Chapter 9

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Trent looked out the window and I looked the other way. I hated awkward silences. "Do you want me to close the window?" He asked. You read my mind.

"Please do," I answered.

A minute more of silence was observed. I was not a fan of awkward silences. I suppose the 'extrovert' in this 'ambivert' couldn't stand awkward silences. Somewhere within me, I finally found the courage to ask something that I had been hesitant to ask:

"Do you play football?"

After hearing myself, I could only imagine what could have possibly went through his head: Creepy, weird, bizarre, crazy, cheek and ...

But hey; I was desperate for a conversation.

His smirk did not make things any better. "Yes. I do, how did you know?" He asked. "Uh- just a hunch."  I answered as if I couldn't sound anymore creepier. I suppose being observant was a blessing and a curse. But I think my mouth that was the real problem.
It always was and up until this day, my husband believes that it still is.

"I don't like to brag about being on the first team nor do I show off by wearing the school jacket," he explained. "You'll soon find out who I'm talking about."

The truth is, I didn't know which group I was really part of. I spent the first half of lunch with the pretty faces then the second half with Jessica and squad. ' Maybe they just felt bad for me because it's my first day. Do I still need to go through initiation? May-'

"You're quiet again," he said, interrupting my thoughts. "And that's a problem." The smile followed by his indirect demand for a conversation allowed me to feel more comfortable. At least I  wasn't the only one with a desire to engage in a conversation . "Go on. I'm listening." He sat back and closed his eyes. He crossed his arms as he waited for me to say something.

"Are you always this witty?" I asked.
"Not always. Most days."
"Do you guys always go to parties?"
"Often," he answered.
"Is Trina always bitchy?"
Not only did that question shock Trent but it also shocked me out of my comfort zone. He opened his eyes and sat up with an enormous grin.

"What?" he asked, sounding merely excited.
"You heard me." The bus slowed down and eventually stopped for Trent and me to get off.

"You really got no filter, do you?" He got up and I followed him off the bus. ' What is that supposed to mean?'

"Nope I just speak my mind," I added firmly. We stepped onto the sidewalk. I didn't know my surroundings.
' We still need to walk? Why couldn't the bus drop us off right in front of my yard?'
I was not use to walking around in unknown places without my parents however the scenery was familiar. I remembered the area from the drive to school that morning.

"Hey, is it cool if I stop to get an ice cream cone along the way?" He asked as we stepped off the bus.

' Is this guy serious? Does he not understand how my life works?'
He somehow sensed my panic and read my thoughts.
"I won't take long I promise. Besides, if your parents wanted you home straight after school, why didn't they come and pick you up?"

He made an excellent point. I nodded and we continued to walk. "What's the deal with your folks anyways?" he asked, trying to keep our conversation going. "Nothing they're just..." I let out a sigh.

We came to a beat up white van that was parked next to the curb. I young guy stood by a window dressed in casual clothes. I expected him to wear a uniform or at least a hat as a way of indicating that he serves ice cream but the the rusting van covered with a few ice cream stickers was the next best clue.

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