Chapter 30

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We walked up to the school gate together like two giggling five-year-old girls.  She nagged me to go to his next match. I did consider it, but I didn't anticipate attending knowing what my life was like.  After getting into the car with Jessica, my knowledge on my situation took a very interesting turn. 

My mother offered to take Jessica home and to be honest it was little awkward at first, but Jessica managed to break the ice. Sort of. 

"Mrs K?" she asked sweetly and innocently. "Could I take Kourtney to watch the football match at our school this Saturday? I promise that I won't let anything happen to her."

I had a funny feeling in my stomach and the car got stuffy, so I let down my window to take in deep breathes. At some point in our lives, we all had that one friend who had more guts than the rest of us.

My mother remained silent for the longest time. "What time does the match start and end?" she asked.

"Well, we'll need to be at the school before eight a.m. because the school will be packed. I'm not sure about the exact time it will end but I will defiantly bring her back before midday."  I found that hard to believe. I have never attended many sports matches before then, but I was almost too sure that Jessica knew what time the watch would end. "I'm okay with that," my mother responded. 'But...?'  I thought to myself expecting her to thoroughly go over a list of rules and regulations. Whenever I wanted permission to do anything she would always tell me that she will be okay with it if my father gave me his approval first but for some reason it didn't seem to work out that way. After waiting for a counterattack, I sat back in my seat then exchanged smiles with Jessica's reflection in the side mirror.

" Will that tall boy be playing in this match?"

Sudden discomfort retuned and I could tell by Jessica's reaction that she felt the same. She froze like a deer in headlights. My mother had some idea of what was really going on and something that I wish I had known when I was younger is that parents always know even when we think they don't.  

"Was I not supposed to know that he'll be there?"  She had a devious grin on her face but despite that, she was okay with the arrangement that Jessica and I were trying to make. "Don't worry, I'll take you", She said. 

And just like that. I started to see silver linings.

My afternoon was pretty much the same as every other afternoon but unlike every other afternoon I was eager to do my daily after school routine. I was filled with so much excitement that I didn't have a care in the world. Until of course... 

Natalie decided to give me phone call. 

I didn't want to let anything make me have second thoughts or ruin anything for myself, so I just watched the phone ring on my bed until she stopped trying to reach me. Avoiding her call didn't help because I started to imagine the possible reasons for her call. In the end, the 'what if questions' stirred up anxiety.  


School was different the next day and I knew why. I had a feeling that Trent's teammates spread the news before the news could even be confirmed and I had a feeling the Natalie called to hear it for herself.   

Some girls were friendly and knew who I was, while most girls gave me hate glares. Guys tried not to stare for too long. I was amazed by all the attention I was getting and realising that I was yet again, the hot topic made me somewhat paranoid.

It then become clear to me how big Trent's reputation was and how almost everyone was invested in his business. I brushed it off and attempted to care more about school more than some silly high school drama. 

Honestly speaking; lunch was something interesting to look forward to.

Trina and Shannon decided to grace us with their presence. I remember seeing the both of them on either side of Trent as if they plotted the worst as soon as the news reached their ears. I could tell that they were done grieving and obviously found Trent to be so amusing. Undefeated, I approached the table with my tray. 

"Trent there's Kourt!" yelled Jessica. She seemed the most excited to see me.  

I greeted everyone then looked around the full table. Trent stood up with his tray and his jacket. "We'll see you guys later." I was a little confused at first until he kissed me then said; "let's go sit at that table."  'That table' was further away and was in a less crowded area.

It was the best lunch break I have ever had regardless of the million pairs of eyes I had glued to me. It was nice to have a mature conversation with someone who was prepared to listen to everything that I had to let out. 

While Trent went on about what happened at practice, I couldn't help but look over his shoulder to peer at the table we usually sat at. Chad did not look too pleased. I understood why and a small part of me did feel a little guilty for no reason. "Are you okay?" Trent asked, noticing that I was distracted.  I didn't want him to worry too much about it, so I shared some news that I knew he wanted to hear. "I get to watch you play this Saturday," I smiled. It was worth seeing him smile and it then become clear to me how important it was.

"They're watching us, aren't they?" Trent asked. 

I looked over his shoulder again to find our friends watching us intently. They immediately looked away as soon as Trent turned around. We watched them pretend for a bit.  He exhaled then turned back. It makes sense to me now that his exhale was more of a sigh, and it wasn't a good thing. I didn't know what I was getting into until it all happened. 

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