Part Twelve

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November 1st,2021

Alyssa POV:
I wake up and it's a Saturday. "Hey honey,good morning." "Morning mom." "Hey so we have dinner with the Wheelers." "Why?" "We have one monthly and we skipped last month because of you and Junior but you two aren't fighting anymore, so"

-Time Skip to the dinner-
I walk in and see Jake there. He has been staying here since his dad died. I sit down and look at my phone Evelyn texted me to call her ASAP.

"Mom it's Evelyn please she said it's important." "fine make it quick." "Thank you!" I run from to table and call her while sitting on the stairs.

"You finally called" "I am eating at the Wheelers." "oh, well Junior might wanna hear this then. I am gonna send you a picture." She then sends me a picture of Lexy and Oliver kissing.

"I just saw them and wanted to tell you. It was both their faults I watch it happen. They were on a date." "I gotta go." I say then hang up. I sit on the stairs with my face in my hands.

Then Junior walks out the dining room. "What's wrong. My mom told me to check on you." "Junior uhm." I say as I wipe my tears from my face.

"What happened." "Well Uhm here." I say handing him my phone. "Is that Oliver and Lexy." "Evelyn saw them on a date and sent me the picture." I say as he sits beside me.

"So we both just got cheated on?" He asks. "Basically except I am not dating him." "You wanted to though?" "Planned on it." We sit there. He has tears in his eyes more than I have in mine.

I hug him then see aunt Bree walk in. "What's wrong?" She asks. Junior takes my phone and shows her. "Oh my, Alyssa you were dating Oliver, right." "Kinda" I tell her if I explained it to her she'd be confused so I am not.

"Well you guys are excused from dinner." "Thanks" I say then run out the house. "Wait!" I hear then Junior follows me. I run to where they were.

I see them. Then he does too. He holds my hand. "That's where me and Oliver had our date." "That's where me and Lexy did too." They both took us to there spot for a date.

I start walking home. He follows still holding my hand. "You going to my house." "yep." He says smiling. We get there and I go to my room and turn on tv. He is standing by my desk looking at something on it. "What?"

I ask and go over to him. It's the necklace he got me. "You still have it?" "Of course." I say smiling. Then I sit back on my bed and turn on Netflix.

He sits next to me. "Look" he says then grabs my book that is beside my bed. He grabs it. "Romeo and Juliet." He then smiles. I know what he is thinking about.

"It's overrated" he says looking at me. I throw a pillow at him. "No it's not I am not having that fight again!" I laugh. "You still play guitar?" I ask. He nods "not as much" "why you are good at playing." "I don't know it's just hard now."

"Wonder why" "me two". "What should we watch." "Breakfast Club!" He yells. That's the same thing we watched on my birthday. "I'll get the ice cream." I say then walk downstairs.

Junior POV:
She is getting ice cream. Tonight is just like her birthday. She asked why I don't play anymore. It's because it reminds me of her but she can't know that so I blow it off.

She comes back. "Here you go" she hands me a spoon and sits beside me with the tub of Rock Road ice cream. It's her favorite.

We eat it and then put it to the side. We keep watching the movie and she falls asleep. "Good night, pretty girl." I say then lay down and fall asleep.

Loverboy~J. WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now