Chapter 13

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Hotch says," There must be some connection to these victims."
Reid says," I am starting to think this unsub is at the edge of town but still in this town. There must have been something that snap this unsub. Sudden death ?"
Alice says," What if he watches these people? I was think about it and a computer was found at every scene."
Gideon says," Everyone needs to be going through these files to find out if anyone these victims were going through computer problems?"
Hotch says," these unsubs are clean and are not going to stop."
Penelope shows up on the computer with a horrific facial expression.  She says," another video is up."
Alice grabs the sheriff pulling him into the room. Hotch says," Can you play us the video ? And did you get a trace?"
Penelope says," hes using a scrambler . He must have some remote control over the victim computers because I can't recover anything ."
She plays the video of the latest victim. The unsubs reading out why she's gonna die."
Morgan and Gideon find the address of the girl . They call the company incharge of fixing the computer. The brutal slaughter goes on and on. Alice says," its animalistic. It doesn't seem to be more than one unless the person is behind the camera."
Reid confirms and says," the camera never moves as if it's set to some stand."
Gideon says," if so the profile is ready."
They walk out of the conference room. Hotch and Reid give 30 minutes to give a complete profile. The company stalled Morgan and Gideon to find out any information.
Alice says," Fuck ! This dude never going to give up or get sloppy."
Gideon in the phone says," Another girl went missing."
Hotch says," language walker."
Hotch turns to Gideon and says," We all need to go to that address now. Hes escalating. Walker you are with me."
Alice rolls her eyes and says," wish me luck Morgan."
Hotch aggravated says," Walker now."
Emily and JJ laugh and says," We are going to try to see if we can re talk to the family of victims. "
Hotch pulls Alice's arm out the building. She shakes her arm out his grip and says," You are a piece of shit Aaron."
Hotch teeth grind and he says," Watch your mouth slut."
Alice says," or what ?"
Hotch pushes her up against the car and says," or ill use it."
Alice gets in to the car and puts the seat belt on. Hotch gets into the car grining like he just won something.
Alice plays with her lip and thinks I should mess with him. She let's her hand slide over to middle of hotchs chest as he starts driving.
Hotch warns in a deep voice," Dont."
Alice laughs letting her hand reach the hem of his dress slacks.
Hotchs eyes close for a second and he warns," you are going to be in trouble for teasing me."
Alice smiles while bitting her lip. She whines," oh what's the matter baby? You stressed ? Strauss added Emily to spite you," she let's her hand slide down his pants.
He grabs her hand driving with one and says," Enough!"
His voice edged and his hair now sighting messed up. Alice laughs and pulls out her phone focusing on a bunch of texts she still hasn't answered.
Hotchs hand lands on thigh. He side glances and says," You like getting under my skin huh? You want me to use you? You do this with every boss?"
Alice tries to pull his hand off of her and says," Fuck you."
Hotch pulls over to the house noticing Gideon Morgan and Reid are already there. Hotch parks at a suitable distance. Hotch grabs Alice's face smacking it slightly. He whispers in her ear and says," dont worry baby girl I'll fulfill your desires tonight."
Alice moans trying to hold it in by biting her lower lip.
Hotch says," that's right walker. Your body is for me."
Alice gets out of the car slamming the door. Hotch gets out turning off the car. He says," Watch it Walker show some respect ."
Gideon says," Here comes the argument couple. You guys every get along."
Hotch says," I wouldnt have to argue if she had respect. "
Alice says," or if he would get the stick out his ass."
Morgan bust out laughing with Reid. Reid grabs Alice pulls her into the house. She immediately finds the laptop. She calls Garcia giving her the code to get in. Garcia says," it looks like this computer has another remote connector hes watching you guys. "
Alice hangs it up telling everyone.
Gideon looks into the Webcam and says," we will find you."
The computer remotely shuts off. Hotch says," every crime scene we are at hes watching." He calls the sheriff and the sheriff says," There's another video online.  Calls the girl the whore of Babylon ."
Hotch sighs and says," she has a horrible death waiting for her."
Alice says," ripped to shreads by dogs I think."
Reid gulps and nodded.  Gideon says," we need to get back to the station now." They all pile out of the house in to the Suvs racing to the station.
Hotch frustrated grabbing the wheel way too hard. Alice says," we will get him Hotch."
They are greeted by the sheriff.  He says," The dogs are familiar.  Tobias hankel. A guy reported his dogs for bitting." By this point it was almost 7 o'clock at night. Reid says," JJ let's go talk to him about witnessing a crime. He might be able to tell us where the dogs are from." JJ  and Reid leave to go check out the house. The rest of team working tiredlessly. Gideon says," Morgan, Emily I found the victim of dog bite let's go talk to him ."
40 mins afterthey leave, Gideon calls Alice.  Gideon says," Tobais is our guy. His dad just died. We need to head out there now."
Alice hangs up the phone and says," Hotch we need to go now. He's our guy."
They rush out the station. Hotch drives over the speed limit . Alice complains," Hotch calm down slow down."
He glares at her and says," Both of these agents don't carry a gun.  They are in immediate danger its my job to protect them. I let them down just like Elle. If anything happens."
Alice says," Aaron you can't torture yourself like that. I am so worried to but it's part of the job."
Hotch stops talking pulling up to the place quickly shutting the car off and opening the door. Morgan says," He took Reid. "
Alice eyes swell up with tears. She says," Where's JJ ?"
JJ comes wobbling over. Hotch calls in a medic for the blood. Alice holds JJ . JJ says," We spilt up I went looking and he took Reid. "
Emily kicks the door down with Morgan. They walk into the house looking for any evident. Hotch and Gideon follow them in. Alice takes JJ to the ambulance and says," I am so glad you are ok. I don't know what I would do without you Jennifer. "
JJ says," its my fault.  I should have."
Alice helps the medics pick her up and she says," Shhh. We are going to find him . I promise you."
Alice runs into the house to see Morgan furious and hit the walk. Hotch and Emily working the computers with Penny who was distraught over Reid.  Morgan comes over to Alice pulling her in to a hug. Alice whispers," We will find him ."
Morgan pulls away walking to the living room with Gideon. Hotch says," We need to get any evidence on where he would take Reid. "
The night comes sooner then we expected.  Alice is outside looking at the sky. She thinks if she was there. She should have never pissed off Hotch. She could have helped. What was Reid thinking. Why would he spilt up.

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