Chapter 33

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'Cadillac's Grill'...
Just like I had suspected it was retro themed.
Music was playing from a jukebox; waitresses were dressed in an aesthetic 80s uniform and some on roller blades. Trent chose a table near a stage where band equipment was set up which I found to be interesting. We were the last to leave school yet the first to arrive at the restaurant. I couldn't understand why but I assumed that Brady took a longer rout. 

It started to get hot, so I took my jacket off before entering the restaurant. Thankfully I did.

"Why are they not here yet?" Jessica asked. She seemed chatty and restless, but I assumed it was because she was hungry and annoyed that we still had to wait for the others. "Wow it is so hot," she said while fanning herself with the menu. "You guys look so cute let me take a pic of you." she took Trent's phone off the table and held it up Infront of her. Trent and I looked at each other. We smiled because we were both thinking the same thing. "Look at the camera!" she commanded. Trent moved his chair a little closer to mine then put his arm around me. 

When he smiled, his eyes smiled. 

"So adorable!" She squealed after taking the first one.

My smile faded when I noticed Trina and company approach our table. Trent and Brady joined two tables together to accommodate the rest of the group. Once everyone settled, we ordered our food and drinks. Everyone ordered. Including Trina and Shannon. Trina had a light meal. At the time I didn't realise that Trina only ordered because she didn't want to be the only person at the table without a meal. At first, I thought it was just cheat day for them, but after Shannon asked the waitress for extra cheese on her cheesy pizza I found it to be a little strange. 

I didn't think into it though. I just ignored it.

We were like one big happy family. We had multiple conversations going and there were laughs. I was starting to feel comfortable until our drinks were served. 

"Guys, I would like to make a toast," Trina announced as she raised her can of fruit juice. we each raised our drinks in anticipation. "To our MVP. I know that Kristine would've wanted to be here to celebrate your win with you."

That was deliberate. I knew that it was because she looked me dead in the eye after everyone cheered.  

Trina was clearly pleased with herself and unfortunately, I only made her feel more empowered when I started to show subtle signs of discomfort. It wasn't about a guilty conscience; it was about Trina constantly feeling the need to guilt trip and from that moment I started to sense that it was more than about Kristen having a crush on Trent. I was then convinced that I had absolutely nothing to do with Kristen's passing.  It was beyond a high school crush.

At least not Kristine's high school crush.  

Trent noticed the shift in my mood, and I noticed his concern. He spoke less and slowly lost interest in whatever the group was going on about. "You okay?" he asked. 

"I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back," I got up left the table. I was filled with both anger and anguish.

I trailed off to a hallway that was kind of dark, but the bathroom was so cool and vintage. I didn't really need the bathroom. I just needed to calm myself down, so I stood in front of a sink and just stared at myself in the mirror. A girl wearing our school's sports t-shirt came out of one of the stalls and washed her hands at the sink next to me. I watched her reflection in the mirror. She smiled then greeted me.

"Kourtney, right?" She asked.

Of course. How could I forget about the reputation that I had to uphold?

"I'm Zoella." she said nonchalantly.

"Cool. " I nodded. "I had a friend named Zoella then I moved."

Bringing that up was a bit awkward, mainly because it led to an awkward conversation.  
She closed the tap then leaned towards the mirror to touch up her eyeliner. "Thats so sad. Do you guys still keep in touch, or would you go back to visit her?" she asked.

That friendship ended for many reasons but none of those reasons had nothing to with me moving away. She was had a bad character that lacked moral values. I just stuck around her because I thought she was fun and down to earth. But that can also be mistaken for disrespect and a malicious personality. Zoella Mathews

"Not at all," I answered. "Going back to old bad friends often leads you back to old habits," I responded. 

"Wow, words of wisdom." She put the lid of her eyeliner over the nib then slipped the pencil into her pocket. "I don't want my girlfriend to get suspicious. See you around, Trent's girl." She left me alone in the bathroom.

I didn't expect that, but then again it didn't really phase me.

I rinsed my hands then covered my eyelids before leaving the bathroom. I didn't expect to find Trent waiting for me in the hallway. He took my hand and led me to end of the hallway where a long mirror was hung on the wall. 

He held both of my hands. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing at all," I answered. He was tall so I had to stand on my toes to kiss his cheek.

Trina and Kristine's drama was none of my business and from that say onwards I learnt to ignore the 'Kristine rumour' every time Trina tried to bring it to my attention.  He seemed a bit puzzled by my change of mood, but he refrained from questioning it. 

"Okay, Carpe diem I guess," he shrugged.

"Whatever the hell that means," I smiled. "Let's go back, I'm starving." 

 Once again, I was enthusiastic about life beyond my bedroom window.

We ate and continued with a casual conversion that didn't have any vile intentions. We all paid for our own meal then prepared to leave. As I got off my chair ...

I turned into a waitress on rollerblades, who accidentally spilled what seemed to be a strawberry daiquiri on my white t-shirt.

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