Chapter 3

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He looks up sporting his familiar scowl. He slams his hands on his desk and says," I am your direct supervisor. I'd watch your mouth."
Alice smirks and says," Did I touch a nerve? How long as she been cheating on you?"
He rubs his temples and says," Why are so interested in profiling me ? Let's profile you. How long have you been dreaming of taking me ?"
Alice cheeks blush bright red. He comes closer to her and says," Didnt think I would know? You can't even sit on the jet with out batting those pretty little eyes at me." He closes the distance between us and says," The way you jumped when I touched your skirt."
Alice looks down and says," I don't know what your talking about."
He leans in and says," Just what I thought. Probably wet right now. Get back to work agent."
Alice breaths in and goes to leave . He says," and Agent ?"
She looks waiting for his response. He says," its hotch. When your begging for me in your dreams it's sir."
Alice's eyes widen leaving his office.
She meets with Spencer down stairs. He said," Did he like the report ?"
Alice grimace and says," He said it needed work."
Reid laughs and says," Did you change the bio line?"
Alice hits his arm and says," You saw that."
Morgan says," saw what?"
Reid dies laughing and says," she put Hotch is an asshole as her tag line."
Morgan says," you didn't?"
Alice bites her lip and checks the email and shows Morgan and Reid.
Morgan snatches the phone and shows Penelope in the next room. Penelope says," Babygirl. Why are you always pushing his buttons?"
Alice says," Hes been an asshole to me this whole entire time I have been here. He said I was good for the team today I was so shocked."
Reid says," Well we are a family here. Maybe hes finally going to trust you. Anyway we should all go do our work before Hotch finds us."
We all walk out Gracias office spreading out to our desks. Alice texts Penelope and says," Lets go out tonight?"
All the team working on the paperwork til about 1 o clock getting some sandwiches from across the street beside for Hotch who was still locked up in his office.
Reid grabs his regular and finds us all a table. My phone buzzes and text pops up Penelope, " lets go. Can't wait sweetie."
Morgan smiles and says," Where are you two going?"
Gideon immediately goes back to the office.
Alice smiles and says," out she's single I am single. I want to go dance."
Morgan smiles and says," in that skirt you might kill someone." He winks as Reid comes to the table.
Alice laughs and says," maybe or maybe not but this work day makes me want to go out."
Reid says," can I come?" Morgan eyes light up and says," if you can bring Doctor nerd I want go we can be your wing men."
Reid says," you guys do know clubs are the perfect places for any unsub to find a victims. So taking Morgan and I lowers the chances of that."
Morgan calls Penelope. She answers," world of knowledge what do you need?"
Morgan says," tell Alice to take me and Reid with you guys tonight." Penelope says," fine." They hang up. Alice says," Fine boys let's get back to work."
Morgan tries to high five Ried but Reid accidentally falls down. Alice says," good luck getting him someone."
Reid says," club is a place is to find someone to talk statically speaking more girls go than guys. I have a better chance."
Alice says," Who says I was looking for a man?"
Morgan raises his eyebrows intrigued. Alice shuts down there stares and says," wouldn't you guys like to know."
We all laugh heading into the office nonchalantly.
We all sit down working back on the case. Alice keeps watching the clock hoping not to see JJ go up to Hotch because then you know there's a case.
Hotch comes out of his office and says," Its already 3:30 no case. Everyone can go home. Gideon picks up all his stuff in a rush out the door. Morgan says," Party time !"
Jj says," I am going home I need to catch up on sleep. "
Alice says," You need to come out with me one night."
Jj smiles and says," I'll go out one night just not tonight." She runs out the door to her car.
Alice shouts," Penelope please come shopping with me."
Hotch comes out and says," Walker. Lower your voice." His glare rakes down your body. She thinks how did no one see that.
Morgan and Reid come out with Penelope. She smiles widely and say," lets go."
Morgan and Reid leave together somewhere as Penelope and Alice head out hand and hand.
Penelope and Alice spend 4 hours shopping to find the best outfit for the opening of a bar. Penelope says," Whats your type Alice?"
Alice says," I like all sorts of guys. What about ?"
She smiles and says," I like kind of smart guys . Don't really care what they look like. Not super smart like Reid."
Alice laughs and looks at the clock 8. Alice says," we need to go get ready."
Penelope jumps in Alice's car and says," back to your place." They drive the 20 mins home stopping for burgers. They both walk into the door. They start eating immediately. Penelope finishes and says," Should I wear a dress?"
Alice says," Morgan would loss his mind. It is so nice having someone so awesome on the team with me."
Penelope laughs and go in to the other room grabbing the two dresses she picked. She comes out in the blue one. Alice says," I love that one so much."
Penelope looks in the mirror and says," I am definitely wearing this one," she pulls his lipstick from the bag applying it. Alice says," you look hot mommas."
She smiles says," Go put on your outfit."
Alice laughs and grabs the outfit. She pick a low cut red shirt and black jeans that hug her figure. She takes a picture in the mirror meaning to send it to Morgan. She comes back out and says," What do you think?"
Morgan says," you look stunning. You should straighten your hair ." She runs in to the bathroom grabbing my straighter. I go to her sitting down as she straightening my hair. After she's finished she says," girl you are about to attract all these men at this club."
Morgan comes in to the apartment with Reid . He yells," Alice you know people kill people for having unlocked door right ?"
She laughs coming out the room with Penelope. Morgan eyes widen and says," You both look amazing."
Alice winks and says," You and Reid look good too."
Morgan says," is that so hot stuff?"
Reid says," you two calm down . No dating at work."
Alice laughs and says," who said we would Date."
Morgan says," Ouch. "
We all pile in to the car after charging our phones. We check the time. 10:30 getting to club at 11.
Morgan says," I'll drive if pretty boy wants to take some shots."
We rush inside to hear Reid lecturing about the long term effects of drinking . Alice makes her way to bar and says," three shots vodka."
Morgan laughs as he watches Reid try to take the shot as Alice and Penelope slam the shot down. Alice heads to the dance floor dancing with some dude. Morgan looks at Penelope and says," Shes the craziest agent we ever had."
Penelope laughs and goes to dance with Alice. Alice checks her phone one text Hotch. Hotch texted," knew you wanted it tease. "
Alice cheeks flush as she realize she sent Hotch the photo she meant to send to Morgan.
Reid comes over dancing after Morgan made him take 3 more shots. Alice dances with Reid and Penelope. She looks up to see a guy giving her some hints .
She waves and heads back to bar leaving Reid and Penelope to dance on the dance floor. Morgan comes up behind her and says," flirting with a random at a bar. Hella dangerous."
Alice laughs then downs another shot. She says," I like dangerous."
Morgan says," You are the best person to join this team. Don't worry about Hotch hes hard to get along with for me too."
She hugs Morgan and says," Thank Morgan."
He laugh as she orders another shot after. The night is a blur. All of us wasted except for Morgan by the end of the night. We leave around 1. Morgan drops everyone home. Alice gets in locking the door. She jumps in the shower still dizzy and gets dressed. She texts Hotch," sorry for not texting back. I was having way to much fun at the club."
Hotch messages back," oh really? In that outfit?"
She smiles texting back while getting dressed . She says," Yes sir. I was dancing with Morgan, Reid and Penelope."
Hotch says," You better be on time and dress appropriately ."
She texts," Why should I? You seem to like when I defy you or are you back with the little wife?"
Hotch texts," Why are you jealous?"
Alice texts," That picture was meant for Morgan. You jealous?"
Hotch says," you know you shouldn't  be tempting your boss like this. "
Alice sighs and says," I don't like rules."
Hotch texts," I know that agent. I could tell when you decided to profile your boss."
Alice texts," you are an asshole what can I say."
Hotch says," an asshole hmm. I saw that on your report. "
Alice falls asleep after setting her alarm for 7:20 am.

Work Affairs A.HOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora