Chapter Twenty-One

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November 26th,2021

Alyssa POV:
She is sad about Oliver's death. It makes since I mean they were kinda dating a point. I wipe her tears as we let go of the hug. I'm happy she is letting me hug her again.

Later we go to her house. I was bored and decided to go with her. She didn't care. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Looking for something" "what? I can help you look." "Here it is" she says and pulls out a box. "This would be our year anniversary. I bought these two months ago before they sold out."

She hands me the box and I unwrapping it. It's the shoes I've wanted for the last 4 months. "How they were expensive." "I saved up. And my mom helped a bit." She says smiling.

"Thank you." I say then she hands me a card. "I write this when I got the shoes. Before we broke up so if it says something just ignore it!" She says sternly.

The card reads 'Hey Loverboy, happy one year! I love you so much and you are my Romeo. I bought the shoes you wanted hope they fit. I hope everything is going good with us when you receive this! I love you so much Junior Wheeler, you saved me. - Alyssa <3'

I look up at her. "Happy one year." I say happy. I can tell she isn't wondering if I got her something she is just happy. I love that about her. Even if I didn't give her a thing she is happy.

Well I have something for her but it's at my house. I take off my shoes and put the new ones on. They fit perfect. "They are amazing!" I say smiling.

"Glad you like them." She is so happy. "Well I have something for you but it's at my house." "You remembered?" "It's on my calendar and I got a reminder notification this morning." I say.

We go to my house and then up to my room. "Close your eyes." She turns around and covers her eyes. I pull a huge teddy bear out of my closet and a card. She wanted this bear went we went on a carnival date but she didn't win it. Luckily I found it online for sale.

"Turn around." I say the she does and when she does she gasps. "No. No way is that? The bear from our first date." She walks to it.

I hand her the card. She reads it to herself. I wrote it when I got the bear and I wrote 'Hey Pretty Girl, happy anniversary! This bear is from our first official date. You didn't win him but luckily I found him online! I love you. -Junior♡︎'

"Awh thank you Junior." She says then hugs me. "His name is Jared" she says laughing. "Jared?" "Yup!" "Well nice to meet you Jared." I say to the stuffed animal. "Dude" she says turning my around. "He's deaf." She says then we laugh.

I wanna kiss her but I can't. She took a picture of the bear and sent it to Evelyn. "Alysa,that's not all" she turns around. "Here" I say and hand her a mini box.

She opens it and inside is a ring for her and one for me. "Promise rings." "I love them!" She takes out the one that reads 'his' and puts it on. She puts the ring that reads 'hers' on me.

"I own you now." She says giggling. "Oh really? Look at your ring. You are mine." I say tickling and hugging her from behind her.

She is ticklish and keeps laughing. Her laugh is the best. "Stop" she says while she continues laughing. "Nope." And I kept tickling her.

I stopped and we laughed. I wonder if she missed me as much as I missed her.

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