Chapter 25: Lost

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How could I have gotten
so lost?
I thought I recognized where 
I was going...

Until it hit me,
that I didn't know where
I was heading
or what read I was on -
it was dark...
the road signs
made no sense.

So I drove faster
and faster,
"Eventually something 
will make sense,"
I thought.

Fear began to rise
in me,
and existential fear
of total isolation
and more.
Heart racing...
sweaty palms
and bedsheets.

It's just a dream...

So, I decided to get off
the road I was on,
to turn down another road.
It was a bizarre choice
there was nothing familiar
about this road, 
unto which I was turning.
I had no idea where
it would lead - 
some vague and unknown
instinct told me to turn.

I've had this dream
more than once.
I try to think about its meaning
adding my commentary
as an observing voice
in the dream.

The last turn
before I wake up...
I would never have taken the turn
if anything at all
about the road, I had been on
was at all familiar
and if I had not been
so desperately and passionately
scared and lost. 

I always wake up
shortly after making the turn
because instead of relieving my fear
I begin to feel
even more terrified -
a sense of foreboding.
an even greater existential fear
then I had known previously -
my heart racing.

I get the thought,
even in the dream state,
"No, I cannot face THIS"
and so I wake up.

Yet there's no resolution,
never a coming to understand
how I have gotten
so lost.

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