Chapter Six

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October 23rd 2021

Alyssa POV:
I go to the auditorium and take the seat next to Ev. She got seats right next to Junior, he is on my left side. Then I get a flashback.

September 18th,2021

Alyssa POV:
He was playing me a song he had wrote. It was lovely. "You know the talent show is in a month you should play on stage." I recommend smiling wide.

"In front of everyone, no thanks I'm not that good." We laugh. "But you are!" I yell then put my arms around his neck. I look up at him. "Please for me?" I ask with puppy dog eyes. "How about I'll think about it." "Good enough" he kisses my head.

October 23rd,2021

Alyssa POV:
I feel Evelyn tap me. I jump because I was zoned out. "You okay?" "Uhm yeah I'm okay." I reply. "You were zoned out again." She says then I see Junior look over from our whispering. "I swear I'm fine Ev." "okay" she says settling in her seat.

Once Devon finished playing Piano Lexy pops up on center stage. "Oh god" I whisper to myself I could tell Junior heard me. "You must be so proud Mrs Evans." "I am" Mrs Evans replies after a bright light shines on her.

"Is that Jake Wheeler across from you?" The light transfers to Jake followed by the booing crowd. "Jake what did you think of Devon's performance. After that I didn't care to listen she is annoying as shit.

Then a new voice comes out of the crowd. "Lexy pick on someone your own size" then Jake walks up soon after with a doll. The doll was in Lexys 'Go Fund Me' picture.

He gets on the stage and pulls out Lexys phone. "Lots of pictures of Junior...and Oliver." The dolls says as the light transferred to Oliver.
"Here's Lexys search history." I lean in for this.

"She is Botox curious, she watch's Pokémon p0rn, ooh looky here Jake. It's Alyssa McQueens Instagram link. Followed by a search of how she can be a better girlfriend." The light transferred to me.

Junior looks at me and so does Ev. They were both as shocked as I was. She went to my Instagram to find out how to be a good girlfriend to Junior? Well that got me no where, we broke up.

After the show I am walking home but the Wheelers stop me in their car. "Oh Alyssa you aren't walking home in the cold are you?" Bree is concerned. "Uhm I am it's not to far." I say smiling at her.

"Hop in" before I can reply I jump in the car. It's awkward until she breaks the silence. "So that was wierd that Lexy searched your Instagram." "Uhm yeah I don't know why." I say when I obviously do based off the following search.

She drops me off. "How's your mom doing tell her I said 'hi'" "will do bye aunt Bree." I say then walk inside.

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