Chapter 2

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Alice wakes up around 8 and stretchs . It's Sunday great worked all weekend with her annoying boss now paperwork then back to work Monday. I text Reid," Do you want to go grab ☕? We could sit at some shop you could possible help me with paperwork. "
Reid texts," I got you . Send me the address. You know Hotch will find out if we don't be careful."
Alice sends him an address off a little coffee shop five mins from her apartment. She gets dressed in a nice t shirt and some black leggings. I see a text Reid ," I am outside your door. We will walk together ."
She opens the door and smiles. He says," morning. Did you get started on any of it ?"
She laughs and says," I woke up maybe ten mins ago."
He comes in and says," We should probably work on it here no distractions ."
Alice agrees and makes a pot of coffee handing Reid the sugar and creamer. She sit down pull her laptop closer to here. She opens the word file . She pulls up an example report to work off of. Reid says," Most important thing is font and spacing . This increases the readability. Hotch will appreciate that." He grabs the laptop changing the font and set up for spacing. Alice says," How do you even stand having a boss like Hotch? You can't even call him Aaron with out him freaking out. "
Reid laughs and says," I am telling you hes a good guy. When it comes to work he doesn't want to play around. He lets me call him Aaron just not when we are working a case. First paragraph is going to be about the victims. Second the profile of the unsub. 3,4 all the stuff we did before going undercover."
She starts typing the introduction. Reid sits back and drinks his coffee. She looks at him and says," How come you never do paperwork doctor?"
Reid laughs and says," Well this case was pretty light on paperwork seeing all I have to do was write what I saw. I am constantly doing paperwork. Just a fast typer and I know what Hotch wants."
Alice laughs and says," Suck up. Meanwhile he's always mad at me for something. I literally got the guy to confess and Hotch got mad."
Reid says," You went in there when he told you not to. He was probably just worried about you."
Alice says," yeah worried all ruin his case or paperwork. Are you hungry?." She looks at the clockafter 3 paragraphs in. It reads," 12:00." Reid says," I'll order Chinese. What do you want?" She smiles and says," Mongolian beef and a new boss." He laughs and says," you'll get to know him more and see he's not that bad."
Alice shakes her head trying to beef up the paragraphs. She gets to the four one speeding through it. She sighs and finally gets to the conclusion. She can't help but to dwell on what Hotch said about getting women. The way he looked slamming his hands on the table. The way he stares at her. She thinks I need to get laid.
Spencer comes in and says," What man are you dreaming about?"
Alice shakes her head and says," No man. Guys suck. Anyways how do I write this conclusion? Do I put I didn't listen ? And the confession."
Reid laughs and says," Leave the part out about disobeying your direct supervisor and put the guys confession and what he told you when you were in the club. Small details. Hotch very to the point and detailed orientated. "
Alice smiles and says," Knew I was going to love you Reid. You are amazing. "
Reid laughs and says," Amazing no? A genius yes."
She smacks his shoulder trying to finish the report. The door bell rings and Reid jumps up and answers the door giving the money to the deliver person. She rubs her temples and looks at the clock 1:20.
Reid checks his phone as he grabs us the plates. He says," Its Hotch."
Alice mouths," Dont answer."
Reid answers," Whats up Hotch ?"
Reid says," Yes sir. I'll tell everyone 6:30 on Monday. Cold cases ," he hangs up the phone.
Alice says," he really is hard on me . Now 6:30 told me the first thing I need to turn in is this. "
Reid laughs it off and says," he's just a hard boss," he is messaging the rest of the team.
We eat our food and chat til 5 o clock. Reid looks at me and says," did you know most people struggle to finish their papers in the conclusion part? People usually start from the body paragraphs then write the introduction then end up stuck on the conclusion. "
She puts the food away and says," probably because the conclusion is the hardest to write."
Reid says," basically you are just summing up what you written so far. We could take a break and watch a movie. "
Alice says," let me guess you are a huge comic book nerd."
Reid laughs and says," Those books are amazing . You can't tell me you don't love action movie. Or you are the cliche girl who likes rom coms. "
She smiles and say," I like horror movies the most but rom coms are alright."
He looks taken back and says," with our line of work ? You know there have been alot of copycats and movie inspired killers correct ?"
Alice rolls her eyes and says," does your brain ever turn off?"
He shakes his head as he turns on the movie. We sit down and watch the movie Reid picking apart the whole movie.
Alice laughs and says," Ok doctor what's this unsubs profile?"
He smile curves up and says," Ghostface ? He seems like a typical psychopath. He likes to insight terror in the small town. My guess is that guy and that guy seems like they would love to torture people."
Alice looks at Reid weirdly and says," and you are sure you never seen this movie?"
He shakes his head. We watch the last hour laughing and jumping to conclusions. We look at the clock seeing it was 8 o'clock. Reid jumps up and says," We need to finish that paperwork or Hotch will be pissed. "
Alice jumps up and says," Hotch kind of deserve it alittle."
Reid says," Alice come on he's got alot on his plate. He is hard on you though."
Alice knocks the rest of the paper. Reid goes to read it before she sends it through email. They finish watching the move . Reid jumps up and says," I was right."
Alice hits his arm and says," ofcourse you are right. You should just spend the night."
Spencer gulps and says," I can sleep on the couch."
Alice says," Dont be silly.. here's some clothes. You can sleep in the room with me. We can gossip about work."
Reid smiles and says," I'd like that." He follows her in to the room. They gossip til they both fall asleep around 10pm. We both jerk awake at the alarm clock. Reid runs home to grab a change of clothes.. Alice doesn't even have enough time to shower because the alarm went of at 6:10.
She grabs a short breakfast rushing to change. She runs to the car downing a coffee. She drive to the office. She jumps out of her car locking it and rushing up the stairs.
Morgan meets her eyes as she comes through the hallway. You look to see everyone sitting as their desks. Even Reid how in the fuck did he get here on time. Morgan looks shocked and whispers," you need to button up that shirt. You look good but hotch is gonna flip."
Hotch sees Alice and says," What are you wearing ? My office now."
Garcia and JJ look at us finding a thing to do in their offices.
Alice follows Hotch upstairs. He slams the door. She notices his ring is off his finger. He runs his hands through his hair and says," Can you explain to me why you are late and also have your shirt like that ?"
Alice says," I was up late night last night and my alarm went off late. Reid was over helping me with something."
Hotch touchs his temple and says," I can't have you walk around like that and says," Come here."
She goes up to him and he starts buttoning up he white blouse and pulls her skirt down. Her skins on fire just from him barely touching her. The fact that he's an inch from her mouth makes her legs tighten.
He moves back and says," How did you expect anyone to focus like that ?"
She thinks anyone hes talking about him too.
Alice apologizes," I am sorry. I was just running late. Did you read my report?
Hotch glares at her and says," I did . I need to go over that with you and your evaluation too. "
Alice gulps focusing on him. She's thinks should she stand up for herself . She glances up and down on Hotch. She notices bags under his eyes and his suit is wrinkly. She thinks since she started working her his suits have always been on perfectly. His ring was gone.
Alice watches as he grabs the paperwork.
He says," Your evaluation went perfectly fine. I think you are good for the team. Your report needed a little bit of help. If I have to fix another report I'll keep you here all night."
That's it . Alice just snapped and say," Is this how you liked to be speaked to ? I notice something is off today. Your suit is wrinkled . The bags underneath your eyes and you have no ring on. Trouble with the wife Aaron ?" She immediately regrets what she says.

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