Chapter 5

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That biology lesson was pathetic.

Have you ever went into a lesson expecting to learn so much from someone who surely has a degree in the subject that they specialise in but instead you  came out questioning everything that you thought you knew about that subject, asked yourself if the teacher knew what they were talking about or simply just wanted to know if you could get a refund from the school?

Not only was 'Mr Terry' a pest but he was also a quite a useless teacher. Poor communication skills, arrogant, impatient and often mentioned irrelevant things.

So what did I have to do that year and the year after?

I had to watch YouTube videos, do further research and I had to teach myself biology. We were always relieved to hear the bell at the end of every lesson. Some students started study groups and cooperated in trying to make sense of the textbooks together. Until one faithful day; he had announced his retirement.

In our freaking senior year.

At the end of that lesson we all packed our bags and got ready to leave.
"Jessica, do you know where the art class is?" I asked her before leaving down the aisle  "Uhh, it's below this class and two doors to the right, it's not hard to miss because it has lots of paintings on the outside walls," she answered while packing her bag and running to her next lesson.

I have been in love with sketching, painting, sculpting and crafting from the age of seven. I took pottery classes in kindergarten but I didn't know that it would be my passion. My parents had their concerns about me taking it up as a school subject and became even more concerned when I told them that I wanted to major in it. They considered it to be more of a hobby and saw it as an unnecessary subject. They also used to get a little disturbed when they saw my sketch book with all the depressing sketches in it, but they didn't know that those sketches were a form of self-expression.

Well at the time they didn't know that it was.

I wouldn't say suffered from depression, I just felt that living a simple routine was a waste of time. It lead me to a point where it was hard to fit in with people my age because I didn't get live the way teenagers my age did. It made me feel left out. Being negative was not something that just came naturally. It developed over time and got worse once I experienced the loss of an important family member.

It was a little ridiculous for my parent's to expect me to find the end of the rainbow in my bedroom. Staring at those four walls just brought misery, but I kept my emotions to myself and most of the time I tried to ignore my feelings.

'One more year then I'm out,' is what I constantly told myself to ease the pain. My smile was just a facade and my mind was a dark, bitter place.

I left the biology room and followed Jessica's instructions. I took my time since my next class was not that far and the hallway was not as crowded as it was after a.m. registration. Most of the kids in this school were very laid back, it was almost as if they didn't care.
And after having spent two years in that  I think it's safe to say that they never did.

I noticed that some students were looking at me in a very strange way then after whispering amongst each other they start grinning.' Is there something wrong? Do I look out of place? Is it my outfit?'

But I should've known that physical appearance wasn't everything and if I could time travel, I would've went back to tell myself what the real reason for their act of madness was really about.

I continued to walk to a door that was covered in beautiful artwork. Jessica was right about the art class. There were so many beautiful artworks outside and inside the classroom. The class was way different from the biology room. There were double desks joined together to place two people next to each other kind of like my homeroom but with bigger desks. I didn't regret taking visual arts as one of my classes then and I most certainly do not regret it now even though what I'm Currently doing doesn't necessarily involve art.

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