Chapter 18

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It sounded daunting but he successfully convinced me that it  would work and to my surprise he seemed excited about my change of mind. We spent an hour discussing my great escape.

I filled him in on the details about  certain things like which restaurant my parents were planning on going to and he said it was perfect because that restaurant was on the other side of town. “The party is only twenty minutes away from the house,” he said. We roughly estimated the time I would have to be back before my parents. We agreed that Jessica should come to my house after school so that he could pick us up from one point.
He used to drive his dad's car.

After our one-hour phone call, I had finally  take a shower that I had been dying to take. It was a long shower of thinking, but once I was out, I was ready for bed and as soon as I hit my pillow, I fell into a deep dark sleep.

The next morning, I woke up while it was still dark out. It was quite early, but I still got  dressed and ready for school. Time passed and I got through my first two classes. It was all an average morning  ...until  lunch break.

I decided to join Jessica and gang for lunch and as I approached our table with my tray I notice that they were all focused on Chad; who was wearing a pair of sunglasses.
‘Only heaven knows why,’ I thought.

"Kourtney!" They all shouted in sync; all except Trina.

 I was sure  that Trent had told them about plans for that night. He loved to talk so I was not surprised that they all knew.

I shyly smiled as I took a seat between Jessica and Trent. Jessica offered me some of her fries but I politely declined the offer. 

"What's up with Stevie Wonder?" I asked.

The rest of them laughed while Trina continued to eat. I notice that her and Brady have made up since she was sitting next to him  and was also sharing food with him. I also noticed that she was the only girl from the pretty bunch who wasn't afraid to eat.

"Chad bought himself a pair of ' hangover shades' for tonight , just in case his parents are still awake by the time he gets home, " explained Jessica.
"Oh," I responded blankly. ' Hangover?'

"Do you drink, Kourtney?" Trina asked. They all sat in silence waiting for me to answer. 
She really was a pretty little prick.
"No. I do not," I answered, attempting to sound a little confident in my answer.

"Of course you don't," Trina said arrogantly.
She was obviously pleased with herself for asking me that and I could tell that she had just been itching to piss me off since I got there.

"Come on have at least one drink tonight, or even just a sip of mine," Jessica pleaded.

My eyes shifted around the table. ‘Where do kids our age even get alcohol from and how? ’ I asked myself.

"Please,"she begged.
"Jess if Kourt doesn't want to drink you shouldn't force her to," Trent added.
' I wish he had stuck up for me like that when Trina was being bitchy.'

"Why are you speaking for her?" Trina snapped." Are you her dad or something?" 

With Trent's change of tone, I sense that he is starting to lose his patience. The inner dialogue I had with myself along with the conflict around me made me feel incredibly uncomfortable.

"Trina let's keep it short and simple for both of us. If Kourtney doesn't want to drink then Kourtney won't drink. Now you can worry about Brady sticking by you tonight and leave Kourtney alone."

" Excus-" Trina began. It seemed like she had a lot to say but Trent silenced her
"End of discussion," he added.
And just like that we were all silenced.

"He's right. I shouldn't pressure you into doing something you're not comfortable with. I'm sorry Kourt I'm just so excited that you're coming," said Jessica.

"It's okay Jess."

"Trina and I will meet you guys there," Brady said, changing the topic.
It's almost as if there was smoke in the atmosphere from all the gunshots that were fired across the table.
And watching Trina pout was most satisfying.

Although, it didn't last long because Brady started to whisper in Trina's ear then all of a sudden they both start snogging off. They had a very interesting dynamic going on.

'Not my boyfriend' She said? So then I guess she kisses all the guys she associates herself with.
But I kept that to myself and slowly sipped my Cola.

" Where were you this morning?" Trent asked, redirecting all attention to me. 

' Nosy.'

"My dad dropped me off at school today and as soon as I got here the bell rang so I went straight to homeroom " I explained.

"So daddy's little girl loves daddy again," he teased.
"Oh shut up."
I playfully shove his shoulder and we both laugh. 

"So Kourt have you decided?" Chad asked, interrupting me and Trent.
I was kind of hoping that Chad would have forgotten about the date thing.
'Could he not all someone else.'

"Chad this is first party so I think I'll just go ...solo.  For ...experience."
Thank God I was good at improve.
Chad was not really offended and it was clearly evident through his apathetic feelings toward the rejection.

"Okay. It's cool. I'll let you learn the ropes first," he said.

‘Great. I could learn the ropes and never ever date you.’

The bell rang for  the next lesson bringing our ' meeting' to an end. I was starting to become sceptical about the people I was sitting with. The pretty bunch wasn't really  friend material and some of Jessica's friends seemed... ‘Off.

The rest of my day  passed  by swiftly and as soon as p.m. registration was over , Jessica and I went down to her locker to collect her things. Her cosmetics bag was small enough to fit into her backpack, so my parents wouldn't see her walking in with it.
Compared to Trina; Jessica dressed more decent.  She dressed her age but never went overboard with the make-up or the skanky clothing.

My parents weren't too hesitant about Jessica's visit. I guess it was because  I was bringing Jessica over instead of going to her house.

"So what's up with Chad?" I ask as we left the school.
"Full on player," she snickered.

No surprise there. I had several questions about each of them and    Jessica was not hesitant to  spill the tea.
"Yeah. I've known Chad since eighth. grade. He's not ready for a relationship," she laughed.
" He does seem  immature."

"Yep, all the girls go crazy over him though. By the way, don't be to hard on him because his parents are going through a divorce.”

‘ Didn't expect to hear that.’
“Brady and Trina aren't really dating. They're just fuck buddies.”
‘ I guess I sort of expected that.’

I wanted to hear more but my dad had pulled up into the schools parking lot.
“We'll finish this later,” she laughed. “ wait until you hear about Trent.”

We both got into my dad's car and took off.

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