Chapter 34: The Weak and the Strong - A Hymn of Trust

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My God, My God, why have you made me
the perfect victim?
See my enemies close in around me
like lions...
they chose me because 
it's the nature of a predator to find
the most vulnerable - 
the weakest -
or the one the others forgot.

I have always rejected any form of violence
in any situation...
over time I became the embodiment
of the perfect prey.
But I thought it was your way -
your chosen role for me.
I thought I would earn some special place,
because of the role that you appointed to me,
certain of guaranteed protection by You,
sheltered by your wings
Because I was not protected by the world,
by those I trusted. 

While others can rely on their own skills,
abilities, weapons, and strength, I thought I 
was a different child of yours,
set apart for some purpose only you completely understood.
I thought my weakness
and my vulnerability
(served a purpose)
had earned
me a special place in your eyes - 
special protection.

I could have sought out weapons.
Maybe I should.
I could have trained with warriors...
we need our heroes...
But to me, Lord,
you've assigned a different role -
with a purpose only you fully understand.
I am not weak, vulnerable, and powerless
with your protection.

Surely you have seen, Lord!
You've seen my enemies
and the predators - 
lions that stalk me.
And many evil people
have sought my destruction!

Vindicate me, Lord!
Strike down my enemies!
Let those who seek my life
my suffering,
be brought down by their own devices
and I will continue to follow this path
which you've set for me.

Tell me it's not too late.

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