Chapter 12

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Alice says," yeah I have had so much fun."
Hotch mumbles," too much fun."
Morgan laughs and says," Hotch we are having dinner not working a case lighten up."
Hotchs hand slips from her thigh and he says," I am just saying she made some bad calls on the field. "
Jj says," she also saved my life. "
Reid says," shes also got us two confessions."
Hotch says," its not Strauss down your guys neck its mine."
Alice smirks and says," That's why you are so up tight."
Penny says," Alice. "
Gideon rubs his head and says," you guys really can't get along for one second," getting up and leaving the house.
Morgan glares at Hotch and says," you have made mistakes too."
Reid grabs JJ and Penny and says," I think we should go. "  the blonde girls nodding in agreement.
Alice says," Derek it's fine. I am fine."
Hotch looks at both of them and says," dont you think this a tad inappropriate you staying at his house. Imagine if Strauss found out that."
Morgan shouts," nothing is going on between Alice and I."
Hotch says," I guess I'll have to take your word on it Derek."
Alice scoffs picking up the plates looking at the clock ," 10:00."
She says," time for you to go boss man. "
Derek says," I could always talk to Strauss on how you are treating Alice."
Hotch glares at Alice blood shot eyes and says," I am her boss keeping her in line."
Alice touches Morgan's chest pushing him back slightly and says," everything is fine . We will see you tomorrow morning Agent Hotchner. Tell Hayley I say hello."
Morgan backs down and says," good night sir."
Hotch walks out the door clearly pissed off. Morgan locks the door and says," I'll do the dishes. "
Alice says," see he's just a prick. He didn't say one good thing about the food or me."
Morgan says," hes just a hard ass. Just wait this new agent is going to get the same treatment."
Alice says," you need help cleaning up? I want to shower."
Morgan says," I got you girl. We need to be up and on time after this stunt you pulled with Hotch.  I'll make the coffee."
Alice smiles then walks into the room grabbing her pj's so she can take them in to the bathroom. Her phone bings as she shuts the door. The name Hotch comes up. The text reads," You got a smart mouth. Of course the guys on this team would surround you. Probably think you are easy."
Alice texts back," worked for you huh bossman . How many times when you touch yourself because she won't touch you do you think of me ? Probably just jealous."
He texts," Whats to be jealous about ? I already had you . You would love me to touch you again ."
Alice texts back," fuck you Aaron."
Hotch texts," when and where?"
She rolls her eyes and jumps into the shower.
She hears her phone bing as she exits the shower drying herself off. She picks up the phone seeing hotch texted. The texts read," I've been think about you lately."
She texts back," what is your problem sir ? I'll see you in the morning ."
Hotch texts," so you are back to being a tease? Sleeping with Morgan tonight ?"
She gets changed and texts," maybe I am what is it any of your business."
Hotch texts," I am your boss. "
She texts," in the office but nothing else. It's none of your business. "
She runs in to the room slowly falling asleep as she watches One Tree hill. Her alarm goes off at 6 a.m. She sighs getting up to pick out an office button up and a black skirt to match.
She walks out of the room pulling her hair up into a bun. Morgan smiles at her while being shirtless. He says," oo look at you. Following rules miss thing."
She winks and says," you look so good shirtless it should be a crime."
Morgan winks back and says," you are just straight trouble. Messing up my game."
Alice smiles widely and says ," well you are my boyfriend."
Morgan laughs and pulls his shirt on. He says," dont go there baby girl. Dude finally stopped texting me."
Alice says," Thank God. Did you make any coffee yet?"
Morgan says," sorry love and its getting to almost 7. We should probably hit up a place before we go."
Alice grabs his hand pulling him into the car. Morgan drives to a little Cafe 4 minutes from the office around 7:32.
Morgan grabs the orders for the burritos and the coffee
She smiles and says," aw . To the perfect rushed breakfast. "
Hotch texts alice," I apologize for my texts last night won't happen again ."
Alice texts," you are something else."
Morgan smirks getting into the car and says," Who's the guy you are texting?"
Alice says," our boss."
Morgan drives to the office making us 10 minutes early. They throw out the food in the trash. Morgan laughs and says," dont run. Your skirt is pulled up. "
Alice fixes the skirt and says," great I put the really short one on today.  Hotch is going  to love that. "
Morgan walking in hold the door open says," I love it and so does reid. "
Hotch stares down from his office and says," Alice ? A word?"
Alice walks up to the office and says," good morning sir."
Hotch scowls and says," I need you finish all of your paperwork today."
Alice rolls her eyes and says," of course sir," she drops a pencil off the desk then goes to bend down and get it. Hotch groans and says," that skirt is way to high."
Alice laughs and says," good thing you don't get to tell me what to wear."
Hotch remarks," come here. "
She walks over to him skeptically. He smiles and says," I don't tell you what.  Wouldn't be the first time to came to me or on me," he pulls the skirt down.
Her skin burns from his hands. She softly says," you are such a dick."
Hotch grabs her neck and whispers," you love it. Look at you squirming with my hand on your neck. So hot."
Alice pushes him back walking out of the office almost running into JJ. Jj notices his cheeks blushed and says," are you ok?"
Alice smiles and says," i am all good. Just another lovely day with our boss."
JJ laughs and says," oh Alice what did you do this time?"
Alice says," I have to be shadowed and partnered with him."
JJ says," good luck because we have a case," she walks passed her into Hotchs office.

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