Chapter Eight

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October 30th,2021
Juniors Pov
She was out with him last night. I saw them she looked happy. She was blushing. Why was she with him? To make me mad? Or does she actually feel for him? She went home in his jacket.

She is mine. I never believed in soulmates until now. She is my Juliet. I'd die for her. But I am with Lexy, get your head in the game Junior! "Hey Alyssa" I say walking over.

"Hey Wheeler." She says. "Why are you so happy?" I say while putting on a fake smile to seem like I don't know. It's awkward, we don't talk anymore.

"Uhm- well" "you can tell me" "but" she is mumbling and stuttering. She really won't tell me? After everything it's still awkward.

"Look, I know you went out with Oliver." I admit. "I'm sorry, it's just so wierd to count you as a normal friend to talk to about that stuff." "I understand." I say looking up from my shoes.

"Well we have to get to class." "Oh right." We walk to class. They stare at each other all period. I may be with Lexy but I love her more. JUNIOR SNAP OUT OF IT!

"Hey." He says then sits beside her. "Hey" she says smiling then glaring at me. She can tell I didn't want him sitting here. She did have to deal with Lexy. I could deal with Oliver, for her.

There his here in front of me flirting with her. Let's just say he'd be the one six feet under now if looks could kill. I am zoned out thinking about her. Lexy is talking with others at our table not focused on me.

The bell rings and we finish the school day. I can't think of her while I am with Lexy. It's betrayal. Once I get home I look it my drawer. It's a bracelet she made me. It's the same as her necklace but as a bracelet 'J&A'.

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