Chapter 17

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“So did you think about coming to the party tomorrow?”
“How did you get my phone number!”
It was a stupid question.
It was obvious that  he got my phone number from Jessica. I was close to telling her not give my phone number out to anyone but a part of me didn't want to. A part of me was glad that I didn't. And I am convinced that a part of me had a hidden reason as to why I a was reluctant about it.

“Never mind. Just please stop harassing me. You’re never going to get me out here! Do you- ”

I stopped as I heard footsteps approach the  room. "Stay on the line and don't say anything," I hissed before leaving my phone under my pillow.

Charlie walked in and took a seat at my desk. He sat on the chair like a typical boy with his arms folded on the chair back. He leaned forward with his chin on the chair back.

“We need to talk,” he said.
“I’m listening,” I lied.

After watching how he walked into the room, I had no interest in the conversation nor did I have any intention to listen. Judging by my attitude, he could tell that I was not the least bit interested. Nonetheless, he went on with it.

“It’s about that kid.”
‘I should have cut the call,’ I thought.
Although, it might be a good thing that I didn't. Maybe Trent needs to hear the upcoming lecture with me.’

“I had the talk in seventh grade; we all did,” I said coldly.
He sighed exasperated. He was obviously looking for the right words to say. I’ll admit, I was  generally a ticking time bomb.

“Once upon a time I was your age-”
“Don't try to compare us. We are two different people, we come from two different generations, and you lived in a situation that was completely different to my ongoing one. It was a long day, I’m exhausted and I don't have the energy to do this.”

Let me   rephrase: I don’t have the energy to keep doing this.’ I said it in the most gentle way possible; except for the rephrase. Tears formed but I fought them.

"Look Kourt I just want to apologize for making you take the bus to school today. I shouldn't have tried to prove a point that way," he explained

Even though I was as cold as ice I was also sweet like honey; believe it or not, I had a soft spot. "It's fine. I'm sorry too." 

Apologizing was the hardest thing for me to do. It was a pill that I could never swallow. It was like admitting that I was wrong and I am someone who can not handle defeat.
He  nodded his head slowly, accepting my apology.

"It's just-. I want you to understand that if you don't know what you are doing then you shouldn't do it. How many times have I told you that?"

Several times. Several. Damn. Times. I heard that line over and over again, but I had never seen it being practiced by the preacher.
But I didn't say anything. Instead, I kept my thoughts to myself and I didn’t make a comment on hypocrisy like I was  itching to.

“I’m sorry.” At that point apologising seemed like the only thing I that I was capable of doing without getting hostile.

Arguing with him would be like going to war again and I did not have the energy nor the patience.
“It’s okay,” he said.
I waited for  him to leave my room before picking up my phone and talking to Trent.

"Let's say I wanted to break out. What would I have to do?"

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