Chapter 33 : The "Reconciliation" !!!!

Start from the beginning

"You know.....I love you",Tobias says after we break the kiss.

"I know you do......I love you too",I say and see him smile.

"Sure you do.Who can resist such a Handsome,Hot and Happening young man ?",He says flirtatiously.I smile.

"You haven't changed have you ??",I ask still smiling.He is so cute.I love him so much.

"Umm.....No",He says.And grins like an idiot.My Idiot.Tobias Eaton.

"I love you for that.....and many other reasons",I say.

"I love you too Tris.I love you too little baby",He says and puts his hand over my tummy.

He then talks to the baby.Our baby.For a very long time.After which he Kisses my tummy and looks at me.I give him a smile.He smiles back.Gosh !! I love that smile so much !!

He then kisses me on my forehead and says,"Bye Tris.We might have a really long day tomorrow.So....get some sleep.I love you".

"Where are you going ??",I ask him confused.

"My very comfy Bed "The Couch"",He says with a touch of sarcasm putting air quotes around The Couch.

"I lost 2 months of being with you due to my stupidness.Now I want you with me always....Even while Sleeping",I say.

"Ummm....Does that mean you are inviting me to sleep with you on your bed ??",He asks batting his eyelashes flirtatiously.I am glad we don't have that awkwardness that some couples usually have after they've made up following a fight.

"My Bed ?? No.Our Bed",I say correcting him.

"Okay so does that mean you are inviting me to sleep with you on Our bed ??",He says correcting himself putting emphasis on Our bed.

"Ummm....",I begin and pause for a dramatic effect which makes Tobias only more curious.He looks so cute in his curious look.

"Yes.I want you with me.Now.Tommorow and Always.For the rest of our lives.So as you interpreted I am inviting you to sleep with me on Our Bed",I say.I also imitate him by putting emphasis on Our Bed as he did earlier.

"Well.I accept your invitation.......How could I refuse such a Beautiful young lady ?? Who also happens to be the Love of my Life",He says coyly.And grins like an idiot....again !!! I grin too.

He then gets his pillow from the Couch and Climbs in the bed with me.I snuggle close to him.

"One thing I would like you to know is....The Bed is far more comfy than the Couch.God knows how I spent 2 months on it",He says intending it as a joke to be laughed at.

But this only brings tears in my eyes as it resurfaces in my memory that he slept on the Couch only because I would feel uncomfortable if he slept with me......While I was angry with him.The same thought comes into my head again-He did everything for me and I insulted him.This only bring more tears.

"Hey Tris.I intended for it to be a Joke.I am so Sorry if it hurt you",Tobias says and wipes my tears.

"No.......It's Fine.I am Okay",I say.I wanted to tell him the whole thing but it would take a lot of time and understanding so I decided to just let the thought of telling him slide off.

"Sure you're okay ??",He asks.Concern clearly audible in his voice.

"Yup.I am sure",I say and smile convincingly.He seems convinced and he smiles back at me.

"Get some rest Tris.Close your eyes",Tobias says.I nod.

I close my eyes and try to get some sleep but I open them after a few moments.I then see Tobias.His eyes closed.He is trying to get some sleep.Why is life so unfair ?? Why do the people who actually deserved love,appreciation and happiness don't get them ?? Tobias deserves all of it.But still he has only been getting unhappiness and pain since......Childhood.

My thoughts are interrupted by Tobias.His eyes are no longer closed and he is looking at me.

"Not getting sleep ??",He asks me.

"Umm....Nothing that sort",I tell him.

"Scared ?",He asks.Huh ?? Scared of what ??

"Of What ??",I ask him.

"Of the Nightmares",He says.Right !! I totally forgot that I had a horrible Nightmare of Tobias not forgiving me when in actual he ever readily forgave me.

"Umm...Yeah",I say deciding to blame my unsleepiness on my Nightmares rather than my thoughts.Wait !! Is Unsleepiness even a word ?? Chuck it !! Who cares ??

"Sleep Tris.I will fight of the Bad dreams if they come to you",He says.

"How will you do so ??",I ask.

"With my Bare hands of course !!",He says and I laugh thinking of the time when he had told this to me before.Later on He joins in too.

"I love you Tris",Tobias says.

"I love you too Tobias.You are the best thing that has ever happened to me",I say and he smiles.I then switch of the bedside lamp.And try to fall asleep.But this time......Wrapped in Tobias arms.

Needless to say......I fall into a deep sleep.Enclosed in his arms.My Tobias's Arms.

A/N : So that was the end of the Thirty-Third Chapter !!! I am also very Sorry for the Heart attack that you guys got after reading Chapter 32 !!! Finally FOURTRIS :) !!! How was it ?? Don't forget to Leave your comments for me :)





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<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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