Chapter 12

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Hotch comes out as soon as she sits at her desk grabbing her bag and paperwork. Reid sing songs," Another case."
Gideon remarks and says," no wonder people think you are neurotic. "
Alice smiles and says," I need him for my paperwork don't bully him."
Morgan says," He is not neurotic just a weirdo."
Reid says," guys I am little right here."
They all notice a tall Burnette walking up to hotchs office then an disagreement. Gideon says," whelp I am going to jet. Reid ?"
Reid says," right behind you I need to practice some chess moves anyways."
Morgan says," babygirl. Come on I'll help you with the files." They walked the ten minutes to the jet laughing. Alice says," you are literally like my other half derek."
Derek smiles widely and says," with this job we can't date anyone else."
Alice says," oh please. You date all the interns . Play on player."
Morgan says," I swear if we were working the same job."
They walk on the jet noticing Gideon and Reid playing chess. JJ listening to music and looking at the case files.
Morgan pats a seat next to him and says," let me help you with the case files."
Alice puts her bag down and says," I only have 4."
Reid looks up and says," I'll take one."
Morgan says," I'll do one."
Gideon laughs and says," I'll do one too."
Hotch walks in with the brunette by his side inciting a jealousy feeling in Alice. All the member get introduced to Emily Prentiss.
Alice smiles and says," Welcome finally another girl on this team."
Jj says," Hey!"
Alice says," I love you too my princess."
Emily sits in the back of the plane. Hotch going to the front and says," walker?"
Alice looks up from the laptop and says," Hotchner ?"
Hotch says," I need you to email all reports to Strauss when you are done. Please becareful how you do on the paperwork."
Alice says," ok."
The flight is filled with Spencer, Derek ,Gideon and Alice spent finishing Alice's paperwork. Alice finally submits all the paperwork to Strauss. Alice smiles and exclaims ," I completely all my paperwork I am never going to get behind again."
Jj laughs and says," the case we are going to is a killer who calls in the crimes." Penny pops up on the computer and says," I gathered all the audio . Take a listen." She presses play making everyone intently listen. Reid says," it almost sounds like he doesn't want to do it."
Jj says," look at these crime scenes they are brutal. The time it took him to do this and go before the police got there," she puts the pictures on the table. Morgan looks closer at the photos and says," it looks like he writes a quote on the mirror ."
Alice says," hes a mission killer."
Morgan says," When we land Alice and I will go to the crime scene."
Hotch looks back and corrects," Alice and I will go to the first crime scene. Morgan and Reid will go to the second. JJ you deal with the press. I want Emily and Gideon working with the family's."
Alice's eyebrows raise as he called Emily by her first name. Emily says," Yes sir."
The plane lands 20 minutes later. Hotch watches as everyone leaves. Alice continues to organize the files and replug in the computer. Alice smiles up at him and says," can I help you sir ?"
Hotch rolls his eyes and says," of course you could but we need to be professional. "
She pouts and says," oh you are so boring Aaron. "
His teeth tighten as his jaw clenched . He says," Strauss hired Emily behind my back. We already had enough people. "
She grabs his tie whispering in his ear," so controlling . Let live alittle."
He wraps his hand around her neck and says," you in charge slut ? Or is that me?"
She rolls her eyes unwilling to answer. He tights her grip on her neck biting her neck. He says," I can't hear you. "
She whimpers," you."
He smirks letting the grip go. He says," so pretty when you obey me. Fuck It makes me want to bend you over."
Alice moans face getting bright red. He licks his lips. JJ comes in and says," They are ready for us. '" Alice and Hotch follow JJ into the cars. They drive the 3o mins to the police station. Hotch grabs Alice's arm taking her to first crime scene. Alice sighs in the car missing his touch on her. Hotch noticing just keeps driving. Hotch says," hmm I got my good girl today.".
Alice says," I am no ones girl Hotch. "
Hotch laughs and says," dont flatter yourself baby. You are just a play thing."
Alice bites her tongue not wanting to get in any more trouble. This week as this partner was going to kill her. She rolls her eyes looking out the window. Hotch growls," Whats the matter baby? Can't handle the truth. God I wish you listened as good as you take me."
His eyes glistening in the sun as he finds a place to park. Alice bites her tongue . She gets out of the car walking to the officer on scene. The officer tall, slim , blonde hair. He smiles and says," good afternoon beautiful. '
Alice looks back knowing Hotch hated when random people flirted with her. Hotch deep voice rings," SSA Hotchner and Walker."
Alice phone starts binging like crazy as they walk the house.
She walks outside looking down to see a bunch of texts from Alex. He was coming on vacation with your ex bestfriend to Virgina in a couple days for 2 weeks.
She texts back," i am not comfortable with you visiting me."
Hotch comes out and fills her in on the details as if he wasn't just choking her a minute a go. He says," besides that who was messaging you. "
Alice leans in ghosting her lips against his neck whispering," Why ? "
He moves back and says," I am not jealous because I already know you are mine. This body aches for me."
Alice blushes mentally cursing herself because now she just let him be correct about the situation. She thinks what is wrong with you? You don't need a man.
He laughs grabbing her waist pulling her in to the suv.
Alice says," it was Alex . He's coming to virgina and wants to see me."
Hotch grabs the wheel tighter as he hears his name. He grimaces," what do you feel about the situation?"
Alice says," I am just over it. I want nothing to do with him or his girlfriend."
Hotch pulls over at the station. He says," girlfriend? Weren't his hands just all over you a while back ?"
Alice says," he cheated on me with my bestfriend. "
Hotch says," What a douchebag!"
Alice says," Lets go in they are probably waiting for us."
Hotch clears his throat and walks in with Alice and watches as the police officers eye fuck her. They walk up to the conference room. The team is around the computer watching as they slowly try to figure out if we have one unsub or three unsubs. Emily comes around the table and says," I think we are dealing with atleast two the amount of overkill. Reid scanning the notes and says," I think we got mission killer on our hands. "
After hours of looking through paperwork. Penny calls over video and says," I can't trace this video it bounced off a bunch of towers."
Alice says," it got millions of hits."
JJ says," the world's so jaded."
Alice says," they probably think it's a trailer for a scary movie. "
Emily says," the whole point of this mission is to get people to see it."
Reid says," hes a Bible killer. These are all scripture from the bibles."
Hotch says," Hes not going to stop. I am guessing we have a dominate male and submissive."
Reid says," the probability of it being two family members is high."

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