Chapter 20

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My parents reversed off the driveway then drove off leaving Jessica and I to run around my bedroom like headless chickens. My heart skipped a beat just thinking about my prison break.

'If something goes wrong; then I am going to be in deep shit,' I constantly told myself.
But the fact that Jessica was with made me feel a little more at ease for some reason.
We checked ourselves out in the mirror before we left.
We triple checked.

"Hold on I just need to make sure that there aren't any appliances left on or else I will really be in shit," I told her.
"That's okay I'll help you, let me get the keys for you," she said.
After scouting out the rooms, we both recieved a text on the group chat from Chad.
Which was our cue.

"Let me grab my bags. I'll leave them in Trent's car while we are at the party," said Jessica.
I locked the door behind Jess. "Are you ready for this?" She asked bursting with excitement. "I guess so ,"I responded.

We walked down to the car and got into the back seat. After getting in, Trent started the car and took off. Jessica was seated behind Chad :who is in the passenger seat.
"Damn girls!" Exclaimed Chad.

"Looking fine! Kourt this is your last chance to show up as my date."
I felt my nerves acting up again and my stomach turn. Remembering what Jessica told me made me feel even worse.
'Please don't throw up. Not here. Not now'.

"As a matter of fact Chad, Kourtney is already going as someone else's date," Trent interrupted.
' What is he going on about?'

"Oh yeah? Who's that?" Chad asked
"She won't tell me , but I know that it's not you," Trent answered.
He winked at me as my eyes met his in the rear view mirror.
'It's not you either,' I thought.

"Oh, burn son!" Shouted Jessica. Chad snickered quietly to himself.
"Is that so?" he turned back to get validation from me. "Yes," I answered without thinking. Chad is cool but he has been pestering me from the time he met me.
"Ayt cool we'll just keep it on a friendly level. For tonight," he smirked then faced the front.

It was a breezy evening. Watching the trees swaying was somehow the perfect distraction for me. I was tempted to tell Trent to turn the car around and that I didn't want to go anymore but I was able to calm down before I could change my mind about the whole. Jessica sang along to the radio and Chad complained about her voice. Trent was surprisingly silent.

We slowed down as we approach a yard that had a few cars parked outside it.
I couldn't tell if we were at the right house because I couldn't hear music and people but the front yard was empty. Trent ,Chad and Jessica jumped out of the car while I stayed in allowing my thoughts to get the best of me. Trent opened my door and held out his hand. "Miss Kidman," he said. I nervously got out of the car and allowed him to escort me.

Jessica and Chad ran inside while Trent gave me a few minutes to prepare myself.

I was stunned by the facade of the huge house.
Trent finger tips gently touched my back and slowly pushed me towards the house.
"You look nice", he finally said. "Thanks," I responded.
"Seriously, I think I might have a problem with being a bodyguard tonight," he smiled devilishly.

'A Bodyguard?'

I stopped in my tracks. "Why? Who are you going to have to ' protect me from'? " I asked sarcastically gesturing air quotes.
"Probably everyone at this party," he answered.

He lead me towards the door. He handled me so much with care; you would swear that I was a priceless antique.
"Maybe even myself," he whispered in my ear.

I'm going to pretend like I didn't hear that. We entered through front door. A huge lounge filled with teenagers, loud music and flashing lights was a bit overwhelming for me, although I imagined that it would be more loud and hectic but I suppose those only applied to college parties. "Let's go out to the back!" Trent shouted above the noise. I followed him through the crowd. On our way out I tried to process what was going on around me. Everyone was laughing and screaming. The furniture was clearly out of place and the floor was littered with red cups.

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