An Unforgettable Past

Start from the beginning

"If I fucking see you near her again I swear I'll fucking kill you," Liam says.

"Liam, let's go," Camila says.

She grabs his hand and leads him out of the karaoke bar after Liam grabs his coat from off the floor.

Outside, the two of them speed walk towards Liam's car, the boy getting in the driver's and Camila in the passengers as they just sit there in the slight darkness, in silence.

"What was that in there, Mila?" Liam speaks softly.

"Turn the car on and start driving," Camila says.

The boy takes a glance at the brunette beside him before he does what she says.

On the road, Camila leans her head against the window as she watches the passing buildings and cars outside.

"He was my childhood friend," Camila finally speaks.

"Was? What happened?" Liam asks.

"Shawn was and most likely still is gay. But for some reason, which I know of, he was interested in me," Camila says.

"Is it because you have a dick, right?" Liam speaks.

"Yeah. Anyways one day back in middle school, I'll say eighth grade, I caught him... Watching me change through my closet with a camera, recording me. His parents and my parents were downstairs and when they heard me scream, they came running. My dad pinned him down and took the camera and when he looked into it... We found out that, that wasn't the only time. There was more footage from past times when he recorded me. When I was changing, showering, even times when we had sleepovers and he lowered my underpants so he can see my... Private part," Camila says.

Liam's hands tighten around the wheel, wanting to turn back and beat Shawn to death but he doesn't.

"Thanks for telling me," Liam says.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I was supposed to go to the same high school with him and when I got to y'all's high school, I wanted to start new. Well, at least, without having to worry about my horrible past," Camila says.

"Does Lauren know?" Liam asks.

"Yeah. I told her when we got engaged back in sophomore year. I didn't want secrets between us when we were to be married," Camila says.

"Mhmm. I remember when you guys got married a month after graduating. Didn't your parents want y'all to marry before Grace was supposed to be born?" Liam says.

Camila smiles as she lifts her head from the window. "Yeah, but both Lauren and I were scared so they let us be engaged for two years and let us get married after we graduated," Camila says.

"Okay but about Shawn. You didn't report him to the police?" Liam asks.

"My parents wanted to but I didn't. He was my childhood friend and I didn't want to ruin his life," Camila says.

"You're a loyal one you know," Liam says.

"So I've been told," Camila says.

Finally, Liam pulls up into his driveway, parking the car before the two get out.

Inside, Liam and Camila walk into the boy's home bar as he grabs a whiskey bottle and two glasses while the brunette sits down on one of the couches.

"I'm guessing you need this," Liam says, motioning to the whiskey bottle.

"Yeah, I do," Camila says.

He moves and sits down beside the brunette as he serves a good amount of whiskey in both glasses.

"Can I ask you something, Mila?" Liam says.

"Yeah," Camila says, taking a sip from her glass.

"Did he ever try to..." Liam trails off.

"No, but... He's asked me before if I ever tried it with a boy," Camila says.

"Have you ever?" Liam asks.

"Never. I've never had sex until well... Lauren," Camila says.

"And she's the only one you've ever had it with, right?" Liam takes a sip of his glass.

Camila downs her glass as she pulls her phone out and clicks on Lauren's contact. "Yeah, she's the only one I've ever had it with," She says.

Liam downs his glass and leans over, peeking at the brunette's phone. "You miss her," Liam says. He grabs the bottle of whiskey and refills both of their glasses.

"Yeah, I do. When I went over earlier I... Kissed her and now I've been thinking of her all day," Camila says.

"Go," Liam says.

"What?" Camila furrows her eyebrows.

"You don't have to forgive her yet. Just... Have some fun with her for tonight," Liam says.

Camila looks down at her phone, considering what Liam said before she presses on the call button.

She puts it on speaker so her best friend can hear as it rings and in about the third ring, it stops.

"Hello?" Lauren's voice rings through the speaker.

"Hi, Lauren," Camila says.

"Camila! I didn't think it was you," Lauren says.

"Why would you think that?" Camila asks.

"With everything that happened, I didn't think you'll call me in a good while," Lauren says. 

"Well, I want you. I need you," Camila says.

"Did something happen?" Lauren asks.

"Are the kids home?" Camila asks.

"You know I don't like it when you answer me with a question but no they're not home. They're with my parents," Lauren says.

"Can I come over?" Camila asks.

"Sure," Lauren says.

"I'll see you in a bit," Camila says.

The brunette hangs up as she stands up, downing the rest of her whiskey before setting the glass down on the coffee table.

"See you tomorrow, Liam," Camila looks down at her best friend.

The boy raises his glass and takes a sip. "See you. Have fun," Liam says.

The brunette claps him on the shoulder before walking out to the foyer, grabbing her keys before walking out of the house and over to her car.

Later, Camila pulls up into her house's driveway, parking before getting out.

She walks up to the front door and knocks on it as she waits for it to open.

A minute or two later, the door swings open, revealing Lauren in a bathrobe.

"Camila," The green-eyed girl says.

The brunette steps inside as her eyes roam all over her wife's body, the robe hiding the wonders underneath.

"Lauren," Camila closes the door behind her.

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