Spencer says," do you have an outfit for tonight?" I pull a red dress out of my bag. His eyes widen and say," reds color of passion and danger. Mostly associated with desire. Do you just randomly keep a dress for a club on your suitcase?"
Alice smiles and says," Never know where the parties at. Hotch is being a dick. And you guys left me with him all day on purpose. "
Reid says," Morgan's idea. He thinks that if you spent more time around him you would see he's just naturally cold."
Alice rolls her eyes and says," I am calling Penelope when I change." She heads the bathroom closing the door. After 40 mins , Reid says," Alice is already like 9. Hotch and Morgan have been calling want you out and too the club in 20 minutes so we can scope for the guy."
Alice finishes applying red lip stick. She calls Penelope. Penelope says," Whats up beautiful?"
Alice smiles deviously and says," Check your phone. Good enough for undercover in a club," hangs up the phone.
Penelope texts back," Hot 🔥. You trying to catch the guy or a date for the weekend."
Alice texts back," love you babe."
Alice pushes the door open and says," What do you think spence?"
He looks at her and gulps. He says," think that's perfect. Time to go. Hotch And Morgan are in the lobby." Alice grabs Spencer's hand and say," lets goo. Finally a fun undercover job." Spencer laughs and says," you do know we are looking for a modern day jack the ripper right?"
Alice smirks and says," that's the whole reason this job is so exciting . Life is full of ruining into random dangerous. It's a game of chance like Chess."
We approach the lobby. Spencer says," most people would say chess is a game of skill. Not chance. A game of chance would be like blackjack."
She brings her eyes to her bosses. He looked kind of different in a dress shirt in jeans. He looked handsome. Alice thinks," Handsome?! Are you kidding me hes your boss."
Morgan smiles and says," Sweetheart you look amazing. "
Hotch looks at you and clears his throat. He says," Ground rules. You need to be seen at all times by Morgan or I. You may drink but don't go crazy we are on the job. I need you to pretend that you are just on the night out ."
Alice smiles politely and says," You look nice sir. " Morgan mocks you and laughs. Soon after everyone is piled into separate cars on the way to the exclusive night club. Reid stays back with Gideon as you are pushed to go wait in line behind a group of girls. We make chit chat as we walk into the door. I quickly put in my ear plugs so I can hear hotch and the body camera. I find a place to sit at the bar. I flag the bar tender and say," AMF please. " Bartender smiles and says," alright beautiful its on me." Alice laughs handing the guy a 5 dollar tip. She turns to scope out the place seeing Morgan at a table fully of girls. Typical Morgan. She find her mind wondering to the color of Aaron's eyes. He's married Alice! He is literally the biggest pain in ass. She sees him at the other end of bar. Hours fly by with guys coming up to none of which fiting the profile. 2 drinks in shes on the dance floor dancing with some people . Hotchs voice fills the ear plugs," Walker . Remember the task at hand ." She shakes her head as she finds her way back to the bar stools . She was wondering if the unsub was going to even show. Her eyes glance over at this super shy looking early twenties guy. She glances back at the bar. Hotch voice again," Hes here. He's sitting behind you. According to the friends of the victims, the guy would buy you drinks anomous never coming up to introduce himself til the end of the night. He's a coward. Needs his victims weakened."
She downs the rest of her second drink glancing at the clock 11:30 . She closes her eyes for a second. The bartender comes and says," guy behind you says he'll put anything on his tab for you." Alice turns around flashing the guy a smile. He shyly smiles back. Hotchs voice," Careful. He's over aggressive preditor. Don't leave the club."
She orders an AMF. She sips on the drink feeling the alcohol hit hard. Around 12:00 slides up a chair next to Alice. She looks around and sees Morgan gone. He smiles and says," How are you?" Hotch says," tease him." She plays with her hair. She moves in and says," I don't need company. Thanks for the drink." The guy noticeably uncomfortable and unnerved by Alice's answer. He noticeably grimace and clenched his hand. He says," you'll regret that. " Alice's body language switches barely sitting on the stoll. She needed air. She went back to the dance floor the unsub following close behind. Hotch says," Dont go outside. I can't make a scene in this club. Gideon and Reid and Morgan are hidden."
She shrugs the warning heading for the door noticing the blur of people. Hotch trying to find his way through the sea of people to keep an eye on her. Hotch notices the guys hand in his pocket. He grabs her arm pulling her out the building . He whispers," Move forward now."
She nods following his lead. He holds a knife against her back . She whispers," Why are we leaving the club?"
He says," I need to teach you a lesson." He brings her over to the side of the building smashing her face against the wall. Alice yelps and she pushed up against the wall. He smiles and says," You are going out like all the rest of them."
Hotch runs around the corner and yells," FBI let go of her now." He points the gun at the unsub. He notices Alice's face and frowns. Morgan runs behind him also point his gun at the guy.
Guy whispers to Alice," you are one lucky slut."
The guy drops the knife getting tackles and handcuffed by Morgan. Morgan shoves him against the car as he puts him in . Hotchs eyes meet Alice's and he says," Are you ok agent ?"
She winces and says," I am fine just a little sore. Did we get enough to arrest him?"
Hotch says," the local pd will take it from here. He definitely gave us more than enough to detain him. Do you need a medic?"
Alice breathes out looking into his eyes . She says," I am fine Hotch."
Gideon , Morgan and Reid go to take the guy in. Hotch steps closer touching the cut on her eye and lip. He brings her to the car taking out whipes and bandaid. She struggles not to look in his eyes as he cleans her up . She admires his arms as they bend to clean her cut on her lip. He shakes his head and says," I told you not to go out with him. I could have you written you up for not listening."
Alice sighs and says," He had a knife pressed into my back."
Hotch says," you denied a direct order. Why were you even walking towards the door?"
Her hands shake as he finished putting the band aide on her lip and eye brow.
He looks at her eyes and says," you might have a black eye in the morning. "
He brings you to the hotel all the agents including him are staying at. Alice grabs her shoulder. He look at her empathically. He says," do you need help to your room? I am on the same floor."
She look at him and says," if that's not a problem then please."
He helps her to her room. Alice smiles and says," Thank you sir. Sorry for ignoring a direct order."
Hotch smiles and says," its all good agent. Goodnight."
She says goodnight and changes in to her pj's. She can't help but to think of his smile. She shakes her head. It's just because he was nice. He's my boss. A pretty asshole boss at that.
She falls asleep as soon as she hits the bed. That was around 3:00 am.

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