Chapter Sixteen

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November 3rd,2021

Alyssa POV:
I wake up and throw on some clothes and do my make up. I go to the bus stop without breakfast. My mom is at work already. The bus stops in front of me.

I sit by Evelyn. I tell her what happened last night and Junior is ease dropping. "You okay" he asks. "What happened with you and Lexy?" I ask him ignoring his question.

He stuttered his words. I know they didn't break up. I turn back around and me and Evelyn don't talk the rest of the way. Once we get there. I go to my locker and get my stuff.

Lexy walks over and kisses Junior. I shut my locker and walk to Evelyn. I could feel his glare while he watched me walk away.

"Well that's weird I thought." "Yeah me too" I texted her about it last night so she knew he wanted to break up with her and be with me but plans changed.

We walk to class after she gets her stuff. Oliver is staring at me. Junior is trying not to, I can tell. I walk out of class and start going to lunch then someone pulls me into a closet.

"Not this again." "What's wrong?" Junior asks. "Maybe the fact that you had a chance and didn't use it last night to break up with her." "Alyssa." "What happened last night? After I left." He just stares at me.

"Never mind then" I say then walk out. "Please Alyssa, I l-" "please don't say you love me" I walk out of school. I go to my house to get my bike.

I get my bike and ride to the lake. I thrown down my bike and sit at the lakes edge. I hear someone and stand up. It's Junior.

"Go away" "please talk to me." "No because you can't even talk to me. WHAT HAPPENED?!" "nothing happened with Lexy." "What did she want?"

"She wanted to go out. On a date and I said 'yes'" "mk then. You're a liar." "I AM NOT LYING!" "Yeah? Why couldn't she text? And you are a liar you said you would break up with her!" "Look-" "I broke up with Oliver and you just can't break it off with her. Why is it so hard?"

"Beacsue I-" "you know what no, I am no gonna hear it. I'm done with you Wheeler."
I say then ride away on my bike.

I wanna go home but I can't. I text my mom that I am with Evelyn. I text Evelyn that I am sick and am contagious so I can't see her.

I go to the cabin in the woods that my mom rented once. It still has electricity. I stay the night there.

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